I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 213 Reviving the glory of the grass department, Xin Yemiao is obliged!

Chapter 213 Reviving the glory of the grass department, Xin Yemiao is obliged!

Thinking of that muscular tiger, Heath gasped. This feeling is like adopting a stray kitten on the street. I thought this kitten would be so cute, but it ended up being adopted. The breeder found out that this special cat is a Siberian tiger, one can imagine the feeling.

"What is the final evolution of the new leaf cat?" Heath looked at Sirona and asked. He felt that this question was more critical. If there was another grass-attribute brother tiger, it would be terrible.

However, the designs of Pokémon Yusanjia are actually quite unique and have certain rules. Fire masters are generally of the mighty and majestic type, and I don’t know if the designers like the attribute of fire grid, so many fire masters They are all attributes of fire and fighting, such as flame chicken, fire monkey and so on.

And the water master is two extremes. Either it has a strange shape and attracts fans with this special style, or it is more beautiful, such as the western lion and sea otter in the Alola area. The two gods of beauty in the world are very popular Pokémon.

As for the weed master.
Heath thought of the gorilla he had seen when playing sword and shield in his previous life, and he had to say that grass masters are generally relatively unpopular, especially compared to the other two. Only a few unique grass owners have been recognized by everyone.

If New Yemiao is cuter and more beautiful after evolution, it is estimated that it can restore the glory of the grass family, and New Yemiao is duty-bound.

"Huh? I didn't know about it, but it's said to be quite cute." Sirona froze for a moment, then waved her hand in a disinterested manner, and then continued to nibble on her pig's trotters. This is really Sirona's style, after all, for Sirona Said, she pays more attention to her Pokémon.

"Huh? But you seem to have a very strange smell here. Have you been drinking?" Sirona's little nose moved, and Heath couldn't help moving his nose after seeing it. He used to think that the nose would Moving is his stunt, but it turned out that many people's noses can move.

"No, but I've made wine." Heath shook his head, and then took out two small bottles from his refrigerator, which contained a thick black liquid like ink. After taking it out, the strong wine aroma became more obvious .

This is the wine that Heath made from the Tears of Darkrai in the morning. After hesitating for a while, Heath named this wine Dream, just such a word. Originally, Heath considered whether to call it Nightmare , or Darkley's tears, but considering that if this makes Darkley feel dissatisfied, wouldn't it be a shame to come up and mess with yourself?

So Heath named it Dream, but for the dream in his heart, Heath also wrote another name [Darkley's Tears] on the back of the wine label, so that even if others saw it, What does it have to do with his Hiss?

"Wine making? You still know how to make wine?" Sirona showed a surprised expression, and Heath touched his nose proudly and guilty.

"I understand, I understand." Heath smiled, Sirona showed an expression of disbelief, and then Sirona hesitated for a while, then took out her mobile phone and sent a message, and then sat down with a smile In front of Heath's dining car.

Heath looked at Sirona suspiciously, what is Sirona doing?
But after a while, Heath knew what Sirona was doing, because he saw Boss Sakagi walking over with a black line on his face. From Boss Sakagi's clenched fists and the depression in his eyes, Heath could roughly Guess Sakagi's mood.

"Heath, Miss Sirona said you brewed a good wine?" Sakagi softened the expression on his face when he saw Heath.

"Well, I just tried it myself, but now this wine has not been certified by the Food Supervision Office, and it cannot be sold yet, but if you are interested, Mr. Sakagi, I can pour some for you to taste." Si carefully organized his wording.

There is a very interesting thing in the world of Pokémon, that is, the promotion and commercialization of alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to conduct an inspection at the food supervision office in advance to confirm that there is no problem before launching the trademark. Otherwise, the sale of bootleg alcohol will be banned. Please go for tea.

But if it's just a private tasting between friends, it's no problem.

Of course, Sakagi knew the meaning of the string, he smiled and talked about the tasting, although he was called out by a text message to Sirona, which caused Sakagi to go back to work overtime at night and explain the work tasks to his subordinates, Sakagi was quite concerned about this Complaints, but Sakagi is really curious about what the wine made by Heath will taste like.

Heath carefully poured a glass of thirty milliliters of wine for Sakagi. This wine is not a lot, but it is also limited. The standard for tasting is thirty milliliters. Heath does not want to be fined for his carelessness.

Sister Feng once told Heath that some important areas and towns in the Pokémon League actually have ghost patrols. They will hide their bodies to patrol. If they are found to have done something bad, it is hard to say whether it will be just right. Meet the Ghost Patrol.

Sakagi picked up the glass of wine curiously. He was not in a hurry to drink it, but shook the glass first to check the color of the wine. It was as black as ink, and the color was very good without any impurities.

Then Sakagi smelled it again, and there was no taste, just like a glass of water, but Sakagi knew Heath's cooking skills, and every time Heath pushed something, it would never be too bad, so Sakagi still took a sip.

After taking this sip, Sakagi couldn't help but widen his eyes. This glass of wine is simply wonderful. The warmth outside, this is much more wonderful than those wines that Sakagi himself has drunk.

"Good wine! Heath, hurry up and get certified, I will definitely buy a few bottles then!" Sakagi licked his lips, this fine wine is simply too suitable for Sakagi's hobby.

Sirona looked at Heath's bottle curiously, but it's a pity that she is not yet an adult, otherwise she must taste the taste of this glass of wine.

"Good wine? Where can I find good wine?" An unfamiliar voice, and then Heath saw a woman in very open clothes staggering over, her body exuded a strong smell of wine, but even so, the woman's There is also strong curiosity and anxiety in the eyes.

But when Heath saw the other person's face, he was instantly shocked, because this woman had Junsha's face!
This is a Junsha!Heath is very sure of this, absolutely!
 So do your noses move?
(End of this chapter)

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