Chapter 75
Roger exhaled, he thought for a while and said to Natasha:

"That's right, the Water Group is really nothing. If I didn't care about dealing with them, the Water Group would have collapsed long ago, but I should pay attention to the impact anyway."

With Roger's now strengthened power, it is nothing to deal with a Walter Group. Those senior executives of the Walter Group, those superhumans who dare to fight against him, will die if he continues with his thermal vision.

Including storms.

But so what?
Fundamental issues cannot be resolved, no matter how high-level the Dovot Group is eliminated, it is useless. If one Vott Group falls, another Vott Group will come out.

If a storm dies, there will be other superhumans who will stand up.

Killing to stop killing is the worst way. If a new order is not stipulated, the world will only become more chaotic.

Moreover, Roger's status in this world is unusual. He is a god in the eyes of everyone and the most glamorous superstar in the world. Even after he kills someone, his personality collapses and his fans turn black, but there are still some fans. To mimic Roger's behavior.

The storm fan in the original book, a fat white man, shot and killed the owner of the convenience store downstairs under this influence.

So if Roger really did the kind of thing that killed all the senior leaders of the Voight Group, someone would definitely start to imitate Roger's behavior.

What will Roger do then?It's impossible to kill a murderer himself.

Leaving aside what impact this would have on the world, just doing so would make Roger feel extremely troublesome.

That's why Roger decided to let Tek come forward, first to contain the Water Group, and then slowly find a way to overthrow the Water Group.

"makes sense."

Natasha understood what Roger meant.

As the saying goes, there is specialization in the art industry, and Roger's combat skills are impeccable. This is a strong man who can shoot through Thanos' body with heat vision, but he is obviously a new one when it comes to intrigue. novice.

No matter how powerful an existence is, he can't cover everything, and blindly solving problems in a way that overwhelms others will definitely create hidden dangers. When the hidden dangers accumulate, one day it will become a problem that even Roger can't handle. The problem.

But this is also the reason why Natasha and others will follow Roger.

Roger can't cover everything by himself, but the companions he brings can.

Natasha doesn't quite understand business matters, but when it comes to how to bring down a force, no one has more experience than the Avengers.

"Wow, so we only need to stay in this world for three days before we can go back?"

Thor threw the man he brought back to Himiko, put his ax aside, and asked everyone while drinking a can of beer.

Roger showed an awkward but polite smile to Thor:

"Sorry, even if everything goes well, you will have to wait at least three months before being sent away by me."

"Oh, yes, charging."

Thor was stunned, and continued to drink.

Roger couldn't help frowning looking at Thor as if he didn't care about anything, and he asked:

"Although it may just be my illusion, I want to ask if you... don't want to go back?"

"How is it possible?" Thor smiled at Roger, but the smile was very forced. He sat on the recliner without any image, and said to Roger:
"I just... want to find a place to be quiet, this world is very good."

The Avengers did not speak.

They all know that Thor has lost a lot, Asgard was destroyed because of Ragnarok, his brother Loki was killed by Thanos, and his friend Heimdall was pierced in the chest by General Deathblade.

Half of the people of Asgard were killed by Thanos, and several of my friends on Earth, Tony, Hawkeye... They also died in this zombie crisis.

Thor's only wish at the time was to kill Thanos, but when Thanos really died, Thor's heart seemed empty.

He lost his purpose of living.

If he could still think about leading the remaining people of Asgard to live before this, then after confirming that the Valkyrie Valkyrie can manage the remaining people of Asgard, Thor completely lost power.

This is how he was in the original book. After the death of Thanos, he turned himself into a fat house who only liked drinking and high-calorie food in five years.

Even for the space-time plundering plan in the later period, Thor almost didn't deal with it. When he obtained the reality gem, he almost failed to complete his task.

If he hadn't met his mother who was still alive at the time, Thor probably wouldn't have woken up.

And now...

The timeline of the zombie world is beyond recognition, without the snapping of Thanos' fingers, and without the space-time plundering plan, Thor will naturally have no one to wake him up.

Roger guessed that the reason why he came with him was probably not because he wanted to see his former family members or something. Although Thor gave up on himself, he could see clearly in his heart.

The family members in the parallel world are no longer their own family members, they are just strangers with the appearance and personality of family members.

Their world also has its own Thor. Their elder brother, son, and good friend are all the Thor of that world, not him.

So Thor intends to stay here, at least until he fully wakes up, he wants to stay in this place without any acquaintances.

"What about Dr. Banner?"

Sighing at Thor, Roger ignored him and looked at Banner.

After the second part of the Avengers, Banner left the earth and didn't want to stay on the earth. Although Banner came back in the end, if there was no Thanos, Banner might leave the earth.

So Roger wants to confirm whether this Mr. Hulk wants to stay in the world of black robes like Thor.

Banner didn't expect that the topic would turn to himself. He looked at Natasha who was also looking at him with doubts, and after shaking his right hand a few times irregularly, he said:
"...I...I will probably go back, no, I will definitely go back, I will not run away again."

Banner looked at Natasha seriously.

Natasha smiled at him.

Feeling that he was fed a mouthful of dog food for no reason, Roger stopped looking at them and said:

"Forget it, anyway, no matter whether you want to go back or stay here, you have to wait for three months, Thor, I know you have experienced a lot, but this world is not your home, I hope you can think about it clearly. "

"Don't worry, I've thought about it very clearly."

Thor smiled at Roger and opened another can of beer.

Roger's mouth twitched.

He shouldn't have asked someone to prepare beer for Thor when he returned to this world. Judging from this progress, it won't be long before Thor will become a fat house in the fourth part of the Avengers.

But regardless of him for the time being, Thor’s image will be fine in a short period of time. Roger needs Thor’s image now. As long as Thor’s image remains unchanged and he doesn’t do anything too outrageous in front of the camera, it will have no effect on the plan. .

"Let's do an operation on Tek first. With the precision instruments that Carol gave, it's just to eliminate a tumor. It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Roger looked at Dr. Banner.

Only then did Banner come back to his senses, and said:
"No problem, it's just a minor operation, it won't take long."

 If the update is released, it will probably be after it is put on the shelves. In the past few days, I will first sort out the outline and detailed outline, mainly the detailed outline, and then I can release the update...

  Tsk, by the way, I've been lazy recently... I really want to be lazy...

(End of this chapter)

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