Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 59 Commissioning from Observers

Chapter 59 Commissioning from Observers
This is a bar, a bar outside the multiverse.

The decoration is very old European style, and the lights above are not electric lights, but burning oil lamps.

Roger is in the middle of the bar, and he thinks this bar looks familiar. He should have seen it in a movie.

But that's not the point. What really caught Roger's attention was that, besides Roger, there was only one Doctor Strange who worked as a bartender in the bar.

Or Dark Doctor Strange.

Except for him, Roger didn't see the rescue team in the original book.

Staring at Doctor Strange for a while, Roger turned his head to look at the observer who was walking behind him, and asked:

"So... what did you bring me here for?"

"I want you to do something."

The observer came over and stood in front of Roger and watched condescendingly.

It's not that he insists on looking down at Roger, it's that he is too tall, except for those naturally tall like the Hulk and Thanos, he sees everyone looking down.

Hearing what the observer said, Roger raised his eyebrows: "Do...some things?"

"Superman Roger, I've been observing you for a long time."

The observer said to Roger:
"You don't belong to this world, but you know countless news about this world. You are an observer from a higher dimension, so you should know what I'm talking about."


Roger frowned at the observer.

Roger couldn't bear the title of 'observer from a higher dimension', but in a sense, the observer was right.

And seeing the observer's swearing, Roger knew that lying was useless.

What's more, Doctor Dark Strange is right next to him, and they can see that Roger is lying.

So Roger stopped pretending, and said to the showdown:

"Well, I do know some things, so... what I want to ask is, why am I the only one?"

After Roger's voice fell, the observer and Doctor Strange looked at each other. Heiqi shrugged, took out a beer glass and put it on the table, filled with beer, and pushed it in front of Roger.

The observer continued:

"Before that, I did have the idea of ​​forming a team, but after seeing you, I changed my mind."

The observer said, and when he came to Roger, Hei Qi took out a glass of beer again, like a real bartender.

The observer did not touch the wine glass, but just looked at the liquid inside, and said to Roger:

"If we proceed in the normal future, Ultron will be defeated by the team I formed, Dr. Zola, the Hydra's artificial intelligence, will invade Ultron's body, Eric the leopard and Zola will be trapped in Sri Lanka in order to compete for the infinite gems. In the small universe created by Trange..."

The observer narrated softly, what he told was the plot in the original book.

And Roger, who listened to what he said, secretly said in his heart that it was true.

Judging from the end of the original book, although the observer does not seem to be the opponent of Infinity Ultron, everything has not escaped his eyes from the beginning to the end.

Whether it was Dr. Zola who replaced Ultron in the end, or the sudden betrayal of Eric the Leopard, and the final outcome, observers were watching.

Just like the only ending among the many endings seen by Doctor Strange in the main world, the final ending in the original book is also the best ending in the eyes of observers.

But now, observers have changed their minds.

"But that's not the end."

The observer suddenly turned to look at Roger.

He said: "You should be clear that even if such an ending is achieved, as long as Zola and Eric are still alive, there will be a day when they will break through the shackles in the future."

Roger understood what the observer meant. According to the plot of this world, the longer the time, the greater the variables. It's just that the "seal" will eventually be unsealed one day.

Speaking more realistically, the original ending of "What If..." was a big pit that the screenwriter buried for the audience.

This big hole will be filled sooner or later. Maybe when the second season of "What If..." appears, Zola, who occupies the body of Infinite Ultron, and Eric the leopard, who is fighting against Zola, will break through the 'seal' and run out.

Roger thought about this and didn't speak.

Hei Qi heard what the observer said, and suddenly said:

"It makes me sad that you talk like that, after all, I will be the one who will take care of them when the time comes."

The observer looked at the eyes and said: "I don't distrust you, but you also know that under the long time dimension, anything can happen."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Roger changed the subject to the right track and asked:

"Then what do you want to do now?"

The observer's expression became serious. Although he had such a serious expression from beginning to end, Roger could feel that he was more serious and solemn now.

The observer said to Roger:
"I need your help, a warrior who can travel through countless dimensions. I hope you can gather a team to completely destroy Ultron. We will completely destroy Ultron and not leave him any chance of resurrection."

Ding, accept the mission and form a hero team!
If there was a mission system in Roger's head, such a voice would definitely sound now.

But Roger thinks that the observer thinks too much of him, traveling through countless time and space, forming a team to destroy Ultron, if this kind of thing is so easy to do, the observer will not choose to use him Seal of Infinite Zora.

"...You guys, don't you think too highly of me?"

Roger asked helplessly.

The observer replied:

"I can't see the future in you, but I know you will succeed, just like you saved the zombie universe that would have been destroyed."

"I don't even believe in myself, but you believe that I can save your world. You are amazing."

Roger gives the observer a thumbs up.

He admitted that he was a little bit withdrawn.

No way, he was just a small person before crossing, and became a native of the motherland after crossing, Roger just wanted to do some things he wanted to do with his limited ability.

More often, Roger prefers to stay at home and watch movies or anime, or go to other worlds to see things that he has never seen before and that can make him feel novel.

Things like saving the entire universe are too embarrassing for him.

Even in the zombie universe, if Roger had nowhere to escape and had to save the world to save himself, Roger probably would not have contacted the Avengers.

After all, it is a zombie, and it is still a zombie world that will be infected as long as it is injured by a zombie, even if it is cut with an external object!

God knows how much courage Roger put in when fighting Thanos.

I didn't think much of it when I was fighting, but now that I'm quiet, Roger can't help being afraid for a while. If he was injured at that time, even if it was just a small cut, Roger would probably have turned into a zombie Roger now.

What happened to Thor could very well be what happened to Roger!
So now the observers want Roger to save the world, Roger just wants to say, let them hire someone else.

He is just an ordinary person with superhuman strength. He has no heroic will, no wishes and ideas that must be realized, and the idea of ​​becoming a hero is nothing but a dream based on childhood and middle school.

I really can't afford such a big responsibility.

Seeing that Roger seemed a little reluctant, the observer said to Roger:
"You have plenty of time to think about it, the ending of the zombie world has been changed, you can rest there, I will speed up the time of the zombie world.

"Of course, you can also leave this world to think. I can guarantee that no matter how long you stay outside, you will come back the moment you leave. For you, your time is unlimited."

"Then you are not afraid that I will not come back after I leave this world?"

Roger asked suspiciously.

The Observer reiterated again:

"I said that no matter how long you've been out, the moment you come back will be the moment you left, so if you really don't come back, we'll know pretty soon,"


After the observer explained again, Roger understood what they meant.

Once Roger left this world, there were only two outcomes for observers.

One result is that Roger returns with the team to complete the observer's commission to him.

The other is that he will never come back, maybe he doesn't plan to face Ultron, or maybe he died somewhere.

Regardless of which one he chooses, both the Observer and Dark Strange will know the outcome immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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