Chapter 97 Ambush
Well, the cause of the matter is actually this.

Last night, in order to test his abilities, Roger successively destroyed the testing equipment made by Hank, and a little bit of Alex's self-esteem.

Although the two didn't say anything at the time, they still felt a little unconvinced afterwards.

They admit that Roger is very strong. If Roger is a mutant, he is at least an alpha-level mutant. They even wonder if there is anyone in the mutant world who can be Roger's opponent.

But this does not mean that he is really invincible, and no matter how invincible a mutant is, he must have his own weaknesses.

In other words, Hank didn't really want to deal with Roger, he just didn't want to be reconciled that his testing equipment couldn't even push Roger's limit.

So after discussing with Alex, Hank and Alex decided to work together to create something that could test the limits of Roger's defense.

It is the device on Alex's chest that can greatly enhance the shock wave released by Alex. The ultimate power has not been tested yet, but it should be no problem to destroy a building made of steel.


After listening to Hank's explanation, Charles felt a little helpless. He said to Hank:

"Hank, you are almost forty..."

The implication is, can you not be so childish.

Hank looked a little embarrassed, but Alex was a little eager to try, and said to Roger:
"Anyway, don't worry about anything else, do you want to experiment again?"


With his defense strengthened and his self-confidence inflated, Roger is not afraid of any challenge at this moment.

Not to mention a shock wave, even if there was another Cyclops, Roger would only smile slightly and never move a step.

Seeing that Roger and Alex were about to have a friendship match, Charles' expression suddenly changed, and his tone became serious and he said to them:

"Okay, 'Boys', game time pauses here, the apocalypse has appeared in Cairo."


Roger frowned.

Charles said: "Yes, now, so we are going to set off."

The people in Cairo, Egypt, have not all been evacuated yet. In just one day, it is unrealistic to expect millions of people from a big city to leave the city, especially in a place like Cairo.

So far, only the people in the central area have been evacuated, and that is where Charles focused his attention.

Because in the picture he saw in Roger's mind, the worst-hit place in Cairo was in the center of the city, so he paid more attention to the situation there.

However, this does not mean that other places are unimportant. The affected area is the entire Cairo, and the central area is just the worst.

"Apocalypse has already started?"

Roger asked suddenly.

Charles shook his head: "Not yet, but it's probably coming soon."

"Then I'll go now."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Roger got up and set off immediately without hesitation.

Charles then stopped Roger and said to him:
"Wait, you take Hank with you, I and the others will be there soon."


Roger looked at Hank, Hank revealed the battle suit he was wearing, took off his glasses, and turned into a blue beast, and said to Roger:

"I've been preparing all the time."

Since knowing that the apocalypse may come at any time, these X-Men have been wearing their battle suits, which at least saves the time for changing clothes.

After Hank finished speaking, Charles added:
"I know you are very powerful, but Tianqi and my old friend are not easy to deal with. After all, you are a bit reluctant. Bring a helper to go there first, at least it can delay until we go there."

"I see, then you guys hurry up, by the way, bring Phoenix Girl with you."

"Jane? She's just a child..."

Charles hesitated.

Roger said to Charles:
"They are not children anymore, whether it is Qin or Scott, they will all be the elite of the X-Men in the future, and it is time for them to face decent enemies."

Roger knew that Charles didn't want these children to participate in the battle.

In the original plot, Phoenix Girl and others will join the battle because the academy was destroyed and others were arrested. Only they can rescue Charles who was kidnapped by Apocalypse, so they had to go, and Charles would not say anything.

But now, the academy is still there, and the military that has been staring at the academy... To be precise, it is a guy named Stryker, who dare not run up to capture the students in the academy without authorization.

So in Charles' view, it's safer for these students to stay here.

But Charles didn't know at all how important the Phoenix Girl was to this battle.

Although Roger is now somewhat inflated in self-confidence and feels that he should be able to deal with Apocalypse, but there are not too many cards like this. In the original plot, Phoenix Girl killed Apocalypse at the end. Way, at least he can let Phoenix Girl repeat the plot in the movie.

Charles fell into deep thought, and Roger didn't talk to Charles any more. He took Hank away from the X Academy and flew straight from the sky in the direction of Cairo, Egypt.

Under Roger's full speed flight, a few minutes later, the two came to the sky above Cairo together.

As soon as they arrived in Cairo, the two saw Apocalypse using his ability to build a pyramid outside Cairo.

The central area has been reduced to ashes, and a large pyramid has risen from the ground.

