Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 82 Storm: You're playing dirty with me, aren't you?

Chapter 82

When Roger came to the White House, there were already many troops surrounded outside.

All kinds of military weapons have been deployed, armored vehicles have also driven over, and Roger even saw tanks.

But everyone knows in their hearts that this thing is useless to superhumans, especially the current storm whose strength is only below Roger.

Suspended in the sky, Roger did not break into the White House without authorization, nor did he meet with the military stationed outside the White House below.

Roger decided to solve this incident remotely through his clairvoyance and thermal vision, instead of breaking through the encirclement head-on.

Although he could indeed go in rashly, Roger would not be able to guarantee the safety of the hostages inside.

Roger also needs the current president to be alive and to do something for him.

Therefore, it is impossible to break in by force. Roger intends to see if he can get rid of the other party through 'assassination'.

The sun in the sky emits warm rays, and the energy generated by these rays is absorbed by Roger's body, strengthening his eyes.

The clairvoyant eyes easily penetrated countless building barriers, and saw the storm in it, as well as the trembling government ministers who were placed aside by her.

Once the location of the storm is determined, the next thing is simple.

Roger's eyes shone red, and his enhanced thermal vision could ensure that after penetrating countless buildings, he could still penetrate the body of the storm.

As long as you aim patiently, it doesn't take much trouble, and the storm will die in Roger's hands.

But just as Roger was about to do this, he heard the sound of the storm.

"People from the motherland, I know you are listening and watching here, and I can guess what you want to do, but I advise you to calm down, because now the ultrasonic wave holds the launch code and key of the nuclear missile. Once I Die, and the ultrasound will activate the nuclear missile."


Roger was stunned. He scanned the entire White House, but he did not see the existence of ultrasound.

"How did they know the code and process of launching the nuclear bomb..."

Although no ultrasound was found, Roger did not immediately believe the words of the storm, he was looking for the authenticity of the words of the storm.

Even if their lives are threatened, the president and ministers should not easily disclose the code and process of the nuclear bomb launch. It is not because they are so benevolent, but they know that once they say it, they may not live for long.

Angry people will not understand their situation and will just eat them alive.

So Roger had doubts about the words of the storm, but he did not dare to gamble on the authenticity of the words of the storm.

With a sigh, Roger knew that the idea of ​​"assassination" probably wouldn't work, so he simply landed from the sky, came to the military and these people, took a loudspeaker from the military, and said into it:

"Storm, state your terms."

"My conditions have been made very clear."

The storm came out of the White House, and she also landed from the air, smiling and saying to Roger:

"Getting everyone injected with Compound Five, exempting the Vought Group from anything they've committed, and...creating a superhuman army, that's my condition."

"Don't you think it's a little too much?"

Roger calmly said to the storm.

"Is it too much? No, I don't think it's too much. Don't you think there is too much garbage in this world. We need to clean up some garbage and make the air in this world cleaner."

Storm stared at Roger closely, and said to Roger like a pyramid scheme boss:
"Motherlander, I know that you are not a human from a parallel world, nor an alien. You are a native of the motherland, who grew up in the Walter Group! You are the most perfect superhuman in this world, so you should stand With me, you will become the king of the new world!"

Storm's eyes were wild, and she seemed to see the picture of Roger and her ruling the world together, which was her dream all along.

Roger held the megaphone and sighed helplessly. He casually threw the megaphone to the soldiers beside him and asked the storm:

"Storm, strictly speaking, this is our first face-to-face communication, so I want to ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

"You say make all white people superhuman, and then let superhumans rule the world... So if you succeed, what are you going to do?"

Storm's eyes flashed blankly for a moment, and then replied:
"Of course it is to rule the world! Establish a superhuman regime..."

"Yeah yeah, I know, but I'm talking assuming you've already done what you wanted to do.

"Just imagine, you are now the king of the superhuman world. Except for superhumans in this world... Sorry, to correct, there is no one else except Caucasian superhumans. What do you want to do? "

"If I do all this, then of course I want to enjoy what we should enjoy with my lover..."

"If that's the case, you can do it now, there's no need to rule the world."

Roger went on.

Storm suddenly fell silent, she looked at Roger and asked:

"...So, are you trying to persuade me to stop?"

"Of course, that's what I mean, it's obvious, right?" Roger didn't hide his purpose, and said to the storm:
"Actually, I have always been puzzled, you guys who want to conquer the world... rule the world... guys with a 'great purpose'.

"What is there to conquer in the world? With your current strength, what do you want to do? If you want to enjoy it, then enjoy it. If you are not satisfied with people of color, then just don't meet them.

"You have tried your best to establish a new regime and rule the world, and you have to deal with those messy things every day. If you don't handle one well, there will be things like 'rebels' appearing... Yes, I know what you want to say, You want to say that if someone resists, they will be killed, right?
"But what about another wave after killing? Kill again? Is there any point in going on like this?"


Storm was silent.

On the contrary, Roger said that he was excited, and talked to the storm:

"And you said that you want to establish a superhuman government, then you can do it yourself. Why do you kidnap the president and ministers? If you kidnap them, it means that in your heart, what you do is unorthodox. Only the president and the ministers The minister agrees with you to be considered orthodox?
"This is inferiority, Storm, you are inferior."


Listening to Roger chattering like a little spider possessed, the storm finally couldn't bear to yell at Roger.

With a little disappointment in her eyes, she said to Roger:
"Motherland, I misunderstood you, I would be on my side, obviously you are such a perfect superhuman..."

"Yes, you really misread me."

Roger admitted without hesitation what the storm said, and then took out a mobile phone to make a call in front of the storm and asked:
"Hope, what's going on with you?"

"It has been found."

Hope on the other end of the phone stepped on the shock wave that had already passed out, and said to Roger:

"His speed is indeed very fast, but he is about the same as an ordinary person when he is unprepared, so there is no need to worry about the nuclear bomb."

When Hope said this, Roger used the expansion.

Storm listened to the voice from the other end of the phone, his eyes widened, and he asked Roger in disbelief:

"You... you just... just stalled for time!?"

"Stupid you, if I'm not delaying time, why am I telling you so much?"


Facing Roger, who 'betrayed' the superhuman camp, Storm roared his code name loudly.

Her body was surrounded by blue-purple lightning, and her body rose into the air, about to release lightning to destroy all nearby creatures.

But Roger didn't panic at all, he said to the storm:
"Don't call me that, please call me Superman Thank you, and... I'm sorry to say goodbye to you."


Roger's words startled the storm, and then she saw Roger pointing towards the sky.

Storm looked towards the sky following Roger's gesture, and a black dot that was flying towards him and gradually getting bigger appeared in front of Storm's eyes.

When the black dot got closer, the storm saw that it was an axe!
A gigantic ax flying towards her with thunder and lightning spinning! !
Seeing the giant ax coming, Feng Feng raised her hands subconsciously, driving the thunder and lightning to bounce the battle ax away, but when her thunder and lightning came into contact with the battle ax, she was horrified to find that the speed of the battle ax hadn't weakened at all.

The thunder and lightning, which is always invincible, is like air that does not exist when facing the tomahawk, and has no effect on the tomahawk!

"It can't be—"

boom! ! !
Before he could finish his sentence, the tomahawk split through the thunder and lightning of the storm, and also split the body of the storm, nailing her to the ground in front of the White House!
(End of this chapter)

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