Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 45 The Only Remaining Avenger

Chapter 45 The Only Remaining Avenger

Of course, Banner didn't know who Doctor Strange and Mage Wang were, but he could tell the identity of each other from Iron Man's armor.

When he saw Iron Man, Banner instantly knew that he was saved. He always believed in Iron Man Tony Stark, just as Tony always believed in him.

"Yes! That's it! Beat them!!"

As soon as Iron Man and others appeared, they wrestled with the two generals of Black Day Five, and Banner cheered them on excitedly when he saw this.

Iron Man's energy hand cannon and Doctor Strange's magic rope are used alternately between the two. When the ebony throat was caught off guard, the two generals of Obsidian Five were beaten by the Avengers with almost no resistance force!

Banner was so excited watching this scene, he knew that Iron Man would not let him down.

He cheered them up excitedly, but looking at them, he felt something was wrong.

The airflow of the spaceship stirred up the smoke and dust on the ground. Just now Iron Man and others were fighting against the general Obsidian in the smoke, so Banner could only see a rough image to know which side had the upper hand.

But now that the smoke and dust are gradually dissipating, he finds that Iron Man and the others seem to be... biting the skin of General Hei Yao with their mouths! ?

"I said... Guys, are we going a little too far..."

Banner's mind was a little blank for a while, and he was unwilling to think about worse things, so he wanted to persuade the people on the opposite side to 'stop talking', but his voice attracted the attention of the people on the other side, making them look away. turned to himself.

After the two members of the Black Glory Five Generals had been bitten to death, Iron Man and the others stood up, walked out of the smoke and dust, and looked at Banner on the opposite side.

"Oh no……"

When Iron Man and others came out, Banner finally saw how they looked like now.

Pale skin, bloody mouth, dehumanized eyes full of desire for flesh and blood...

This is the current situation of Iron Man and others!
They turned into zombies that only appear in movies! !

"Oh no... no no..."

Banner couldn't accept this result for a while. He looked at Tony who had completely lost his humanity, with sadness in his eyes.

He never expected that things would turn out like this.

Things should not have turned out this way.

But the reality did not give him time to be sad. Seeing that there was still a living person in front of him, the people who had turned into zombies rushed towards Banner. Seeing this, Banner ran away quickly, saying while running:

"Don't eat me! My meat doesn't taste good! God!"

It's just that the Avengers who have become zombies will not listen to Banner's words at all. The left hand of the zombie Doctor Strange is flashing with golden light, and he is about to open the portal. Throw him aside.

Banner was still running, and the mage Wang, who was standing on the other side of Doctor Strange, successfully cast the portal and appeared in front of Banner in an instant.

But the next moment, a scarlet ray struck from a distance, penetrating the head of the mage king through the portal!

"Oh... God, I'm going to puke... I'm really going to puke..."

Banner fell to the ground in order to avoid the mage Wang. He stared blankly at the headshot of the mage Wang, whose body became quite disturbing. He patted his chest to prevent himself from vomiting.

However, the death of Master Wang also made Banner realize that someone was coming to save him. He looked up and saw a man in black combat uniform with a black cloak behind him flying down from above.

"Hey, are you okay?"

As soon as the man in the black cloak flew down, he expressed his concern to Banner.

Banner looked at him and said:

"I'm fine...but...can anyone explain to me what's going on!! Who are you, what happened to Tony and the others?"

"My name is Roger. Of course, you can also call me Superman. As for Iron Man and the others... I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on at the moment, and I just came to this world."


Banner showed doubts, but Roger knew that now was not the time to exchange pleasantries. The Hei Yao Wu in the distance had turned into a zombie, and Ebony Maw began to use his thoughts to drag Banner over!

Roger quickly grabbed Banner, and at the same time, a heat vision shot out, heading straight for Ebony Maw!

If it was the living five generals of Obsidian, Roger wasn't sure if he could beat them, but now that they were dead, the five generals of Obsidian who were only acting on instinct, Roger alone was enough to beat them!
The red heat vision penetrated Ebony Maw's skull again, causing Ebony Maw to lose his vital signs.

Roger, who easily dealt with Ebony Maw, felt very lucky. Fortunately, a mage like Ebony Maw with high attack and low defense became a zombie. If Banner or Thor became a zombie, Roger was very worried about whether his thermal vision would be able to penetrate their skin.

But Ebony Throat is solved, and there is a Black Dwarf and Iron Man next to the Obsidian.

Seeing that Roger's eyes could emit thermal vision, Iron Man jumped into the sky and flew towards Roger!

Roger once again used thermal vision to deal with Iron Man, but was easily dodged by the opponent. Iron Man's super high mobility made it impossible for Roger to hit him.

"That's all I'm worried about!"

Seeing Iron Man flying towards him, Roger gritted his teeth and flew towards Iron Man.

Since the long-distance thermal vision can't hit the opponent, then use the thermal vision from a short distance!
Thinking of this, Roger quickly collided with an Iron Man, and the two collided in the air. Roger quickly used brute force to control Iron Man's hands, and then his scarlet eyes released heat vision!

The red ray penetrated Iron Man's neck, and Iron Man stretched out his hand to separate in an instant, and his zombie-like head fell from the sky, and the bloody flesh fell on the ground, like a shattered watermelon.

Iron Man's headless body also fell from the air and fell to the ground, but because of the armor, his body didn't suffer much damage, at least it can be preserved intact.

"...I'm really sorry, I liked you quite a bit before time travel."

Looking at the dead Iron Man, Roger felt a little regretful. He liked these Avengers quite a bit when he watched movies in his previous life, but he didn't expect to kill them with his own hands this time.

Paying tribute to the dead Iron Man, Roger ran to Banner again.

Doctor Strange was swayed in the sky by the red cloak, and the remaining black dwarfs roared and rushed towards Banner!
Roger was about to land next to Banner and use his heat vision to shatter the black dwarf's head, but just then he heard a buzzing sound.

The super vision was used, allowing Roger to see a bunch of bugs flying towards here, as well as the armored and bug-sized villains in it.

It's Ant-Man!
No, judging from her wings, it should be Ant-Man's partner Wasp!

Knowing that the Wasp was flying with an army of bugs, Roger didn't go down this time, but waited for the Wasp to come over in the sky to avoid hitting the army of ants controlled by the Wasp.

From Roger seeing the Wasp to choosing to stop in the air, all this took less than three seconds. The army of ants controlled by the Wasp passed through Banner in an instant and landed on the black dwarf one after another!


The insects with vibrating wings bit the flesh and blood of the zombies, like locusts crossing the border, and instantly bit and gnawed the black dwarf into a skeleton!
At the same time, the remaining bugs flew towards Doctor Strange who was controlled by the red cloak, replicating the same behavior as when they devoured the black dwarf just now.

The two living people... Zombies turned into skeletons covered in flesh and blood in an instant, which made Banner, who was already a little disgusted, even more nauseous. He couldn't help standing aside and retched.

The Wasp returned to her original form and appeared in front of Banner. She ignored Banner's current state, pointed at the ants around the size of small pet dogs, and said to Banner:

"Follow them! They will protect you!"

"So who are you? What the hell is going on!!?"

A broken Banner yelled.

The Wasp turned her head to look at Banner, and said to him:

"Things will be difficult to explain for a while, but now... I should be the only remaining Avenger..."

(End of this chapter)

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