Chapter 57 Captain Marvel

While firing the heat vision, Roger was also roaring.

The suddenly strengthened thermal vision exceeded the limit that the eyes could bear, so when Roger released the thermal vision, his eyes were also stinging.

But Roger knew it was all worth it.

The golden-red thermal vision is extremely powerful, it penetrates the rotting body of the zombie Thanos and shoots Thanos through!

Roger then turned his head to the side forcefully, and Thanos' chest and left arm were neatly severed by Roger!
When Thanos' arm holding the Infinity Gem was severed, Roger withdrew his thermal vision. His eyes were red, his eyes were blurred, and he hovered in the air for a long time without going down.

Thermal vision beyond the limit is powerful, but at the same time it will also cause some burden to the eyes. Roger is still unable to exert the full power of thermal vision, and needs to be exposed to the sun for a few more days.

After waiting for a while, when he felt that his eyes had almost recovered, Roger fell from the air and came to Thor's side.

After Roger cut Thanos in two with his heat vision, Thor released the thunderbolt to smash Thanos' head without hesitation. He walked to the fallen Infinity Gauntlet, picked it up and came to Roger, asked:
"So... now we are successful?"

Roger looked around the nearby zombies, grabbed Thor's shoulder and flew him into the air to avoid the zombie tide, and then said to Thor:

"It's a success...but, Thor, your hand..."

Turning his head to look at Thor, Roger saw that Thor's arm was full of wounds from being grabbed by Thanos. He just didn't defend at all in order to hold Thanos back and prevent Thanos from clenching his fist and using the Infinity Stone.

Thor panted heavily, looked at his hands, then pushed the Infinity Gauntlet to Roger, saying:
"It doesn't matter, haven't we already succeeded? Next...we only need the Mind"

Thor's voice became weaker and weaker, Roger took the Infinity Gauntlet and put it on his left hand, and then said to Thor:

"Hold on, I'll use the space gem to open the channel to find the phantom!"

"I...I know...but, you should let me go now."

Thor kept patting Roger on the shoulder, barely showing a smile to Roger and saying:

"I can't hold on for long. While I'm still rational, let me go, and then immediately go to the illusion. Don't be infected by me, do you understand?"


Listening to Thor's words, Roger looked at him complicatedly.

Roger and the Avengers didn't know each other for a long time, only less than a day, but in this less than a day, the Avengers, including Thor, regarded him as a comrade-in-arms worth relying on.

The same is true for Roger. Compared with everyone in the black robe world, Roger prefers the heroes of the Avengers. Fighting side by side with these heroes to save the world, Roger feels as if he has returned to his childhood.

Back to the time when I once dreamed of being a hero.

But now, he, who is already considered a hero, wants to abandon his companions.

"…I see."

Roger took a deep breath, nodded to Thor, and then let go of his palm under the other's gratifying gaze, allowing Thor to fall into the crowd of zombies gathered below.

It is wrong to abandon your companions. If it was Roger when he was a teenager, he would definitely not do this when he was in the second stage of middle school, but Roger is no longer a teenager, and he clearly distinguishes priorities.

Thor's zombification is irreversible, and even Thanos can be infected, and Thor can't last long.

So to avoid waiting for the zombified Thor to infect Roger, Roger needs to give up on him temporarily, and then wait for the Visions to come over.

Abandoning Thor, Roger looked towards the remaining Avengers. The horror of the remaining Avengers made Roger close his eyes.

All the Avengers, even Groot, the tree figure of the Guardians of the Galaxy, have turned into zombies, and their eyes are all focused on the only living person in the sky, revealing bloodthirsty and ferocious eyes.

The first to attack Roger was Hope the Wasp. She enlarged her body and turned into a giant that covered the sky and grabbed Roger with one hand.

Roger easily escaped the Wasp's grasp, and his body went up into the sky again, reaching a higher place.

The only red cloak that was not infected, and could not be infected, flew from a distance, carrying a toy-like car.

Now there are only a few remaining Avengers inside. They hid well and were not discovered by the zombies.

"Okay, guys, it's time for us to find Vision."

Roger spoke to the people in the car, and raised his left hand.

He used gloves that were several times wider for him, barely clenched his fist, and used the space gem according to his own consciousness.

Only when you wear the Infinity Gloves do you know that when you put on the Infinity Gloves, the basic usage of a few gems has already been memorized. You only need to hold your fists, and the Infinity Gems will perform their due functions without using your brain.

It's no wonder that Zombie Thanos can use infinite gems. Although zombies are said to be zombies, they still have some brain activity.

For example, Iron Man can freely control his own armor, Doctor Strange and Mage King can use their own magic, and zombie Ant-Man and Wasp can freely become bigger and smaller.

Thinking about this, Roger activated the space channel in front of his eyes, but just as the space gem lighted up, Roger's keen five senses noticed something falling from the sky.

No, to be more precise, it flew down from the sky!
And not just one!
"That's... Thor's ax!?"

One of the closer ones, which Roger could see clearly, was the ax that Thor was sent away by Thanos before, and it was flying towards this side at a speed beyond the speed of sound.

When Roger saw it, the ax flew to Roger in the blink of an eye!

Roger, who saw the ax, thought of more at this moment. Since the ax flew back by itself, doesn't this mean that Thor has become a zombie! ?

As soon as he thought of this, Roger heard Thor, who was originally in the tide of corpses, roaring like a beast.

Zombie Thor jumped up from the spot to hold his ax along with the thunderbolt, and continued to rush towards Roger.

But looking at Thor flying towards him, Roger did not move to dodge, he just raised his left hand again, the brilliance of the Time Stone lit up, and Thor, who had rushed up, returned to the previous jumping position again.

Thor, who returned to his original position, was a little dazed, not knowing what happened just now.

Turning into a zombie with simple thoughts, he jumped up from the spot again, trying to 'eat' the big meal at the top.

Roger shook his head when he saw this, but this time he did not continue to let Thor return to his original position as before, but looked up at the sky. During the period of stalemate between him and Thor, another Objects are also close at hand.

Getting closer, Roger could see what it was.

It was a person, a woman wrapped in golden light.

Falling from the sky, without any hesitation, she came to Roger and knocked Thor away who was about to approach Roger.

Poor Thor was hit badly this time, his body was embedded in the ground, making a deep hole like a crater.

The woman who fell from outer space stood beside Roger, looked at Roger with a serious expression and asked:

"You should be the Superman who asked me for help."

"It's me." Roger nodded, reconfirmed the identity of the person in front of him, and asked, "So you are Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers? Are you the only one here?"

"A self-proclaimed Guardian of the Galaxy is still behind. I heard that something happened to the earth and came here first, so now can you explain what's going on?"

"I will explain what needs to be explained, but after all this is over."

Roger said, his eyes turned to the distance, and the space channel that was originally opened was closed by him, and he continued:

"The guy who can save the earth is here."

Carol followed Roger's gaze, and in the distant sky, a S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter plane was galloping towards this side.

It was the Vision they had arrived.

 Thanks to OmO for the big reward, and thank you for your continuous support.

  And about rewards... If you are a student party, it is best to do what you can. If you really like this book, just give a subscription after it is on the shelves later, and you don’t need to reward too much.

  But there is still some thanks. If I have time, I will make a thank you list. Thank you for your support and love!
(End of this chapter)

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