Chapter 190 Karenya

Bamboo shoots, this is a very common ingredient, and it tastes very fresh. It is a delicacy that is very suitable for enjoying in season, and it is also a kind of mountain delicacy.

However, Heath has other views on bamboo shoots. Heath once went to the border province of China, Yun Province. The ethnic minorities there have another way of making bamboo shoots, which is to make sour bamboo shoots similar to pickles. , and the taste of sour bamboo shoots is also very good, and it is also a great choice to make various dishes with rich taste.

Sour bamboo shoot chicken is one of them.

Although the sour bamboo shoots are also distributed in other provinces of China, Heath’s favorite is the sour bamboo shoots of the ethnic minority. The bamboo shoot chicken is also a great choice if it is made with that kind of sour bamboo shoots.

So Heath took out a large part of the spring bamboo shoots and made them into sour bamboo shoots, but this was a huge amount of work, not to mention that the duck with scallions had to be made into crab roe soup dumplings first, so Heath could only make the sour bamboo shoots by himself. Yes, and Heath didn't finish when the dining car came to the daily stall location.

"Good morning, do you have breakfast today?" With a familiar voice, Heath hurriedly put down the bamboo shoots in his hand and stood up. Then he saw the little boy he had seen yesterday, a boy named Kerenya.

Heath turned his head and glanced at the scallion duck. The scallion duck shook his head. The crab roe soup dumpling was not ready yet, and he had to wait for a while to eat the first bite of the hot crab roe soup dumpling.

"Yes, but for the time being, we can only provide pancakes and crispy beef noodles. It will take a while for crab roe soup dumplings." Heath said with a smile, and Karenya smiled shyly, as if thinking what.

"Then can you give me some pancake fruit? I'm going to class soon." Kerenya said shyly, Heath nodded, looking at the boy in front of him, Heath thought of himself who used to study .

Heath spread the pancakes at a much faster speed. By the way, he also passed the menu of pancakes to Kerenya, asking him to see if he wanted to add something. After reading it, Kerenya really chose to add vegetables, but he Add yes eggs.

"Karenya! You damn country bumpkin! You go to school from here!" Heath frowned and glanced at the voices that were still in the changing stage, and three boys of the same age as Kerenya came over. His face was arrogant and domineering, especially the one in the middle. Compared with Karenya, his hairstyle looked like a hedgehog.

The term campus bullying popped up instantly, and Kerenya also showed a timid expression on her face.

"Idiot who pissed his pants, how about some breakfast? Why don't you show respect to my brother?" The three little kids came over and surrounded Kai Lunya, smilingly hugging Kai Lunya's neck.

Heath scratched his head, don't these guys take themselves too seriously?
"What are you doing?" Heath said, and he calmly looked at the three punks in front of him, which brought back some not-so-good memories for Heath.

"Whatever your business, it's stinky and early." The boy in charge obviously didn't pay attention to Heath, the corner of Heath's mouth twitched, he didn't expect to meet such a superb product in this world, Heath was helpless Sighing, he walked out, grabbed the clothes of the two brats with one hand, and lifted them up with one hand.

In fact, if it wasn't for the inability to grab the third kid's clothes, Heath would have picked up the three kids with one hand.

"Zhuo! Let go of my brother! Pheasant! Fatty!" The leader of the hedgehog turned into anger in an instant. He looked at Heath viciously, and took out a butterfly knife from his arms. poked over.

Heath showed a surprised expression, this child is called a pheasant?Heath suddenly wanted to ask if this hedgehog was called Chen Haonan.

But I thought so, but Heath didn't stop the movement of his hands, and easily threw the two punks aside, and then a set of skillful grappling techniques hit the hedgehog-headed butterfly knife to the ground, and then pressed With his head stuck to the ground.

The butterfly knife is soft, and it seems to be the same. Heath originally planned to teach this little kid a painful lesson, but seeing the soft butterfly knife, Heath felt a little better.

"Let go of me! Bastard!" the boy yelled angrily, and Heath scratched his head. These kids are troublesome, but this age doesn't seem to be too strange.

Heath clenched his fists, looked at the large stone slab below, then thought for a while, withdrew half of his strength, and then hit the boy's face with his fist, and the next moment the large stone brick floor was on the ground. Hiss punched a deep pit, and the cracks spread along Hiss' fist prints. The boy who watched couldn't help swallowing.

"Let me see you again next time. Do you understand what I mean?" Heath asked with a smile, the hedgehog nodded quickly, and then hurried away with his little brother.

"It didn't scare you, did it?" Heath glanced back at Kerenya, who had a dull expression on his face, and it was obvious that what happened today made Kerenya a bit unacceptable.

Hearing Heath's question, Kerenya shook his head, but his eyes suddenly became strange, but it was only a moment, and the next second Kerenya returned to that timid and shy boy.

"Your pancake fruit, if you are bullied, if you don't resist yourself, then no one will resist for you." Heath handed the pancake fruit to Kerenya, and then thought of some previous things, smiling Say something.

Heath has encountered this kind of gangsters before, and swallowing his anger will only make them bully harder. Only by violently resisting can these guys respect themselves. This is some small experience Heath summed up.

However, carrying a knife is of course not allowed. After all, the nature of that kind of thing is different, but it is not a problem to resist violence with fists, and there are corresponding bullying calls in this world, but I don’t know why Karenia didn’t seek it out. Help, Heath thought he might be intimidated.

"Well, thank you." Kerenya lowered her head and gave the money, and then left with her pancake fruit. Heath's mood also improved. Sure enough, doing good deeds can make people feel happy.

[You entertained Kerenya, you got "Criminal Psychology"]

Another book, Heath was stunned for a moment, why does this Karenia always give some psychology books?Heath didn't understand the situation, probably because the child's parents are psychology teachers, right?

 However, it is estimated that campus bullying only exists in junior high school now, but now there is a corresponding phone number. If you really encounter such a thing, it is best to contact the corresponding phone number for help.

(End of this chapter)

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