Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 87 X-Men: Apocalypse!

Chapter 87 X-Men Apocalypse! (First update, first order please!)

God seems to have heard Roger's prayer. When Roger passed through the crossing point, the place where he appeared was still in the air.

But the sky is very clean, there is no alien warship floating in the sky that is comparable to half a city, and there are no superheroes flying in the sky.

The clear blue earth was still under his feet. Roger looked around with his perspective eyes, but found no zombies, robots or aliens.

The city under my feet was a normal human city, many people shuttled through the city, and nothing that Roger thought was unconventional happened.

The only thing that made Roger more concerned was that the technology in the city under his feet seemed a bit old. Judging from the appearance of the vehicles and lighting decorations, it probably looked like around the 80s of the last century.

Other than that nothing special.

"Wait, the 80s of the last century? No way..."

Just crossed over from the Marvel world and ran to a city similar to the 80s, which inevitably reminded Roger of the origin of Captain Marvel.

"Did I come to Captain Marvel's set?"

Roger couldn't help making such a guess, but it was just a guess.

I just came out of the Marvel world, and it is unlikely that I ended up in another Marvel world. Besides, if Roger is really still in the Marvel universe, the observers would have come out to chat with Roger. so peaceful.

And more importantly, the main plot of Captain Marvel took place in the 90s. Judging from the time points of the two crossing points, Roger should not be thrown on such an early timeline.

So it is conservatively estimated that this should not be the set of Captain Marvel.

But no matter how you guess, it is not as simple and convenient as going directly to inquire about the situation in this world.

Sweeping around the city below, Roger removed the nano suit on his body, revealing the casual clothes he was wearing inside, and found a dark alley below to land, and walked out of the alley as if passing by .

The location after Roger crossed, judging from the way the passers-by were dressed and the language they spoke, it seemed that they were still in the United States.

Fortunately, Roger didn't like fancy clothes. The usual casual clothes were jeans and jackets, and he didn't attract too many passers-by's attention when he was mixed in the crowd.

"So what should we do now, ask about the situation in this world? Or find a place to rest first?"

Walking on the street, Roger thought about his next move.

It was different from the previous two time travels. In the first crossing, Roger replaced the identity of the motherlander, and needed to use the identity of the motherlander to make false claims with the Water Group.

The second time I traveled to the Marvel Zombie Universe, I met the Obsidian Five Generals from aliens as soon as I landed, and then I met the members of the Avengers, and the goal naturally transitioned to saving the world.

But this time, Roger was a free man, and he didn't encounter any devastating events, so for a while, Roger didn't know what he was going to do now.

"Let's confirm the situation in this world first."

Roger thought for a while, and finally decided to figure out where the world is before he can decide what to do next.

Originally, Roger thought it would be very difficult to inquire about the situation in this world. After all, no one or thing he was familiar with had appeared so far.

But he had only wandered on the road for 5 minutes, and in the glass showcase selling TVs on the roadside, he saw a piece of news related to the world situation.

"Ten years have passed since mutants first appeared in the public eye. Today, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the peaceful coexistence of humans and mutants..."


Frowning slightly, Roger immediately understood the situation in this world through this news.

This is the world of Marvel's X-Men!

Although Roger felt a little surprised to travel through the Marvel world again, strictly speaking, the world of "X-Men" is separate from the main Marvel universe, and it is not even in the multiverse after that.

Because the original copyright of "X-Men" was not in Marvel's hands, in the old trilogy filmed, the world view is completely independent of the Marvel movie universe.

Although the copyright returned later, Marvel seems to have no idea of ​​integrating the X-Men into the main Marvel universe for the time being.

Before Roger traveled through, some people on the Internet said that the multiverse series is likely to bring the X-Men back to the main universe, but this is just speculation, and no one has given an accurate information.

Therefore, the Marvel multiverse and the X-Men series of movies should be completely separated, which is why although it is still the Marvel world, the observers did not show up to chat with Roger.

"X-Men... I wonder if I can see Uncle Wolf."

When you mention the X-Men, you have to mention the most famous character Wolverine.

In the X-Men series of movies, Roger's favorite character is Wolverine, followed by Magneto.

The reason why I like Wolverine is because this guy is the protagonist of the X-Men series, and he has also made a solo personal movie. The reason why I like Magneto... is because every time Lao Wan plays, the scenes are extremely grand.

Roger likes to watch this kind of special effects scenes. Every time Lao Wan plays the scene where he either lifts up the Golden Gate Bridge or lifts up the entire sports field, Roger is very excited to watch.

My third favorite character is Quicksilver from the new series.

The reason is the same as above, Roger likes the time-stop special effect when he appears on the stage.

To put it simply, Roger likes to watch special effects and big scenes, so he likes people like Magneto.

"Let me take a look at the current timeline..."

Looking at the photos of Magneto on the TV, and the headlines such as 'Mutants and Humans Have Peacefully Coexisted for the [-]th Anniversary', Roger can probably figure out the current time.

Ten years ago, mutants first appeared in the eyes of the public in this world. The most famous incident was Magneto attacking the president... By the way, why is the president of country M so unlucky? Anyone can bully him?

Ten years ago, Magneto attacked the president and announced the existence of mutants. The X-Men headed by Professor X tried their best to stop Magneto, saved the president, and made the president admit the existence of mutants.

Now, ten years later, Magneto is missing, and the X-Men teach in the academy founded by Professor X, responsible for educating mutant children adopted from all over the world.

So far all has been uneventful, with some even celebrating the peaceful coexistence between the two races.

But if Roger remembers correctly, the event ten years ago was the main plot of the movie "X-Men: Days of Future Past", and now ten years later is the main plot of the movie "X-Men: Apocalypse".

That is to say...

"Am I going to fight Tianqi? No, no, it seems that Tianqi doesn't need me to fight..."

If the story progresses according to the original book, the X-Men will finally defeat the apocalypse, whether there is Roger or not is the same, unlike the Marvel Zombie Universe, Roger can play a vital role.

So Roger doesn't seem to need to do anything now, just wait for the X-Men and Apocalypse to go and have a look and enjoy the big scene at close range.

Roger had thought so.

But thinking about it, Roger suddenly thought of the big scene in the original book that impressed Roger deeply.

That was the plot in the middle and late stages of the movie. Apocalypse used his own ability to turn Cairo into ruins, and built an extremely huge pyramid in an attempt to capture Professor X's ability.

The movie focuses on the powerful ability of Apocalypse, using top-notch special effects to perform the spectacular scene of urbanization into ruins and pyramids rising out of thin air.

Roger also enjoyed watching it at the time, because it was a movie after all.

But when he really came to the world in the movie, Roger couldn't help but think of one thing.

Ordinary people in Cairo, Egypt...what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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