I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 172 Compendium of Materia Medica

Chapter 172 Compendium of Materia Medica
Heath felt some scalp numbness. As expected of the magical Pokémon world, there are even creatures that will self-destruct after death, but this is not a big problem for Heath. According to the monster According to the fire red fox, it only needs to cut off the fish, but Heath does not intend to do so.

A qualified chef needs to learn how to take eel bones. The eel bones refer to eel bones. Many chefs who cook eel rice need special practice and training. The reason is that they need to learn how to take eel bones. Things, but the eels made that way are still a little bit interesting after all.

Heath touched his kitchen knife. Ordinary kitchen knives can also take out eel bones, but it is very difficult. Generally speaking, the best way to take out eel bones is a small long knife. It still depends on the skill of the chef himself.

"I haven't tried it for a long time. Do you want to try it again tomorrow when you buy eel?" Heath was a little entangled. If he wanted to put this lava eel on his gourmet guide, Heath had to use it to entertain guests, but now Heath wasn't very confident.

Just when Heath was struggling, he caught a glimpse of Onion Duck waving from the corner of his eyes, as if trying to attract his attention.

"What's the matter, Scallion Duck?" Heath looked at Scallion Duck with a smile, and then saw a dark purple flyer in Scallion Duck's hand, and Scallion Duck passed the leaflet to Heath.

Heath took it and took a look suspiciously. It seemed to be a bar or KTV or something like that. There was a string of foreign words on it, saying "Dicky Twister", which should be the name of the store, but Heath's foreign language is not very good. , so he did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Do you want to go?" Heath looked at Scallion Duck blankly. When did this Scallion Duck become so trendy that he even wanted to go to the bar? Or did Scallion Duck wake up to a new hobby and plan to become a DJ? ?
Scallion Duck hesitated for a moment, then shook Heath's clothes, and Zoroya jumped out immediately.

"Long Cong said, he wants you to take him to this place to play." Sorolla said seriously, and Heath was not suspicious, after all, Sorolla did undertake the translation work.

"Okay, let's wait until night." Heath nodded. He really hadn't been to the night show in Pokémon World. After all, he had no money before and owed a lot of debt. Now Heath has time , and the scallion duck also wants to go, so there is nothing wrong with going once in a while.

Immediately afterwards, Heath sat patiently in the dining car, waiting for the arrival of the guests. As the meal time came, Heath's dining car became lively, and this time there were a lot fewer people gossiping about Heath. Many people have seen the science popularization of the demon fire red fox, and understand that there is nothing wrong with Heath's price. Many people even came to ask Heath when he will launch the big purple crab and crab roe soup dumpling again.

Heath smiled and said that he didn't know for the time being, after all, he really didn't know when he would be able to save [-] guest satisfaction.

Heath glanced at his food guide curiously. It showed that there was still a little more than a hundred gaps from the satisfaction of [-], which was not much. Heath felt that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow should be enough.

But when he thought of the fiery red fox just now, Heath couldn't help but smile. The director fox is a very enthusiastic person. Heath decided that if he needs help in the future, Heath will definitely help, even though he Even a chef doesn't know what to do for the other party.

Heath spent the whole noon in a busy schedule. After the number of customers decreased, all of Heath's braised chicken had been sold out, and he even sold out a lot of stewed pork rice and egg fried rice. It is considered to have survived the time of lunch break at noon.

"Well~ I'm done today." Heath stretched his waist in satisfaction. He planned to close the door. After all, all the ingredients in the dining car had been sold out, and there were no customers. Heath thought it was time to go back and take a rest. Then I waited for the night to take the scallion duck to that strange bar.

"Little brother, do you still sell food here?" Just as Heath was about to close the door, he heard the voice of an old man.

Heath turned his head and took a look. It was indeed an old man. It could be seen that the other party was very old, but when the old man stood there, he had a strange feeling, like a fairy.

"Yes, but most of the food has been sold out now, if you want, I can make you a pancake fruit, what do you think?" Although it was very strange, Heath still entertained the people in front of him very politely. this guest.

"Pancake fruit? What about something you haven't eaten, so I'll trouble you little brother." The old man nodded with a smile, and then stood outside the dining car and waited.

Heath quickly took out a chair and sat down for the old man. Heath had already put away the tables and chairs outside the dining car just now. He didn't want an old man to stand and wait for him.

But when he walked to the old man, Heath couldn't help being stunned for a moment, because the old man had a very strange smell, which was very familiar and unique, and people couldn't help remembering it after smelling it once. The kind to live in.

Chinese herbal medicine.

Heath is very sure that this is indeed the smell of Chinese medicine. Although I don’t know why the old man has this smell, but when he was a child, Heath’s neighbor was an old Chinese medicine doctor. He especially liked to boil Chinese medicine. Heath felt that his socks were tanned It is almost edified with the smell of Chinese medicine.

The taste of Chinese medicine is very special, and Heath will never admit it.

"Grandpa, are you a Chinese medicine doctor?" Heath looked at the old man in front of him curiously. Although he is not a person who can chat with strangers, this old man is indeed too special. Heath is really curious this problem.

"Huh? I'm sorry, I forgot to change my clothes when I was making the medicine this morning." The old man was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand with a smile.

Heath had some surprises, and he was actually a Chinese medicine doctor!

The Pokémon world naturally has Chinese medicine. This can be seen in the herb shop in the Fangyuan area, but the characteristics are also obvious. Although the effect is strong and the price is cheap, the taste is very bitter, so I feed it to Pokémon Dreaming will reduce the favorability of Pokémon. Generally speaking, trainers who want to use certain moves will deliberately feed their Pokémon Chinese medicine.

But Heath also knows that one of the reasons why Chinese medicine is available in the entire alliance is that the guests they face are all humans, and very few face Pokémon.

(End of this chapter)

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