I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 188 The Weird Story of the Wiring Center

Chapter 188 The Weird Story of the Wiring Center

Heath walked over cautiously, Mimi Q did not notice that Heath was coming, nor did it realize that its ears were exposed, so when Heath walked over, it saw Mimi Q shrinking Trembling in the sewer.

Heath wanted to laugh a little bit, Mimi Q looked cute, but the cloth on the opponent's body that was used to disguise Pikachu looked tattered, and there was even a lot of filth, Heath could smell it the closer he got. A sewer stink.

This should be a wandering Pokémon, Heath looked at the dirty Mimi Q, and made a conclusion in his mind, and the next second Mimi Q saw Heath, it was startled, and then The entire Pokémon shrank into the sewer and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Heath was stunned for a moment. Originally, Heath could reach out and grab Mimi Q's leather case, and then get off the fake Pikachupi, but Heath hesitated for a while and didn't make a move.

I heard that Mimi Q is a very unique Pokémon. It is impossible to test what its real body is, but it is rumored that this kind of ghost-type Pokémon is very lonely, so I am very envious of the popular Pikachu. , so I deliberately found a Pikachu product and put it on my body, trying to live in harmony with humans, but the effect was not very good.

"Is it something from more than [-] years ago? If you lose this thing, it may be difficult to find." Heath took out his mobile phone and searched. You can find this layer of Pikachubu on the Internet on the Internet, and it seems that it is because With the emergence of Mimi Q, some smart merchants have begun to sell more high-end and beautiful Mimi Q special cloth, and the price also has different positioning according to the material and degree of refinement.

But it is very difficult for a wandering Pokémon to dream of living in the busy headquarters of the Quartz Alliance, but Heath is curious about why this Mysterious Q always looks at him secretly, which makes Heath feel a little uncomfortable untie.

With such confusion, Heath brought the Onion Duck and Zoroya Charmander to Junsha’s cafeteria area, and then began to make Junsha’s dinner. Today, the old Junsha did not come, and Heath will not come after finishing. He started cooking for Junshas, ​​and then he heard these Junshas were discussing a weird report call recently.

It is said that the report call first appeared five days ago. One night five days ago, an operator at the Quartz Alliance headquarters received the report call, but was frightened into a nervous breakdown. Treatment.

But the strange thing is that the calls in the call center are all recorded, but nothing can be heard in that call except the voice of the operator. The alliance attaches great importance to this matter and sent a special network department to verify it. The result can only be It was found that the signal came from the part of this magnificent city that belongs to the City Alliance.

But today, the call center received this weird call again. There was also no sound, and it also shocked an operator greatly. It also only found out that it belonged to the city alliance area, and there was no news other than these.

This made Heath a little interested. In fact, there are ghosts in the Pokémon world. You can see similar settings in Pokémon anime and games, so Heath really had a feeling of returning to the world after hearing it. The feeling of watching a horror movie in a previous life.

But Heath didn't bother with this matter. After all, he was just a chef, not a detective, and he wasn't a reincarnated person who received the mission of [Investigating Weird Calls from the Wiring Center], so Heath just listened out of curiosity. Information about this matter.

After Junsha finished their meal, Heath took his Pokémon back to the dining car.

"Trainer Trainer!" Soraya was very excited and tried to jump on Heath's head as soon as he returned to the dining car, but Heath pressed him on his lap, and his neck was already very tired.

"What's the matter?" Heath looked at Sorolla helplessly. This guy is really real. At first, Heath thought that Sorolla had finally come to his senses and planned to become a good Pokémon, but he didn't expect that this guy was still the same.

"What did you say that phone call was? Is it some kind of scary ghost, or is it an urban legend?" Sorolla asked excitedly, Heath twitched his mouth, and then glanced at Sorolla. What did they say?

"But I remember that I read [Urban Legend Series, Hachi-sama Happy Tour] before, the protagonist was hugged by a big sister in the past, and then" Heath looked at Zoroya, who was proficient in driving, with a blank expression on his face. The expression gave it a brain jump, this guy is almost hopeless.

"This is our apartment, and this is the other half of the city that belongs to the City Capital Alliance. Are you sure you want to look for it?" Heath took out a map and pointed.

Sorolla looked at the huge half of the city above, and swallowed. She felt that if she was really thrown to the City Capital Alliance, it would be very difficult to come back.

However, Zoroya's words did make Heath a little interested. Heath leaned on the cold snowman Kirby, and then searched about this incident on his mobile phone.

Snowman Snorby is listening to the duet of folk songs from the Pokémon World. It is listening very seriously. If Heath didn't stop it quickly, it is estimated that Snorby is going to sing aloud. By then, Heath suspects that his ears will be blocked. deafening.

And there have been some news about this on the Internet, but the location and the real situation are all varied. Some people say that this is the phone call from the innocent students of the Baiyin Middle School of the Chengdu Union.

Others said that this was done by a dark organization in the Chengdu Alliance. Heath seemed to be able to see a black pot flying over and pinning Sakagi on the head.

What's even more outrageous is that some people say that this is a random crazy phone call from the nightmare god Darkrai. As long as you pick up the phone, you will be dragged into endless nightmares and tortured to go crazy. Heath feels that if it is really Darley Clay did it, then Heath just needs to silently take out Darkley's saliva, and he will be invincible.

"Forget it, what does this kind of thing have to do with me as a chef, anyway, I haven't received any investigation tasks." Heath yawned and didn't care too much. He decided to watch the sand sculpture video later to have fun , and then just waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

Heath plans to buy more eels tomorrow. On the one hand, it will be used to deal with Asong’s takeaway. Disposed of lava eels.

(End of this chapter)

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