I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 169 Task triggered temporarily

Chapter 169 Task triggered temporarily

Heath touched his chin. Lava eel looks like a very interesting ingredient. After all, eel is quite delicious. It is also a good choice to make eel rice. Heath has eaten eel rice and Kabayaki eel rice. The taste is still very good, and there is also eel rice in this world, but it is too expensive, and Heath is not willing to eat it.

After all, the money for one eel meal is enough for Heath to eat other things three or four times. There is a huge difference between once and three or four times, but anyone who has lived a hard life can distinguish the differences of these problems. I hope Si feels that as long as it can fill the stomach, the taste is not the first thing to pursue.

Affordable prices are the best, and delicious things are things that you will try to pursue after you already have a certain economic foundation. However, as a chef, Heath knows very well how to make food on a cheap basis. Make a food that tastes good, even better than those top-notch ingredients.

Heath even knows that some chefs can use very cheap tofu to make a delicacy that tastes like sea cucumbers. Heath also has this level, but he has not tried to do it now, because it would be a waste of time.

"Young man, do you still have the delicious food from last time?" With a familiar voice, Heath raised his head and glanced. It was the old man he had met in the morning. Staring at him.

Heath tried hard to recall, and then remembered that the old man ordered a pancake fruit last time, and his taste was very strange and would change.

Heath once again glanced at the dialog box that grew out of the old man's head. It said that his favorite flavor is still sweet and spicy, but there is still no one he hates. This made Heath a little confused. Could it be that he had an illusion last time?

But it has to be done for the old man. After all, the old man can be regarded as a guest. Heath plans to close the door after serving the lunch break guests at noon. He has already sold out the crab roe soup buns made with scallions and ducks this morning. , The scallion duck looks very proud, Heath thinks that after a few more days of training, after the customer satisfaction reaches [-], it is almost time to replace the scallion duck with a big purple crab.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Heath said with a smile, and then he picked up the tool for spreading pancakes, and then began to prepare the pancake fruit he wanted to eat for the old man.

The old man nodded, and stood patiently in front of Heath. This is a very energetic old man with a straight back and bright eyes. Heath even thinks that the old man's legs and feet are probably not bad. I just don't know why, but the old man's left hand is still slightly raised like that.

Heath felt that he was a little curious, but he didn't ask the old man what he meant, but after making the pancake fruit, he hesitated and poured sweet and sour sauce on it. The taste change I saw should not be my hallucination.

What's more, even if it's a hallucination, it doesn't have any effect. After all, the taste of sweet and sour is still very good, and even if the old man's taste changes, the old man only hates spicy food, not sweet and sour taste.

"Thank you." The old man said very politely. Looking at this energetic old man, Heath remembered the old man Ma Zhide he met in Changqing City before. The other party was also a very energetic old man, until his Ah He passed away, and now he doesn't know how the old man is doing. Heath admits that although he has only been out for a few days, he already misses old man Ma Zhide a little.

Seeing the old man who turned and left, Heath looked at him seriously. Sure enough, after the old man turned his head, the tastes that grew on the back of the old man's head changed again, and the taste that he hated was added to be spicy. Some surprises, will it really change?

But looking at the satisfaction that jumped out, Heath knew that the sweet and sour pancake fruit he made this time had succeeded in making the old man feel satisfied, and Heath was also very happy. If this continues, it is estimated that there will be five hundred guests Satisfaction is not too difficult a thing.

[You triggered a temporary special mission: the captive of delicious food]

[Captive of gourmet food: Make the next guest feel satisfied with the dishes you made, and you will get a lava eel (one piece) after completing the task]

Heath froze for a moment, he really didn't expect that he could trigger a new mission just by standing here, and this mission still looks very good, which made Heath a little curious, the next guest is What guest?Could it be Lugia?
"Ah, there is actually a restaurant here. May I ask if you can eat here?" A man in a white coat came over. He had a pair of thick glasses and looked like a scientific research practitioner, but Xi What makes Sis even more excited is that this guest must be the one who triggered the temporary special mission, and Sis vowed to take him down!

"Yes, what do you plan to eat?" Heath rubbed his hands excitedly. The Onion Duck looked at Heath curiously. It could hear the different attitude in Heath's tone, which made the Onion Duck look at it. The man in front of me is nothing special, why is the trainer so excited.

"Hey hey." Just when the Onion Duck was puzzled, it heard Soraya's voice. The Onion Duck turned his head to look, and then saw Sorolla hooking the door excitedly.

Charmander, who was exercising his biceps, glanced at Sorolla curiously. What happened to his big sister?
"You see, the trainer has a very different attitude towards this guest, right~" Sorolla lowered his voice, Heath was entertaining the guests, and didn't notice them.

Onion Duck nodded, Heath didn't take the old man so seriously just now, and Onion Duck felt that Heath now saw a moving golden mountain.

"Let me tell you, the trainer must have awakened some strange hobby. You will ask him to take you to this place later." Soroya grabbed a leaflet from somewhere, dark purple.

This deep purple makes it look a little mysterious, but the scene above seems to be a very lively place.

Scallion Duck curiously leaned over and took a look, there was a string of incomprehensible foreign characters on it, which seemed to be...
Like some Dicky Twister?What kind of strange place name is this?

Scallion Duck doesn't understand very well, but the subconscious makes Scallion Duck feel that something is wrong.

"Scallion, do you think I'm the kind of Pokémon who cheats on you?" Soraya blinked his big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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