I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 178 Braised Noodles and Charmander

Chapter 178 Braised Noodles and Charmander
There is nothing to say about the yellow stewed chicken. Heath quickly made it, and then brought it to Fengwang. At the same time, he told Fengwang how to eat it. When they arrived at the kitchen, they began to prepare the braised noodles for Palkia.

Lumian is a relatively special kind of pasta. Lumian generally requires noodles to be chewy and smooth, and in order to prevent the cooked noodles from being soft and snot-like, there are also different methods of making and cooking noodles. Some exquisite ones, although the kind of noodles bought by ordinary people can not be made into braised noodles, but that kind of braised noodles is still a little bit less interesting.

In Heath's view, a good braised noodle is composed of two parts, one is chewy and smooth noodles, so that you will have an appetite when you eat it, and you won't think of some bad things, while the other is The spices for the noodles and the meat for your partner.

The soul of lomian is actually concentrated in the ingredients. Every lomian shop with good business has its own secret recipe, and these recipes are even enough for a shop to prosper for a long time. If it is kept secret enough and the taste is good enough, It is not even a problem to let the family live a comfortable life for two or three generations.

And Heath himself also has his own secret ingredients, but for meat, Heath plans to try to let Charmander handle a roast beef with a unique taste. The requirement is that the beef is cooked, but it tastes very tender, Little Charmander Can do this perfectly, but this little guy looks a little nervous.

Maybe it’s because Charmander didn’t help Heath cook a lot, so when Charmander stood next to Heath, took the cut beef from Heath, and listened to Heath’s request, Heath could notice that Charmander was a little bit expressive. The nervousness made Heath couldn't help laughing. Although this little guy was very hardworking, Charmander still seemed a little nervous in the face of things he didn't know.

"It's nothing, Charmander, you just need to perform as usual, I believe in you." Heath encouraged Charmander after hearing the words, and then stroked Charmander's head. Charmander's head is easy to touch, feel It's like touching some warm leather.

Heath couldn't help but think of the Arbor snake in Evergreen City, and he doesn't know how those little guys are living now. Survival of stray Pokémon is a difficult thing, especially living in a human city , if caught by the Junshas, ​​it will be sent back to the wild to survive according to the situation after training.

Although that may be a good thing for them, but Arbor snakes are obviously more used to the feeling of living together in the city. Heath is not sure why these Pokémon are like this. They can return to the wild, but Live carefully in the human city.

Receiving Heath's comfort, Charmander also relaxed a bit. It nodded seriously, and then spewed out a ball of flame from its mouth, slowly roasting the beef in front of it, trying hard to make the flame perfect. Wrap these slices of meat and heat them evenly.

Heath didn't look too much, but turned his head to deal with the matter at hand, and he hadn't finished the noodles yet.

After Heath put a portion of noodles in a bowl and poured in various secret seasonings, Heath stood aside and watched the Charmander barbecue, while the duck with green onions was moving the steamer, and its crab roe soup dumpling was finally finished. , and now it is waiting to be steamed before it can be sold.

When Heath just made the noodles, he checked by the way and corrected some minor problems. Apart from that, he didn’t have anything to worry about. However, Heath also found that the steamed buns made by Duck with Scallions still looked very girly. Xin, this made Heath look a little weird.

Heath is not very concerned about whether the duck with scallions has a girlish heart, but the problem is that the crab roe soup dumplings made by the scallion duck have obviously affected Heath himself. Yesterday Heath found that many people who came to buy crab roe soup dumplings were seeing those girls full of heart After the crab roe soup buns, there will be an indescribable expression.

Heath feels that invisibly, such a weird black pot as "Friends of Women" or "Pretty Boy Chef with a Girl's Heart" has been pinned on Heath's head, so Heath deliberately put it on today's menu board A big sentence was added.

[Crab roe soup dumplings made by scallion duck, eight alliance coins each], even Heath gave the job of changing the money to scallion duck. Anyone who buys crab roe soup dumplings needs to buy from scallion duck. Si can get rid of the blame on his head as soon as possible.

Charmander is indeed very talented, a piece of beef is roasted just right, and Heath doesn't know if Little Charmander has any ideas of his own, the roast meat it made is a little burnt on the edge of the roast, but Heath ate it After taking one piece, I found that it tasted even better.

So Heath praised Charmander's wonderful idea, then poured the roast beef into the bowl of noodles, and then took a pair of chopsticks and put them in front of Palkia along with the noodles.

At this time, Palkia was already a little hopeless. The stewed chicken made by Heath was so delicious, and the excellent taste that Feng Wang found after pouring the stewed chicken soup into the rice was even more delicious. It made Palkia unable to stop, feeling hungry.

So after getting the stewed noodles made by Heath, Palkia picked up the chopsticks, and when Heath turned his head, he directly used his own space power to manipulate the noodles to mix himself well quickly, and then Then he happily picked up a piece of braised noodles and stuffed it into his mouth. As the braised noodles were eaten into his mouth, Palkia's eyes lit up. This braised noodles is really delicious!

The color of the noodles itself and the color of the ingredients are mixed together, it looks a little reflective under the sun's rays, but after eating it, the salty taste and a hint of it are very suitable for the taste of Palkia The sweetness is perfect.

What's more, the meat in this stewed noodles is also delicious. Although there is some burnt on the outside, the burnt feeling did not damage the stewed noodles. On the contrary, it became even more delicious. Combined with the ingredients of the braised noodles, Palkia let out a sense of satisfaction from the inside out. No wonder Feng Wang said that he found a delicious restaurant, and it was true after a long time. delicious.

Although I don't know why there is a strange thing in the hand of the human chef, which gave Palkia a feeling of being seen through, but seeing the delicious food in front of him, Palkia decided to forgive Heath generously .

It's just that they can't be discovered by that smelly and shameless man of Diya Luka.

(End of this chapter)

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