Chapter 37 Super Terrorist

In the Water Tower, Roger sat on his main seat, and Shen Hai next to him rubbed his hands anxiously, looking at Roger from time to time.

"People from the motherland...I...I really...I have already apologized to Xingguang, why did she do this...Why did she! God!"

Deep Sea held his head.

Since Roger asked him to apologize to Xingguang last time, he always avoided Xingguang when he saw Xingguang. He was afraid that he would make Xingguang unhappy, so he went to Roger to complain again.

After such a long time, Shenhai felt that Xingguang had forgiven him, so he didn't take this matter to heart, but now Xingguang suddenly told the truth, and Shenhai was caught off guard.

Shen Hai fell into a deep panic for a while, he was worried that his reputation would be damaged, and he was worried that he would be expelled from the seven-man team.

Roger looked at the remorseful and panicked Shen Hai, exhaled slowly, and said to Shen Hai:
"Find an opportunity to apologize to Xingguang in public."


Shen Hai raised his head with his eyes wide open:

"No...I can't do this, and now she hasn't said my name, I...I still have a chance, I...I can go to Madeleine...go to the PR department! They are not the best at dealing with this kind of trouble ?"

"It's different now, Deep Sea, most of the company's heroes are caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, and do you know who is the purest person among them? That's right, it's Xingguang."

Roger picked up the remote control to control a screen in the conference room, calling up most of the photos and information of Starlight on it, and continued:
"Compared with us, this child really wants to be a hero. She will not hurt others easily, and will not show false smiles to fans who like her. She has the purest dream. This is the group's breakthrough in public opinion. One of the breakthroughs of...

"However, now this 'pure hero' has been sullied by someone."

Roger talked about someone and looked towards the deep sea.

Shen Hai panicked and shook her head: "No... I... I didn't mean it, she... She said she was my fan, so I..."

"That's not why you insulted her."

Roger patted Shen Hai on the shoulder:

"I know that you have low self-esteem in your heart. You feel that your abilities are too weak, and that your body is disgusting. I have been trying to change your mentality for so long... But these are not reasons for you to bully others.

"What you did wrong is what you did wrong, no matter how many times you apologize, what you did can't be changed, so now the only thing you can do to save your image is to admit it in public and apologize to Starlight. "

"But... the Sevens..."

Deep Sea didn't want to leave the Sevens.

Now that superheroes are so popular, the Seven is the top group in the world. They can receive countless endorsements every year, and can earn money that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime.

But once Shenhai exposed this and left the seven-man team, Shenhai would have to pay for those endorsement fees, and there would be no future to speak of in the future.

Seeing that Shen Hai was obsessed with obsession, Roger shook his head regretfully, and Shen Hai continued unwillingly:
"I can still go to Madeleine, she...she will find a way..."

"That may have disappointed you."

Roger pointed to the door of the conference room, and Madeleine walked in with the document, and said to Shen Hai:

"I agree with the proposal of the people of the motherland, Shen Hai, you go and prepare. Ashley has prepared an apology for you, and you can just say it yourself when the time comes."


When Shen Hai wanted to say something else, Madeleine said mercilessly:

"Because of your behavior, the group's stock has dropped to the lowest point in history. I didn't completely expel you from the Water Group. I have already shown mercy. So don't try to negotiate conditions with me and do what you should do. "


Shen Hai left in a daze, Madeleine shook her head as she watched his back, but quickly ignored him, pushed the documents she brought to Roger and said:

"Now our situation is very passive. Some people are secretly spreading rumors about us, but we can't catch anyone. More importantly, now that the transparent person is dead, we can't tell how he died."

Roger didn't look at the file that Madeleine pushed to him, he looked up at Madeleine and asked:

"So what are you going to ask me to do? Perform another 'Descent of the Son' on stage? No one will believe this anymore, especially the people in the Ministry of Defense."

"No, the Ministry of Intelligence has just received new news that terrorists with superpowers have appeared abroad."


Roger shrank his pupils, sat up straight on the surface calmly, and asked Madeleine:
"A terrorist with superpowers?"

"That's right. Although not many people know about it yet, it is certain that such terrorists exist. This is our chance."

Of course, Roger knew about the existence of super-powered terrorists, which were created by the people of the motherland.

He originally planned to find an opportunity to deal with these terrorists in the next few days, but he didn't expect that these people would be discovered by Walter first.


In other words, the Water Group has already discovered it, but it has not been announced because these things are not in line with the strategy of the Water Group.

But now under the pressure of public opinion, the Water Group has no choice but to take these things out.

The best way to divert the attention of public opinion is to find a news that is even more explosive than the current public opinion to replace the current 'rumors' that are flying all over the sky.

"So where is that terrorist... now?"

Roger asked quietly.

Madeleine called up a video in the conference room and said:

"There was a mastermind behind the hijacking last time. Members of the SEALs went to arrest the mastermind, but..."

Following Madeleine's words, everything on the screen appeared in front of Roger.

The content of the screen is that a team of SEALs is pressing towards a house. They entered the house and found the mastermind. As a result, a strong light suddenly erupted from the mastermind, and then the whole house was blown to pieces!

All commando members died, but the terrorist walked out of the flames unharmed.

That's what the video is all about.

Looking at the content in the video, Roger couldn't help rubbing his cheeks.

There is no doubt that the terrorist in the picture is from the hands of the people of the motherland. The mess left by the predecessor, the advantage that Roger finally gained was once again regained by the Water Group.

"So you want us to deal with this terrorist? Without the order of the Ministry of Defense, even if we are superheroes, we can't carry out transnational operations, right?"

Roger asked Madeleine.

Madeleine smiled and said:
"Normally, that's true, but what if this metahuman had an even worse effect?"

"how do you want to do it?"

"It's not what I want to do, it's this terrorist, he will definitely do more...evil things to normal people."

Because they are terrorists, even if Madeleine doesn't do anything, those people will definitely launch the so-called 'jihad' for various reasons.

When the time comes to face superhuman beings that normal people can't handle, the Ministry of National Defense can only pin its hopes on superheroes.

Roger believes that the Department of Defense will definitely do the same.

(End of this chapter)

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