I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 205 Heath's fancy breakfast

Chapter 205 Heath's fancy breakfast ([-])
In the vegetable market, Heath proficiently bought some ingredients he needed, but considering what he promised Sirona yesterday, Heath still bought some more chicken, which will be made into fried chicken nuggets by Heath Eat, and in the island country, this dish is called Tang Yang chicken nuggets. It is a unique dish that is very suitable for drinking, and can also be eaten as a snack or even as a meal.

After buying some crabs for the scallion duck to make crab roe buns, Heath took his Pokémon back to the dining car, set up the autopilot, and started preparing for today's breakfast.

Of course, Heath didn't forget what he was going to do. A special task was triggered yesterday, and Heath plans to do this task every day now, and he doesn't know what weird rewards he can get in ten days. This question is very curious, if you can give yourself something to repair any door, then Heath will laugh.

The reward of any door has never been used since I got it from Palkia. After all, the side effects of this thing are very obvious, and there is a high probability that it will be teleported to some strange places. Stan wasn't about to try his luck.

But if it can be repaired, then Heath's travel plan is really very convenient. Open any door and take the dining car there, and then you can quickly go to the next city, saving most of the time in the middle.

For today's breakfast, Heath made the big crispy beef noodles that he made before. Heath wanted to see if this big crispy beef noodles could meet the requirements of fancy breakfast, but after trying it, Heath found that it was really satisfying, which made him Heath's mind instantly became active. If making big crispy beef noodles is enough, then there are many choices for pasta alone.

Heath can cook the top ten noodles in China in turn, and the special noodles of each region can also be used as breakfast, Heath couldn't help laughing, let alone ten breakfasts, even if there are more breakfasts, Hiss can also meet all these conditions.

After eating breakfast, the Duck with Scallions started busy making crab roe soup dumplings. Duck with Scallions has made some progress in rolling the dough, which made Heath very satisfied. Now Duck with Scallions can share his work. Heath He felt that he could sneak away from his busy schedule, and after eating, Sorolla walked into the lounge with a mysterious expression on his face, and took Charmander with him.

Heath didn't care too much, Zoroya couldn't do anything in the lounge anyway, Heath had nothing to worry about, and if he wanted to go out, he had to go through the door of the dining car, which was locked by Heath No one can get up unless they have the key.

No, no one can come up except Mengmeng!
Heath is very confident.

After the dining car arrived at the reserved location, Heath heard the sound of the bicycle spinning. Heath looked at it curiously, and then saw a Pikachu wearing Pikachu street clothes, and then riding a small bicycle humming Snorting, he sneaked past Heath. Heath was stunned for a moment. He never dreamed that Pikachu actually rode a small bicycle to charge those business outlets.

But this is also a way for Pokémon to support themselves. Heath heard that some trainers will catch some Pokémon in a targeted manner, and then use these Pokémon to make money. Go to a moving company to find a job.

It's just that this practice has been strictly supervised by the alliance. According to the relevant regulations of the alliance, all Pokémon workers must receive remuneration that they can control, and this remuneration cannot be used by the trainer, only by the Poké I can use it myself.

But even so, there are still many people who are stuck with the bugs of the regulations, such as asking a monster to buy the latest car with money. Anyway, as long as the Pokémon buys it voluntarily, the alliance can't stop it. It can only search and catch as much as possible up.

"It's not easy. Whether it's a Pokémon or a human, if you really want to live in this world, you don't want to do anything." Heath was stunned for a moment, and then thought of Mengmeng, and the Phoenix King. If it is said that Feng Wang and them may also undertake some tasks that humans do not know, then Mengmeng really does what he likes at will with his own preferences.

Heath shook his head, didn't continue to take care of it, but started to prepare the meals for today, and the roasted pig's trotters also gained some fans yesterday, but there are not many people who are willing to try roasted pig's trotters. Si feels that this is something that needs to be passed on word of mouth. When the aroma of the wine spreads and is known to others, more people will naturally be willing to try it.

So relatively speaking, Heath thinks that small foods like fried chicken nuggets may become more popular in a short period of time.

But the competition for fried chicken nuggets is also very fierce. When Heath went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables this morning, he saw a lot of people buying chicken suitable for fried chicken nuggets. The world of Kemeng is also a very popular food.

However, Heath is quite confident about his fried chicken nuggets.

"Good morning, Brother Heath." The familiar voice was Kerenya, and Heath saw him as soon as he looked up. Today Kerenya was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and then stood shyly in front of Heath.

"Good morning, Kerenya, what are you going to eat today?" Heath looked at Kerenya in front of him with a smile and asked. Kerenya went to school very early, maybe because his school was in Chengdu Over there, so it takes a long way to go.

Usually, most of the time when Heath saw the students, it was around seven o'clock.

"A pancake fruit, and a crab roe soup dumpling, thank you Brother Heath." Karenya was very polite, and Heath also made a pancake fruit for Karenya with a smile. As for the crab roe soup dumpling, Karen Ya got it from Scallion Duck.

But when collecting money, Heath couldn't help but frown, he smelled a strange smell.

Heath didn't pay much attention to it. After all, Heath is located in a lively neighborhood. Sometimes people litter, and sometimes there are homeless people going to the toilet nearby. Heath has only been here for a few days and found these. Small details of the city.

A city can't just look at the bright and beautiful places, sometimes the dark side is the more real side of the city.

Kerenya nodded, and then left, but after leaving for a while, Kerenya lowered her head and sniffed her clothes.

"Obviously it's all done"

(End of this chapter)

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