Chapter 28

After taking the speech from Madeleine, Roger glanced at it for a while, and then frowned.

There is no doubt that the speech that Madeleine gave to Roger was all about things related to the strategy of the Water Group.

In the name of God, tell the public that superheroes go into national defense as a matter of course.

Even the speech draft listed the names of several flight attendants and two captains who died in the hijacking incident, and told everyone that if superheroes were in the Ministry of Defense, it is likely that this situation would be avoided.

It can be said that the things that can be used are used to the extreme.

After reading the speech, Roger looked up at Madeleine and asked:

"I really want to say this?"

"Of course, this is the fatal blow we have given those congressmen. After this time, no one will stop us. You will have more fans and higher popularity. You can do whatever you want in the future! "

Madeleine spoke to Roger in a very gentle tone.

The Walter Group's plan up to now is at the most critical time, and people from the motherland are needed to complete this most critical link, so now as long as Roger agrees to Madeleine's request, no matter what Roger proposes to the Walter Group in the future As long as they don't harm the interests of the Water Group, they can agree to anything.

Roger heard the meaning from Madeleine's words, and he suddenly asked half-jokingly:

"Including changing my hero outfit?"

Madeleine took a deep breath and said, "As long as it's not too much, it's fine."

"it is good."

Roger nodded seriously to Madeleine, then put away the speech, and said to Madeleine: "Apart from this, is there anything else?"

"One more thing, you need to see a psychiatrist."

"Huh? Why?"

"It's just a regular psychological checkup. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Madeleine smiled reassuringly.

Roger narrowed his eyes slightly to look at her, and finally smiled and said:
"Okay, I have no problem."


"This gesture means to eat... This is... go out? Go out to eat?"

At the home of Maeve's ex-girlfriend Irina, Maeve communicates with Kimiko by relying on the sign language she learned during this time.

Now she already knew the girl's name, which was written down on paper by the girl using the English she had learned recently.


Just call Himiko.

Looking at the sign language that Kimiko gestured to her, Maeve probably understood what she meant. She wanted to go for a walk and eat something outside.

After Maeve understood, she said to Himiko:
"No, not for now, there are bad guys looking for you outside, we can't let them find out."

Hearing Maeve's words, Kimiko stared at her blankly, and then began to make gestures.

It's just that the meaning of her sign language was too complicated this time, and Maeve didn't understand it.

Just when Maeve was about to ask, Roger's voice suddenly sounded in her ear:

"She wants to go home and find her brother."


Maeve was frightened by Roger's sudden appearance. She quickly looked back and saw Roger who came to Irina's house at some point.

At this moment, Roger is not wearing the suit of the motherland, but ordinary casual clothes and a peaked cap, with glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking like a harmless civil servant.

Seeing him like this, Maeve calmed down the feeling of being frightened by Roger just now, and asked Roger:
"Can you understand what she said now?"

"Maybe I can understand a little bit. During this period, my progress in learning sign language is a little bit faster than yours."

"Then she said she was going home, do you know where her home is?"

Maeve asked suspiciously.

Himiko's identity is a mystery to her. She doesn't know who she is or where she used to live, so when she said she wanted to go home, she didn't know what to do.

Roger looked at Kimiko who was full of expectation in his eyes, and said in a low voice:
"I don't know where her home is, but I know... where she comes from."


"...Let's go out and talk first."

Roger told Himiko to stay here obediently, and then he and Maeve came to the rooftop on the top floor of the apartment and said to Maeve:

"Didn't you always want to know how the Voight Group turned her into a superhuman?"

"Will you tell me now?"

Maeve asked back.

She wanted to know these things before, but she never had a chance to ask, and Roger was not very willing to tell her, so Maeve kept this question in her heart.

But now, Roger seemed willing to tell her the truth.

Nodding to Maeve, Roger exhaled and said:

"You should be mentally prepared by now, so it's okay to tell you. The reason why the Voight Group can turn people into superhumans is because they have a potion called 'Compound No. [-]'."

"Compound No. [-]...?"

"That's right, they inject this medicine into the young child's body to awaken the superpower. You, me, and all the superhumans in this world are not born with it."

Roger briefly talked about what the Water Group did.

Maeve stood there without saying a word for a long time. Although she had made mental preparations in advance, when she actually heard this, she still found it incredible.

Roger waited for a while to let Maeve digest the news, and then he said:

"I lied to you about something before."


"The person who brought Himiko to the United States was not the Water Group, but me..."

Roger turned to Maeve and said:

"To be more precise, it is the people of the motherland. He wants to let superheroes enter the Ministry of Defense and make Madeleine's plan succeed, so he secretly took part of the No. [-] compound from the Water Group and distributed it to the world. terrorists, making them supervillains, so that the Vought Group has a reason to let superhumans enter the national defense.

"Kimiko used to be a member of the terrorists. The people of the motherland brought her here just to let her come out to cause damage at the critical moment, and when the time comes, he will play the scene of the hero coming. In this way..."

"If the Ministry of National Defense disagrees, it must agree."

Queen Maeve speaks the rest of Roger's unspoken words.

Roger nodded slightly.

Once the terrorists turn into superhumans to wreak havoc, the plan will become an outright conspiracy.

Even if the Ministry of National Defense knows that the Vote Group may be behind this, but without evidence and with the support of the public, they can only hold their noses and agree to the conditions of the Vote Group.

And when the time comes, the native of the motherland will be the number one superhero in the world, and his reputation will surpass anyone else, becoming the god of the new era.

Hearing such shocking news, Maeve paced back and forth on the rooftop, she would rather not know about it, after all, she is no longer the little girl who dreamed of being a hero.

But now that she heard this, even if she wanted to stay out of it, it was impossible. Roger told her all the news, and she was already on Roger's side.

"You... you are telling me this now, what are you doing?"

Barely suppressing her shock, Maeve asked Roger.

Roger exhaled lightly and said:
"No way, the Water Group found out that I was wrong, Madeleine called me over today, saying that she wanted me to see a psychiatrist.

"But seeing a psychiatrist is fake, and it is true to test whether I am from my motherland. I know that the group has our psychological profilers. During this period of time, my performance is completely different from that of people from my motherland. The psychological profilers must have found something wrong. I don't know how much the Water Group knows and how they will deal with me, but I have to plan for the worst, so..."

Roger said to Maeve seriously: "I need a teammate, Maeve, are you willing to help me?"

"help you with what?"

"Help me overthrow the Voight Group."


Hearing Roger's purpose, Maeve froze again.

It suddenly occurred to her that Roger might be crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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