Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 78 We Believe In You

Chapter 78 We Believe In You


Although Roger feels that he is not yet worthy of the title of Superman, and he probably will never be worthy of the title of Superman, but he feels that in this world, the title of Superman is more suitable for him than the title of the motherland.

And this is what I said in the Marvel world. In this pseudo-documentary, Thor and the others refer to Roger as Superman.

So there's nothing wrong with calling yourself Superman.

After announcing his current title and clarifying the 'truth' of the matter to everyone, some of the people surrounded here have already believed Roger's words, but some people have doubts about Roger's words.

Until someone stood up among the crowd and said:
"I believe in the people of the motherland... No, I believe in Superman! Because when we were hijacked, it was Superman who rescued us back! I believe in such a hero who will give all his efforts to save people!"

Roger looked at the person who stood up and was a little dazed.

This is not a trust arranged by Roger, this is an ordinary person who really stands on Roger's side from the bottom of his heart.

It's a pity to say that Roger looked at him and couldn't remember who the other party was, but the other party remembered himself.

And he was not the first one. When this person stood up, many others stood up. They gathered together and mixed in the crowd, but their voices were not loud and not particularly conspicuous.

Until now, someone made a sound in the silence, and their figures were extremely obvious.

The people who originally came to protest watched this group of people, and the camera brought by the reporter also watched them.

Looking at these people who stood up and walked towards Roger with firm and straight eyes, others suddenly remembered that when others denounced the people of the motherland and felt that the people of the motherland were not worthy of being superheroes, they were the only ones who stood firmly on the side of the people of the motherland .

Not for anything else.

Because Roger literally saved their lives.

"I believe in Superman too!"

"Me too!"

"Superman! We always have your back!!"

Among the group of people who supported Roger, they threw the fluorescent sign on the ground that originally said the people of the motherland, and then shouted at Roger.

In the group, a young woman pushed her way through the crowd to Roger with her daughter in her arms.

The little girl held out her hand to Roger, and said:
"Brother Superman, I believe in you too, come on!"

In the little girl's hand, she is holding a model of the motherland, and she is wearing the hero costume of the motherland, just like a little superman.

Seeing this scene, Roger felt his eyes moist for some reason.

He never thought that these people would appear, and he never thought that they would support him so unswervingly.

Because when Roger said all this, told everyone that he was a person from a parallel world, and took out the alien warship as evidence, everything was not important.

The Water Group will believe Roger's words, and the government will believe Roger's words. With the glaring evidence of the alien warship, these people will believe it even if they don't want to believe it.

But even so, the appearance of these people still exceeded Roger's expectations.

Different from the people Roger mentioned above, these people who support themselves and support themselves are people who truly believe in themselves and think that they will not do bad things.

And the reason they believed in Roger was simple.

Because Roger had saved them, lifted them from a height of [-] meters, let them land safely on the ground, and gave them a new life.

So they will trust Roger unconditionally and will not change their minds because of anything.

Looking at this group of people, Roger suddenly laughed.

He suddenly understood why he wanted to be a hero. It was because of such a person that Roger would act decisively when he was needed to save those who should not have died.

He fell from the sky, came to the mother's side under everyone's gaze, took the little girl from her arms, held her in his arms, and sincerely said to the little girl and everyone:
"Thank you, thank you."

It is different from the previous ones, this time Roger is not acting in front of the camera, he is really thanking these people who support him, this group of people deserves his thanks.

Thanking these people, Roger hugged everyone and continued:
"I know that everyone may not be able to accept such a thing for a while, but I hope you can believe in me, just like they believe in me, time... will tell you the truth."

After speaking, Roger rubbed the little girl's head, returned the little girl to her mother, and said to the girl:
"Thank you again, little princess."

Then he raised his head to look at the spaceship in the sky, his body floated in the air, and flew towards the spaceship at high speed.

This night was destined not to be peaceful.

The government subpoenaed the senior officials of the Water Group and questioned them about the things they had done.

At the same time, their vigilance against Roger has risen to the highest level.

Regardless of whether Roger is a real native of the motherland, or just a substitute for the parallel world as he said, the spaceship he brought cannot be faked.

That is not a special effect, nor is it a movie prop, it is a spaceship that actually appears in reality!Alien technology!

And that Thor from Asgard, if the mockumentary that Roger played is correct, then that Thor might really be Thor from Norse mythology.

More precisely, the so-called gods may be aliens in disguise.

Ancient people were ignorant and regarded things they could not understand as gods, so Thor, the god of thunder, was probably an alien.

Aliens from parallel time and space!

In short, no matter what they think, they dare not do anything to Roger in a short time.

Not to mention them, the Walter Group, which originally planned to take revenge, has now died down.

With such a large spaceship placed on it, even if they want to do anything, they have to weigh it.

No matter how strong their superhumans are, can they be as strong as the people of the motherland?No matter how many superhumans they have, can they be as good as a shot from an alien spaceship?
Fighting, you can't beat others, and it doesn't make sense to use a large number of people. What else can the Water Group do?Playing public opinion offensive?

But even if it is a public opinion offensive, the Water Group is not good now.

Even if they dispatched all the navy, it would be useless to let the hackers of the technical department deal with the problems on the network.

Super Entertainment also has its own public relations department, and no matter how hard the hackers of the Water Group work, they can't hack Super Entertainment's server, let alone stop the spread of black material on the Internet.

It's not that they are incapable, but that something even more powerful has now taken over most of the Internet, exposing the scandal of superheroes and the Voight Group to everyone!

Originally, the Water Group didn't know what it was, but when they thought of the spaceship in the sky, they all understood it.

This must be an artificial intelligence from an alien planet!Absolutely!
They have even used artificial intelligence from alien planets to deal with them, so what can they do?I can only choose to lie flat!

One day, less than 24 hours had passed since Roger returned to the time the Avengers began to implement the plan.

All fronts of the Water Group have all missed!
From politics, to the Internet, from the top executives of the group, to those superheroes who used to have unlimited glory.

They were defeated, and there seemed to be no ability or opportunity to resist.

But what the Water Group didn't know was that Mr. Roger, the culprit who drove them into the abyss at this moment, was now lying in his room like a salted fish.

Roger, who is still a salted fish in essence, feels powerless to do anything after a busy day.
"Am I working too hard recently? I really want to play games..."

Xianyujie, who was lying on the recliner, said so.

(End of this chapter)

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