Fortunately, the people in the central area had already evacuated before this, but the ordinary people in the nearby urban area hadn't evacuated yet. There were indeed no casualties at present, but if this continues, it will be a matter of time before there will be casualties.

So Roger didn't hesitate, he made a decisive decision... first threw Hank as a weapon from the air!
Before throwing it down, Roger had already descended to a suitable height. At this height, with Hank's ability and physical fitness, nothing would happen.

On the contrary, with Hank's reflexes, he can still catch Apocalypse in mid-air and go down together.

It's just a pity that Hank had just been thrown down by Roger, and the angel with restored wings flew directly to Hank, and the two wrestled and fell to the side.

Seeing that Hank was stopped by the angel, Roger didn't care about anything, his thermal vision was released instantly, and he went straight to Apocalypse to shoot!

But at this very moment—!
"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The voice of Magneto King Eric sounded in the distance, and with his voice, the nearby sky suddenly darkened.

Roger's thermal vision was blocked by a thick steel block, and at the same time blocked the figure of Apocalypse.

Then Roger looked up, and saw a huge iron block more than ten meters long and several meters wide, like a building, like a giant sword held by a giant, which was quickly pressed down from Roger's head under the control of Eric Down!

boom! !

Seeing the appearance of Magneto, Roger couldn't care less about continuing to deal with Tianqi. He quickly flew away from his original position, passing the huge iron block, and looked at Magneto and his surroundings in the distance, frowning:
"...A trap?"

On the ground below Magneto, iron blocks as huge as before rose from the ground.

They are like starships that are about to take off, neatly arranged row after row, and follow the actions of 'Commander' Eric, to carry out a saturated encirclement and suppression of Roger!
Countless huge iron blocks pressed down on Roger in rows, blocking all of Roger's flying space, making it impossible for him to escape from this place.

In an instant, the iron blocks were gathered together by Eric's manipulation, submerging Roger in the very center of the iron blocks!

boom! !

A towering, [-]-meter-long metal monument rose from the ground. Roger was like the Monkey King who was suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain, trapped in the middle of the monument by countless metals.

Obviously, this is a trap aimed at Roger.

Apocalypse and the others guessed that Roger attached importance to ordinary people, and they also noticed the secret sentry set up by Charles outside Cairo. In order to deal with Roger and the people of X Academy, Eric and Apocalypse designed this "ambush".

It took them a day to set a trap here and lure Roger over.

They knew that Roger would definitely come, as if Roger had gone to see them in person yesterday.

And when Roger comes over, Eric will control these metal giants to block Roger's actions, as for the apocalypse...

Roger's clairvoyant eyes have already seen it. After seeing Roger's appearance, Apocalypse quickly opened the teleportation and left, and his purpose was very clear, which was Professor X Charles.

Eric and Tianqi, they plan to split into two groups, trap Roger first, and then capture Charles!
"Okay, the villains will use their brains."

Roger, who was crushed in the steel 'monument', said to Eric half-sarcastically.

His voice was loud, even though it was wrapped in layers of steel, his voice was clearly heard in Eric's ears.

"You shouldn't have come."

Eric pressed down with both hands, controlled the steel, and continued to exert strength on Roger.

Roger wrestled with Eric and asked him:
"It's up to you whether you should come or not, but there is one thing I'm curious about, Magneto, Charles is your best friend, and now that Apocalypse wants to capture Charles' ability, you know what will happen once Apocalypse succeeds." What result?"

"I know, there will only be mutants left in this world, and human beings will cease to exist!"

Eric replied without thinking.

"No." Roger denied his words: "Although it is true that human beings will be wiped out by the apocalypse as you said, the really serious result for you is that your best friend Charles will die."


"The companions who used to fight with you, Mystique, Shockwave, Beast, they will all die!"

"What does that have to do with me!!"

Eric yelled at Roger.

He continued to squeeze the steel, and the monument made of steel had been deformed, but he could feel Roger in the center, as if nothing happened.

Eric's power to crush anything had no effect on Roger, not even his clothes were torn.

And Roger, who was squeezed in the steel center, continued to say to Eric:
"Even if your son dies because of it, it doesn't matter!!"


Magneto froze, his strength loosened for an instant.

It was at this moment that Roger suddenly burst out with all his strength, and all the steel was thrown out by him, and the huge iron pieces scattered around like exploding fireworks!

Roger's figure was like a ghost, and he came to Eric's side in an instant, pinching his neck with one hand, so that he could no longer use his abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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