I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 181 Is this a local accent?

Chapter 181 Is this a local accent?

Heath rubbed his hands. After the morning rush hour, Heath's dining car was a little free, but fortunately, the location Heath applied for was a very good prime location, where there was a lot of traffic. Heath's business is relatively smooth, which has greatly increased the amount of ingredients Heath buys every day.

"Lava eel, is this thing so expensive?" Heath looked at the phone, a little surprised. He asked the well-connected blogger Director Hu before, and the other party said that the last one was manually recorded for use. The lava eel auctioned was in the Galar area, and the rich man in the Galar area bought the eel at a high price of [-].

[-], this figure made Heath a little dumbfounded, but Heath is also more interested in this lava eel. If this thing is made, Heath thinks it should be very easy for him to sell it for [-] , after all, the labor cost of the chef also has to be counted in it.

[-] is not a small sum, but thinking of the Quartz Alliance real estate company he saw when he went out this morning, Heath calmed down a lot. After all, according to the housing price of Quartz Alliance, [-] is about That is to say, buying a little more than one square meter is really not a high price, and you can't even afford a parking space.

Just when Heath was thinking wildly, thinking about how many lava eels he sold to buy a toilet at the headquarters of the Quartz Alliance, Heath saw a guest appearing in front of the dining car.

"Welcome, what would you like to eat?" Heath raised his head and said with a smile, and then saw that the guest in front of him was a Hu Di.

Heath was stunned for a moment, and saw that there was nothing strange about Hudi. After all, the Pokémon like Hudi can be regarded as the most socially integrated Pokémon among Pokémon, and the other is Xanadu. .

Xanadu is even more special. The Alliance has a special Pokémon-related law called "Pokémon Protection Law", which once added a new legal article for Xanadu, that is, humans and Pokémon Kemeng can't get married, and the reason is very complicated.

"Oh~ look at this poor guy in front of him, he must not know what kind of purpose this old man in front of him has." With a familiar voice, Heath instantly understood who this person in front of him was, Mr. Corder .

"Mr. Corder?" Heath was a little surprised, he really didn't expect to see Mr. Corder.

"It's not Mr. Cod, it's Mr. Cotto. Hello, Heath, this old guy Cod is always nagging about you beside me. I came here to find you to keep my ears clean." Takumi grinned, and with one of his distinctive hands, pushed a piece of paper in front of Heath.

Heath picked it up curiously and took a look. There was such a passage written on it with a very beautiful pen.

[My dear old man, old Cod doesn't think about tea or food after you leave, so can you cook me a comforting meal? (By the way, Ke Ta is a rich guy, just kill him)] Looking at the note in front of him, Heath was a little bit dumbfounded, and then solemnly put the note away.

Seeing this note, Heath felt as if he saw Mr. Codd standing in front of him and talking to him. That weird translation voice seems to have become more moving in retrospect.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ke Tuo, do you need something to eat?" Heath glanced at Ke Tuo in front of him, and two things grew out of the other's head, but the taste he liked and the taste he hated made Heath There are some surprises.

This Mr. Ke Tuo actually likes to eat salty food, but hates to eat all other flavors, which makes Heath feel a little weird, after all, he only likes to eat one flavor, and a customer who hates all other flavors is also very Hard to see.

But thinking about the guest who had no sense of taste, Heath suddenly felt that all this seemed to have become normal again. After all, when the world gets bigger, he will meet all kinds of guests.

"Huh? Me? I'm picky about my taste, but seeing Ke De being so fond of you, your food should taste very good, so just cook me something to eat." Mr. Ke Tuo said nothing. He waved his hand in concern. He was reading a book. Heath looked at it curiously. It was a book called "Teaching Materials for the Primary Qualification Examination of Electrician".

Hiss suddenly realized that he knew from this book that the owner of Ma Zhishi's Taoist gymnasium in the Quartz Alliance has such requirements for trainers who want to challenge the gymnasium. Gym, and it is said that this habit comes from the Tiexuan gymnasium owner of Yuan Fangyuan.

The gymnasiums of the alliance have all kinds of novel or outrageous challenge systems. Heath is sincerely glad that he is not a trainer, otherwise he would have to think about how to pass the challenge audit of the gymnasium.

Heath once heard Xiaogang say that the challenge requirement of the rock-type gymnasium is to answer the paper and get a pass or above in a mineral identification test paper. Only in this way can he challenge the Gymnasium of the Dark Gray City.

Heath hopes that Xiaozhi is a master of learning. Otherwise, according to the strange rules of this world, Heath thinks that Xiaozhi's desire to become a Pokémon master will probably become a very difficult challenge. It is estimated that Xiaozhi will become a master. Yes, he can become a Pokémon doctor after retirement.
But after saying this, Heath suddenly felt that he seemed to have discovered why Dr. Oki became such an excellent doctor.

Heath shook his head, put all these weird thoughts in his mind, and then began to think about how to prepare Mr. Ketuo what he wanted to eat, but Mr. Ketuo's taste requirements also gave Heath some idea.

Heath intends to make a salt-baked chicken for Mr. Coto. Originally, Heath considered whether to make oily dry chicken, but the problem is that there is no dry chicken in this world, and Heath has to make it himself if he wants it. Feel very troubled.

Fortunately, Heath has bought a lot of chicken, and it is also a good choice to make a salt-baked chicken now, but Mr. Ke Tuo may have to wait for a while.

Heath glanced at the phone, and then began to make meals for Ke De. For Ke De's meal, Heath made yellow braised chicken. As for Mr. Ke Tuo's salt-baked chicken, Heath planned to let Mr. Ke Tuo come to pick it up in the afternoon .

"You said that if you have a time acceleration function, how much would it be?" Heath sighed.

 I asked for leave yesterday, it was too cold,

(End of this chapter)

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