I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 165 Going to extremes is always bad

Chapter 165 Going to extremes is always bad

Although Heath felt a little hesitant about whether the Yeti Squirrel would be able to win against those popping monsters in the future, life still had to go on. After washing up, Heath drove the dining car to the vegetable market of the Quartz Alliance. Buy some ingredients here.

Although the Quartz Alliance is the largest city in the Kanto area and the most densely populated city, the vegetable market in the Quartz Alliance is not very crowded at this time of the morning, but even so, it is much more crowded than that in Evergreen City.

Heath came straight to the aquatic product shop, he needed to buy some crabs to take away, these crabs will become the ingredients Heath provided for the duck with onion, after all the new task of the duck with onion is to learn how to make crab roe soup dumplings, and taking advantage of this time , Heath also released the scallion duck, and let the scallion duck follow him to learn how to choose ingredients.

Although it is reasonable to say that this season is not the season for eating crab roe, it is obvious that the world of Pokémon is somewhat different from the previous life. After asking about it in the aquatic area, Heath really asked about who can produce crab roe in this season. Crabs, but the price is relatively high, after all, this is the crab with crab roe in this season.

If it was before, Heath might have hesitated for a while, but now Heath doesn't have so many worries. The money for those big purple crab and crab roe soup dumplings sold yesterday is enough for Heath to spend a little extravagance. In addition to the reason for the duck with scallions to practice, Heath bought a total of ten kilograms of crabs. Although it looked like a lot, there were not many crab roe soup dumplings.

"Yawn." Zoroya yawned on Heath's head, her bleary-eyed look was cute.

"Did you have a nightmare last night?" Heath looked at Sorolla and asked with a smile. When he saw the nightmare crystal in Sorolla's arms this morning, he knew that this little guy would also have nightmares, but What kind of nightmare Heath is not very clear.

"Hmph." Soroya snorted, not meaning to take advantage of Heath. Thinking of the nightmare yesterday, Soroya covered his face in embarrassment, which made Heath a little puzzled. What happened to the little guy?
Although he was very curious, Heath didn't care about it. After buying the ingredients he needed, Heath returned to the dining car, then set the automatic driving, called the onion duck to his side, and then began to guide the onion duck Dispose of these crabs.

"Trainer, if you cook crabs like this, will the crabs hurt?" Zoroya asked curiously, and Heath was stunned by her question. As a chef, he really didn't care about whether his ingredients would be healthy or not. It hurts, but it should hurt.

"Why do you want to ask this question?" Heath looked at Sorolla suspiciously. If this little guy becomes a fanatical animal protection fox, or a fanatic vegetarian fox, then Heath will definitely turn her to Pokémon Center, let her be treated by Ms. Joy here.

In the world of Pokémon, there are naturally these strange people. Heath once met such a customer when he was driving a small stall in Evergreen City.

It was a woman. She came to Heath's food stall. At first, Heath thought the other party was here to buy breakfast. A small area of ​​people.

In addition, the pancakes made by Heath are very delicious, and the production speed is very fast, and the price is relatively cheap, so Heath's breakfast stall is quite famous, and there are many people who come to buy breakfast every day.

Just when Heath raised his head and wanted to ask this lady who had been standing in front of him for a long time, but was not talking, and was about to buy something, he found that this woman was actually wearing a hen coat and holding a sign in her hand, It reads [They are also life, they have the right to live] written in bloody characters.

At that time, Heath knew what type of character this woman was. After all, such things in previous lives were often not rare, especially in European and American countries who were full and had nothing to do, and tried to seek their moral high ground in the animal world. guy.

Heath didn't say much, but contacted Miss Junsha and took this guy away. The charge was obstructing public transportation and safety. After all, this guy still had a nail clipper in his hand. Who knows if she would be crazy? What about attacking yourself with nail clippers?
But then that woman still came often, and the Junshas had nothing to do with her, after all, she didn't do anything.

It wasn't until the woman went completely crazy that she disappeared from Heath, because Heath prepared a pancake with two eggs in front of her for an office worker who was in a hurry to go to work, and then the angry The woman rushed over and overturned Heath's dining car, overturned Heath's eggs, smashed the pancake fruit on the face of the stunned office worker, and accidentally smashed Heath's lo mei pot on her own. body.

Then the woman was sent to the hospital because of severe burns and other charges, and then went directly to the mental hospital.

"No, I'm just a little curious, because when I read the novel before, it mentioned that the ingredients should be put to death humanely." Soroya said curiously, and the corner of Heath's mouth twitched. It seems that this There are also many people in the world who are full and support themselves.

"It hurts naturally, but I don't think there is anything to say about this kind of thing." Heath shrugged, and then asked the duck to take out the steamed crab and took out the crab roe inside.

"Or do you not plan to eat this kind of soup dumpling?" Heath asked again, and Soraya immediately shook her head. Of course she wanted to eat it, and she wanted to eat it. The taste of this crab roe soup dumpling was particularly good.

Heath didn't care either. If that kind of extreme woman stood in front of him, Heath might answer the other party with the answer he saw in his previous life. But for Zoroya, Heath is I know, this guy is often curious about all kinds of weird things, and now he is interested.

And now Heath is most concerned about the making of crab roe soup dumplings with scallion duck. I have to say that after making some dishes, the scallion duck is now more and more proficient in making these foods, and it can even be described as very proficient .

It's just that Ranhis pointed out a lot of problems in the preparation of crab roe and the choice of seasonings, but apart from these problems, the duck with green onions also has some unclear understanding of the skin.

(End of this chapter)

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