I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 160 The Scary Thing Outside the Window

Chapter 160 The Scary Thing Outside the Window

It was indeed a wiretapping device. After checking, Heath found the little thing, which was very similar in color to the water pipe. If Zoroya hadn’t pointed out the location, Heath might not have found it. After finding it, Heath It was only then that this thing was deducted.

"It looks like it's Kojiro." Heath touched his chin. Although Kojiro and Musashi of the Rockets were exonerated afterwards, in fact, they had completed many missions assigned by the Rockets before, but they encountered Destiny later. Xiaozhi, his son, slowly transformed.

After notifying Junsha on duty, Junsha came over aggressively. After getting the bug, she left with a black face, and old Junsha also walked in.

"What's the matter?" Lao Junsha looked curiously at the junior who left aggressively, and asked curiously, while Heath was cutting ingredients in the kitchen, preparing the food for Junsha and others to cook at night.

"The water pipe broke just now. I called someone to repair the water pipe, and it was repaired, and a bug was installed for me." Heath shrugged, and put the small piece of quartz he bought on the counter by the way, Although Heath did adjust his mentality quickly, Heath still didn't forget about being tricked by Lao Junsha.

"It seems that you know." Lao Junsha was stunned for a moment, and then saw the two pieces of quartz placed by Heath on the counter, and instantly understood what Heath meant.

"I know, but I think it's a good thing to exchange parking fees for dinner." Heath didn't care too much, the parking fee of the Quartz Alliance is super expensive, not to mention that Heath is a dining car, let alone Mr. It's not the first time that Shamen has cooked Heath.

"Then do you want to try cooking with this quartz?" Old Junsha looked at Heath with a smile, Heath froze for a moment, then raised his head suddenly, looked at Old Junsha with piercing eyes With excited eyes.

"You can do it?" Heath looked at Laojunsha in surprise. If Laojunsha could do it, it would be a relief for Heath. After all, if he can make a special food of the city, then Heath can I have received a reward. Although I don't know what the content of the reward is, it must be a good thing.

Old Junsha shook her head. She only became interested in cooking later on. Occasionally, Heath was a little disappointed when she heard chefs talk about edible quartz. He curled his lips and sat down again. He planned to wait Will try it out in the evening when we get back to the dining car.

And Duck with Scallion is standing beside Heath to help him chop vegetables. It has to be said that Duck with Scallion is getting better and better at cutting vegetables, which is a very good help for Heath.

"Come out, Hu Di." Old Junsha took out an elf ball, and then a Hu Di with a big head floated in the restaurant. Heath glanced curiously, according to Hu Di's tradition , this Hu Di should not be young, and he is extremely intelligent. After all, there is a saying among Hu Di that the longer a Hu Di lives, the smarter he will be, and the bigger his head will be.

"Come and twist it for me, I don't mean to cheat the children." Old Junsha said with a smile, and then the purple light flashed in Hu Di's eyes, and Heath found that the two pieces of quartz were in the next second. Surrounded by the super power, after a while some transparent liquid flowed out of the super power and dripped on the iron plate. Heath quickly washed it with clean water.

After cleaning, Heath saw two groups of quartz twisted into a helix appeared in front of him. The quartz looked more pure, like looking at transparent glass.

"I've wrung out the toxic ingredients for you. As for how to do it, it's up to you." Lao Junsha left with her hands behind her back, and Heath put away the quartz. Now it is indeed possible to try it. Cooking, Heath didn't know how to find super powers before, but he didn't expect Lao Junsha to help him solve this problem.

After finishing the dishes and entertaining the Junshas who came to dinner, Heath took the quartz back to his dining car, and then began to study the two quartz in front of him, but Heath still decided to wait until tomorrow. After all, Although Lao Junsha said that it was finished, it was a matter of safety, and Heath felt that it would be better to be careful. He planned to use the food detector to take a look tomorrow.

With a loud noise of "hum!", Heath took a breath of cold air. Heath could hear the huge sound of the Snorlax even before he went in. He quickly opened the door, and then saw the Snorlax pat With his own stomach, he bowed his head and sat opposite Soroya, looking like a student who made a mistake and was taught by the teacher.

This made Heath want to laugh a little, the size gap is too big.

"What's the matter?" Heath glanced at Kirby, and then at Sorolla. It's rare that this guy with a head full of yellow waste can be a little more serious. Heath has not forgotten that Sorolla was in Junsha Yellow accents in our cafeteria.

"The big man said that when he just looked outside, he saw something terrifying and screamed in fright." Soroya said angrily, she was just reading the comics very well. , as a result, he was so frightened that he almost fainted from the sudden snarl of the Snorlax, and even the little charmander who was exercising at the side was so frightened that he almost hit himself.

Only Heath and Scallion Duck were busy outside, so they were not affected.

"Scary thing?" Heath was stunned for a moment, then walked quickly to the window where Snorkel had been, and then glanced out of the window. There was nothing, and Junsha's parking lot was brightly lit. The lights, the police cars and motorcycles in the distance were also placed quietly, and there was no female ghost in white clothes with disheveled hair.

Heath turned his head and glanced, Zoroya was still talking to Snorramon, it could be seen that Soraya was very angry, and Snorramon was also very wronged, which made Heath a little bit dumbfounded, he thought it might be the first time Look at the reason.

The human brain is very interesting. Sometimes when you see something vague at first glance, the brain will automatically process it, and then it depends on what you think it is. This is why it still exists in the world where technology is so advanced in the previous life. The cause of some supernatural phenomena.

Heath had also considered whether it was a ghost Pokémon, but this is Junsha's parking lot, and it is impossible for a ghost Pokémon to exist, unless Geng Gui, the king of Chrysanthemum, ran out when he was idle.

"Relax, it's okay." Looking at the wronged Snorby, Heath shook his head dumbfounded, and then patted Snorfy's back, which was cold, like touching ice cream.

(End of this chapter)

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