I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 202 Encounter with Sirona

Chapter 202 Encounter with Sirona

Heath drove the car, and soon saw his destination this time, Mekia Cinemas, a chain movie theater, and the "The Day When the Planet Lost Pokémon" that Heath was very curious about was in Played in this cinema.

After walking into the cinema, Heath saw the ticket price of the movie he wanted to watch. If you want to bring Pokémon to watch together, the movie theater provides different services according to the number and size of Pokémon.

Popcorn, snacks, and Coke are also available, but the Coke provided by this Meiqiya Cinema is also Charizard Coke, Blastoise Coke, and Frog Sprite.

Charmander and Zoroya can buy ordinary adult tickets, but Snorlax can't. Snorlax needs to buy movie tickets with at least four seats. Of course, you can also choose to go to a separate Pokémon private room to watch movies. The price is more expensive than buying movie tickets, but it provides exclusive air conditioning and soft cushions suitable for all Pokémon to lie on.

After Heath hesitated for a while, Hobby seemed to choose to buy a separate movie room. After all, Snorlax’s identity is very special. If it is cancelled, then Heath will be very painful.

"Let's go~ watch a movie." Heath clutched his wallet with some pain, and walked into this small private room with his Pokémon.

After two and a half hours, Heath came out with a bored face. Heath found that he had forgotten a problem, that is, his previous life was a world without Pokémon. What fantasy movie would have its own? Is the memory true?

However, some funny jokes and plots in the movie still made Heath smile.

The ending doesn't mean any forced education, which made Heath much more comfortable. He didn't want to be educated all day, and he had to be educated once to watch a movie, which would be too tiring.

"It's so late? It's almost time to go back to sleep." Heath yawned, the movie is usually quite long, so after Heath finished watching the movie, the sky was completely dark, and the streets The food stalls and supper stalls are also bustling.

Places such as bars and KYV are also bustling. Now the Quartz Alliance has fully demonstrated how big a city it is. Except for some lively places at night, there are basically no people in the small city.

Originally, Heath had no interest in these things, after all, they were no different from those food stalls in his previous life, until Heath heard someone call his name.

"Miss Sirona?" Heath stopped the car in surprise, and then saw Sirona standing there waving at him at the food stall beside her, and there were still a lot of skewers in front of Sirona, but At night, Sirona made a camouflage, wearing a hoodie with a hoodie hood to cover her face.

"Heath! Do you want to come for supper?" Looking at the happy Sirona, Heath hesitated for a moment, then walked over. They stopped anyway, and it seemed like a good choice to enjoy the nightlife once in a while.

"Miss Sirona, did you come alone? Didn't Mr. Sakagi come?" Heath looked around curiously, but neither saw Sakagi nor Adu.

I don't know how Sirona came out.

"I sneaked out, it's really boring to be bound all the time." Sirona enthusiastically handed Heath a skewer, and Heath took it. This is a fish ball, and the taste is similar to the fish ball in the previous life. Although there is a smell of fish, not a lot of fish is used.

Heath looked at a lot of skewers and smacked his lips. This Sirona is really a big eater. With so many skewers, Heath felt that he could not finish them all by himself. It is the developmental period of the body, as the so-called half-children eat poor labor, but Heath can't eat so much.

"Well, this woman is very strong!" Zoroya lay on Heath's head, looked at Sirona seriously, and gave a very correct evaluation.

"It's really strong. She is the champion of the Sinnoh Alliance." Heath talked to Soraya telepathically, and then swallowed the fish ball in his mouth. The fish ball was barely baked.

Zoroya's tail was raised. Of course, she knew what it means to be a champion, so she obediently shrunk on Heath's head and remained silent.

"Heath, I heard from Mr. Sakagi that you are a very good cook, so what do you think of the grilled fish balls you ate?" Sirona looked at Heath curiously and asked, but the movements of her hands were indifferent. Without stopping, I ate another beef skewer.

"It's okay, but if you want something like fish balls to be delicious, it's best to make it charred on the outside and tender on the inside, so that the taste will be better." Heath commented calmly, but the way he spoke The voice is very low, the colleagues are enemies, not to mention the life of setting up a stall is not easy, Heath is also a person who has experienced this kind of life, how can he be idle and have nothing to tear down others?

As long as it is not selling expired or black workshop food, then Heath will not be nosy.

Sirona nodded half understanding, she didn't understand these things very well, but when Sirona looked at Heath, the smile on her face never stopped, and Heath always felt that Sirona looked at him strangely of.

"Miss Sirona, are you traveling here from Sinnoh?" Heath looked at Sirona with a smile and asked.

"Well, it's a trip, it's a business trip with public funds, food and lodging reimbursement, so I thought it's reimbursement anyway, it's better to get back the money, right." Sirona smiled and ordered several skewers, which made Heath wave her hand quickly , he can't finish eating so much.

As a result, Sirona gave strange eyes. She ordered it for herself, and if Heath wanted to eat, he could eat it here, or he could order it himself, for Sirona's sake.

"Miss Sirona's life is really chic." Heath smiled, worthy of being the champion, but there are some differences between the current Sirona and the future Sirona. If you have to say it, Heath feels that the current Sirona More girlish.

"That's right, I also like this kind of relaxed life." Sirona stretched her waist, and Heath immediately shifted her gaze. Sirona's figure is also very good.

"Huh? Are you shy?" Sirona seemed to have discovered something interesting. She stood up with a smile on her face, holding the barbecue table with both hands, and then stared at Heath with big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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