Chapter 53 Two Bad News

Above the sky, Roger is in the atmosphere, looking at the sun that is about to fall on the back of the earth in the distance, lost in thought.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Avengers were not ready yet, Roger found an excuse to leave the camp and go to the sky to chase the glory of the sun.

When he just traveled to this world, Roger actually felt something different. When the sun of this world shone on him, he felt warm.

It was as if something was gathering inside the body.

But because the time was too short, and then he met everyone in the Avengers of the Zombies, Roger ignored this feeling, and he didn't notice it again until the discomfort Roger felt after the sun went down.

So Roger wondered if he had gained the ability to absorb sunlight and strengthen himself, just like Superman.

But now in the sky, illuminated by the afterglow of the sun, Roger didn't feel obviously stronger, only his eyes were a little itchy, and I don't know if it was because he had been looking directly at the sun for too long.

"Is it my illusion? Hmm..."

There is no feeling of becoming stronger in the body, and Roger wonders if this is his own illusion. After all, if he can become stronger by exposing himself to the sun, it makes no sense that he does not feel it in the world of black robes.

It can't be that the body is strengthened because of the time-traveling, right?There is no such explanation in the information given by the crossing point...

"Hello? Roger, where are you? We're ready."

While Roger was meditating, Sharon's voice came from the headset.

"I'll be there soon."

Looking at the sun that was about to sink, Roger turned and flew to the ground.

There is not much time for Roger to study this now. Regarding the impact of sunlight on him, let's wait until after this incident.

It took Roger less than a minute to fly from the sky to the ground.

Everyone in the Avengers was ready on the ground, and two fighter planes were launched by them.

Vision, Happy, Peter, and agents Sharon and Banner are going to Stark Tower to find the various means left by Tony Stark, including the anti-Hulk armor.

Others are going to Wakanda to see the situation and make sure that Thanos is there.

Rocket Raccoon has already contacted the Guardians of the Galaxy. At this moment, Star-Lord still doesn't know that his girlfriend Gamora was killed by Thanos and exchanged for the soul gem. He heard that Thanos might be here, and thought Gamora Also, so immediately decided to jump to Earth through a wormhole.

But fortunately, before he jumped, he notified Xandar to release the cosmic broadcast, looking for Captain Marvel who didn't know where he was, and didn't care about anything because his girlfriend might be here.

"Vision keeps in touch at any time, because Thanos may find you at any time, so once you find Thanos' trace, you should notify us immediately, and we will rush to you as quickly as possible."

Before setting off, Roger told Vision.

Of course he knew that in the current state of Thanos, he probably couldn't remember what he was going to do, and it was even more impossible to take the initiative to find Vision to grab the Soul Stone.

But this does not prevent him from reminding Vision.

In fact, if it weren't for Thor's rush to find Thanos, Roger would be more inclined to go to Stark Tower with Vision first, and then take other actions.

At the same time, before setting off, Roger seriously instructed Vision:
"Finally, I would like to remind you again that if you really see Thanos, don't even think about running away. The Mind Stone is our hope to save the world, and so are you, so don't let yourself fall into the hands of Thanos. "

"Don't worry." Vision looked back at the base, and Wanda the Zombie was locked inside, "Even if it's for Wanda, I won't let Thanos succeed."

After talking to Vision, Roger turned to look at the crowd and asked:

"Then we...start now?"

"set off!"

Thor carried his ax and boarded the fighter plane with Rocket Raccoon and Groot, and the other Avengers followed.

Two fighter planes took off at the same time, flying in two different directions. After the fighter planes took off, the zombies who were originally isolated by the Mind Stone began to move forward and poured into the Caspian Sea camp of SHIELD.

But at this moment, there is nothing in the camp except Wanda the Zombie, and the place where Wanda was detained, because she was not cracked by the Winter Soldier like in the original book, so she was still locked up in the glass cell obediently, no need Worried that she would run out.

Vision and others went to Stark Tower, and Roger and others went to Wakanda. Because of the distance, Vision and others will arrive at Stark Tower first.

If all goes well, when Roger is about to reach Wakanda, Vision and the others can catch up with Roger and join them at a faster speed.

At that time, the support from Xandar and Captain Marvel may arrive on Earth, and it will be easier to fight Zombie Thanos.

There was no words on the way to Wakanda, everyone's heart was very heavy, Rocket tried to liven up the atmosphere, but seeing other people's heavy hearts, he couldn't speak out his witty words.

After all, for the Avengers, this war is a life-and-death battle for the earth...even the entire universe.

So after thinking about it for a long time, the Rockets just said something that was not consolation:

"Everyone, don't be so sad, look at it, even if we fail, we just lost to Thanos, at least we won't become that disgusting zombie, right?"


Listening to Rocket's words, Roger turned his head to look at him. Rocket saw Roger's gaze and asked in surprise:

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

Roger didn't answer, he just shook his head at Rocket.

It was Hope who answered the rocket's question. She went to Wakanda to investigate. After the rocket finished saying this, she conveyed a bad news:
"...Sorry everyone, there is one bad news... No, it is two bad news. Wakanda has indeed fallen, and I did see the Thanos you described, but... this Thanos has turned into a zombie!"


Everyone who heard the news screamed, except Roger.

Thor couldn't believe it and reconfirmed and asked: "You said Thanos has also become a zombie? How is this possible?!"

"I'll send you the video of the scene. If the big man standing in the middle of Wakanda is definitely Thanos, then he has indeed turned into a zombie."

Hope said, let the ants approach Wakanda's protective barrier, and faithfully record everything inside the barrier.

The video was quickly transmitted to the fighter plane where everyone was, and Roger and the others also saw the purple sweet potato essence standing in the center of the zombie group, who looked like the king of zombies.

Unlike other people's focus, Roger is mainly looking at the glove on Thanos' left hand.

On the Infinity Gauntlet, five bright gemstones gleamed, which proved that Roger's worries had become a reality. Thanos did not know where he got the time gemstone and embedded it on his glove.

What everyone has to face now is the Zombie Thanos with five infinite rough stones!
"'s impossible, how could he turn into a zombie! Those zombies can't even bite his skin!"

Thor refused to believe the truth.

He couldn't accept his enemy, and before he killed him with his own hands, he had already killed himself and became a zombie.

It was even more unacceptable, those zombies that seemed like he could wipe out a large group of zombies with one axe, and could bite through the skin of Thanos!

Because if they can bite Thanos' skin and infect him, it proves that they can also infect Thor and the Hulk, which is something that everyone can't accept.

When everyone was surprised that Thanos turned into a zombie, Roger spoke and said:

"Guys, isn't that great news?"


"Thanos has become a zombie. He no longer has the intelligence that a normal creature should have, only instinct. Isn't such a guy easier to deal with than an intelligent Thanos?"

Although Roger didn't think Thanos who turned into a zombie would be so weak, otherwise he wouldn't have advised everyone not to come here before.

But in this situation, he also knows what he should say and what he should not say, and he has already followed here, so it is impossible for him to say any more frustrating words.

(End of this chapter)

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