I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 200 Silver Middle School

Chapter 200 Silver Middle School
Sakagi has probably become the Queen's pot king of the Quartz League, and he is either taking the blame or on the way to take the blame every day, but this also has something to do with the Rockets' activity. After all, the current Quartz League, once famous Dark organizations have fallen under the iron fist of the alliance.

But only the Rockets have been active all the time, making some things happen from time to time, but the alliance has been attacking and can only catch some small fish and shrimps, not a single cadre. It's no wonder that Tianwang Adu is so relaxed and natural today Come with Sakagi.

If Sakagi’s identity is revealed, then Heath thinks that King Adu will immediately send out all his Pokémon, and then press Mr. Sakagi to the ground, but considering Xiaozhi’s age, Heath thinks this day is not too late After all, when Xiaozhi embarked on the journey, Sakagi's identity had already been exposed.

It's just that after Sakagi was exposed, he didn't seem to be arrested by the alliance soon. Heath felt that there might be some concerns in the middle that made him like this.

"Hello, your milk tea and pig's trotters." Heath handed the prepared milk tea and pig's trotters to the two female students in front of him, and after receiving the money, he glanced at his phone. It's almost time now , Heath felt that he could almost close the stall.

Although it is said that if the business continues, all the remaining food can be sold out, but Heath still intends to close the stall first. After all, there are not many things left, and Heath feels that there is no need to waste this time.

"Trainer!" Sorolla jumped onto Heath's head suddenly, and Heath couldn't help shaking his head forward. He felt that Sorolla seemed to have gained weight recently.

"What's wrong?" Heath stretched out his hand helplessly and hugged Zoroya down. He wondered whether he would develop calluses on his neck in the future, or the muscles on his neck would become abnormally developed. It seemed that it was not impossible. matter.

"Can you take me to buy some books today?" Zoroya widened his eyes and looked at Heath pitifully.

"No, your salary hasn't arrived yet." Heath shook his head, because Sorolla took Heath to a big bird bar before, so Heath deducted Sorolla's salary for a week and a half, It's not time to pay wages yet.

Soraya's ears drooped down, looking pitiful, but Heath still didn't waver, he looked at Sorolla quietly, what kind of notebook does this guy want to buy again?

Seeing that it was useless to pretend to be pitiful, Sorolla left angrily and got into the lounge. Heath didn't pay much attention, but turned around and began to clear the tables outside. He almost planned to close the dining car and go back to rest up.

"Are you going to close the door?" A familiar voice made Heath turn his head to take a look, and then he saw Karenya, whom he had just met in the morning, standing behind him and looking at him.

He was carrying a schoolbag and wearing a uniform with the words [Baiyin Middle School] written on it. This reminded Heath of the pot that Sakagi carried on his back just now. He was said some strange things. I wonder if Sakagi has turned into a monster.

"Well, did you get out of school so early?" Heath was a little surprised. It's only three o'clock in the afternoon. Even if middle school students get out of school early, it won't be so early, right?
"Well! Today the teacher asked us to leave school early." Kerenya nodded, his expression was very calm, as if leaving school early was not something to be happy about.

This is really a special child. Heath felt that if he was in middle school and found out that he could leave school early, he would be so happy to fly.

But then Heath discovered another problem. Karen Yaming always appeared in the jurisdiction of the Quartz Alliance every time, but why did he go to the Chengdu Alliance to go to school?
"Karenya, are you a resident of the city?" Heath asked curiously. Kerenya shook his head after hearing Heath's question. allied.

It’s just that Karenya would come to the Quartz Alliance to buy breakfast or other things most of the time. Heath often saw Kerenya in this place, so at first Heath really thought that Karenia was from the Quartz Alliance. I went to school here, but I didn't expect it to be in the Johto area.

"Do you want something to eat? Before I close the door." Heath looked at Kerenya with a smile and asked. Kerenya hesitated, then took out the money and handed it to Heath.

"Please give me a cup of milk tea with some ice." Kerenya quickly expressed his request, and Heath didn't pay attention. After taking the money, he walked into the dining car and began to prepare milk tea for Kerenya. This little guy I like to eat sweet, no wonder I like the taste of milk tea.

Kerenya quietly looked at Heath who was preparing the milk tea, with a trace of curiosity and playfulness in his eyes, but Heath didn't notice this, and he quickly handed a cup of milk tea with ice to Kerenya.

"Brother Heath, thank you for helping me get ahead this morning." Kerenya said shyly after receiving the milk tea.

"It's okay, but although I can help you for a while, I can't help you all the time." Heath said with a smile, but then Heath was stunned for a moment. How did this child know his name?Heath remembered that he had not spoken to the other party.

"Well, I know, Brother Heath." Kerenya nodded, and then bounced away.

After watching Kerenya leave, Heath shut down the dining car, then set the autopilot, and drove towards Junsha's dormitory.

On the other side, Kerenya had already returned to his home. He opened the door quietly with the key, then calmly shouted "I'm back", then walked into the house and closed the door.

A figure was sitting on the sofa, a horse betting program was playing on the TV, and there was also a figure in the kitchen, and there was a pleasant smell, with some burnt smell.

"Hey, why did I get confused again?" Hearing her mother's voice, Karenya walked straight into her room with her schoolbag on her back, and then closed the door.

This is an ordinary room, but it is more like a study room. There are all kinds of densely packed books here. Karenya put down her schoolbag, put the milk tea aside, and then turned on the computer. He planned to take a rest.

On the side of the table, there are three file bags, not very thick. Kerenya glanced at these file bags, and then knocked on the table. Behind Kerenya, his shadow suddenly elongated, a The hand reached out and pulled the paper bags into the shadows.

In the living room, today's news started playing on the TV.

 The secondary schools and events appearing in this chapter are purely fictitious

(End of this chapter)

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