I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 221 Nami Taking Care of Her Juniors

Chapter 221 Nami Taking Care of Her Juniors

Compared with Heath's nervousness, Nami's mood was much calmer. She watched Heath's serve action, which was full of amateur taste, which made Nami sigh in her heart. It seems that this game was played casually. That's it, nothing to look forward to.

This kind of amateur level is the type that has never played tennis. I guess I can deal with it casually later. It should not be a problem to make him lose so ugly. After all, face is something that is given to each other.

So where would it be better to go with my best friend later?I heard that Quartz Mall has recently bought a new batch of luxury bags. Do you want to buy one and keep it at home?Although it is a bit more expensive, it seems nothing compared to the high salary offered by Shiluf.
Just when Nami was thinking wildly, Nami suddenly felt something flashing in the corner of her eye, and the next second a loud sound came from behind, Nami's pupils shrank instantly, and then subconsciously looked back, there was a gap Appeared behind the barbed wire.

"That. Fifteen to zero!" The referee looked at the scene blankly, and it took a long time to realize what had just happened. He swallowed in horror, and then carefully raised the flag.

"Hey?" Nami was even more surprised. Could it be that the one just now was a tennis ball?That thing is tennis?
Nami's only impression of the thing just now was "some white mouse ran past", but she didn't expect it to be a tennis ball?Or is it a tennis ball?Is this a tennis ball from Heath?

Heath looked at the opposite side calmly. Just now, he swung the racket with [-]% of his strength, but it seemed that the effect was too exaggerated. The tennis ball turned into a disposable consumable. If it weren't for the cement blocking it, it might be true It is a one-time consumable, and Ms. Nami must have been in a trance just now, right?
Sure enough, is this the world of the strong?Treat newcomers like yourself with such humility.

"Miss Nami, I will definitely study hard!" Heath said seriously, he still wanted to win this battle, and Heath didn't intend to miss the golden finger reward.

"Hey, I will work hard." Nami swallowed after watching the replay just now, a physics formula popped up in her mind, the bearing capacity of the iron net and the quality of the tennis ball itself, through the horrible test just now Speed, if you want the tennis ball to achieve the effect of smashing through the iron net, this power is
Nami gasped, her excellent brain made Nami realize in an instant how much strength Heath exerted on the tennis ball just now, being hit by a tennis ball at this speed, the outcome would be quite different from being hit by a car Not bad, is it?

Nami is an excellent researcher, and she can't make mistakes with this basic physical formula. Even after playing tennis on this tennis court so many times, Nami still has a lot of doubts about how much force this barbed wire fence can bear. Confident, and precisely because of this, when Nami looked at Heath, her expression changed.

This is not human, Nami feels like she is playing tennis with strange force, playing tennis with others can be described as communication, but with Heath.
Nami swallowed, she felt as if she saw a humanoid monster standing in front of her, then she showed a sinister smile, and at the same time said, "Play tennis with me, but be prepared to die Prepare ah' such words.

Nami's legs trembled a little.

Heath took a new tennis ball from the staff. The tennis ball just now had been inspected by the staff and could no longer be used.

Heath narrowed his eyes. It seemed that his [-]% strength just now wasn't very strong. Sure enough, he still had to go all out to make Miss Nami serious.

"This is my best." Heath mustered his greatest strength this time, and swung the tennis racket violently. Nami closed her eyes in horror. She didn't dare to look at the terrible tennis ball, and even took the initiative to Put the racket up, trying to protect your vital parts by this method.

"Well" the referee looked at the tennis ball that fell on the ground. The tennis ball was split into countless pieces before the referee's eyes, and the tennis racket in Heath's hand was also damaged, which made the referee take a look at Heath. By swinging the racket, did you dismember the tennis ball directly with the tennis racket?

However, the serve didn't pass, and it fell to the ground. No matter how you look at it, Heath lost the game.

"Because of a bad serve, the right to serve was replaced." The referee gave a summary, and Nami also saw the tennis ball that failed to serve.

"I admit defeat!" Nami raised her hand decisively. Tennis wins and losses are not worth mentioning at all. Now Nami just wants to take her girlfriends to go shopping and make herself uneasy from shopping. My heart calmed down.

Eh?Heath blankly looked at Nami who had conceded, then glanced at the perverted referee, scratched his head, it seemed that he was still not proficient in tennis, Nami deliberately surrendered in order to save his own face .

Heath sighed, hoping that the next time he sees Nami, he can repay this good person. After all, those who can help Heath complete the task as soon as possible are all good people.

[You have completed the development of morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor, and you have obtained a bottle of hair growth agent]

[Hair growth agent: Are you still troubled by the baldness caused by getting stronger?Are you still troubled by your dwindling hairline?Use hair tonic now! (Please note that excessive use may cause some negative effects)]

The corner of Heath's mouth twitched. He touched his hair. The hairline was very healthy, and he didn't show any signs of baldness. Hair restorer, Heath sighed, forget it, better than nothing.

"Miss Nami." Heath thought of a senior who cared about juniors standing opposite him, and planned to thank him, but when he looked up, he found that Miss Nami had left at some point, and the referee didn't know either. When did it slip away.

Heath scratched his head blankly, forget it, the next time he sees Ms. Nami, cook a delicious food for Ms. Nami. If I think about it, it is enough to express my gratitude to Ms. Nami, but at this price Well
Just give a [-]% discount. After all, you still have to make money. Heath doesn't even have a house of his own now. Heath feels that his future has a long way to go.

"Then let's go back, and it's time for Junsha's dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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