Chapter 223 Nursing Homes
"Salary advances are definitely not advances." Heath shook his head, and then glanced outside the car. It is still in the brightly lit Quartz Union. There are many vehicles passing by on the street, and it is hard to tell that it is already night. .

Sorolla's ears drooped, and he looked listless. Then he decided to go back to the waiting room to continue resting. Sure enough, it was impossible for the trainer to allow him to advance his salary. It's just a pity that this spring discounted game, Sorolla Obviously, I have seen many good games with broken bones, and the preferential price gave Sorolla an urge to buy, buy, buy.

But it's a pity that if the trainer refuses to pay in advance, then there is no way to buy those games.

Seeing Sorolla's dejected look, Heath wanted to laugh a little. This little guy is too easy to understand, but this is Sorolla. After all, this little guy will always be like this. There will be some changes.

"However, I have another method, do you want to try it?" Heath looked at Sorolla with a smile. Ya is also very curious about this question. She thinks that as long as Heath is not planning to do something terrible to her, she can answer it, even if it is true.
Then Soraya gritted his teeth and complied.

"Ahem... Soraya, this is the thing, I can open a treasure for you with a quota of [-] alliance coins, and then you can use the quota of [-] alliance coins at will, whether you want to buy games or There is no problem with other things." Heath looked at Sorolla with a smile, and Sorolla showed an excited look, three hundred alliance coins!It doesn't look like a lot, but you can also buy two games!

"So, what's the price?" Sorolla suppressed the restlessness in his heart and asked worriedly.

"The price, the price is that every Sunday is your repayment day, and you need to pay off the expenses incurred by using Baobei before. Of course, in order to take care of your shopping desire, you can make an installment for the Baobei you used that week. , For example, if you spend [-], then it will be divided into three installments, and you only need to repay [-] per week." Heath looked at Sorolla with a smile.

If Zoroya is also a time traveler, then she will definitely find that the theory used by Heath is actually a certain brand of advance consumption products in the previous life, but there is no similar function in this world, so Heath pushed it to own Pokémon.

Soroya blinked his eyes, as if he hadn't figured it out.

"But in that case, wouldn't I have to give you an extra seven and a half dollars?" Soraya asked doubtfully, counting with his paws.

"That's in the case of installments. If you don't install installments, you only need to pay off the money every weekend, and there will be no interest." Heath shrugged. This thing sounds like this, but wait for it. In fact, when you use it, you will find that it is actually another matter. After all, the installment seems to reduce the pressure of repayment in an instant.

"Then I. What kind of treasure will I unlock!" Soroya struggled for a while, and then slapped Heath's hand with his paw, but he didn't expect Heath to rip Soroa's paw away. Then he took out his cell phone.

"You're kidding, the three hundred will be deducted from your salary, let's go, what do you want to buy?" Heath followed Zoroya into the lounge, although Heath thought it would be a treasure to open this, so Eso In terms of Roja's character, it must be a good education method, but Heath still didn't plan to do this. After all, Zoroja is Heath's partner.

Seeing the happy Sorolla, Heath smiled, and followed Sorolla in to buy two games. The game Sorolla bought was very interesting. One was a collection of Resident Evil, and the other was said to be very playable. Heath doesn't have much interest in the open world game, but maybe he can try playing it later.

With the driving of the dining car, Heath soon felt that the dining car began to bump up, but this also made Heath understand that he must have arrived near the nursing home. After all, according to the results of his search on the Internet just now, many people They all complained about the difficult roads in nursing homes.

Heath pushed open the door of the lounge and went out. It was already pitch black outside the dining car. Heath turned his head and looked curiously, and then saw that the brightly lit city had been left behind by the dining car, and Heath's dining car was heading towards a Path forward.

There are no street lights here, only about [-] meters or so will there be a street light, and the buildings on both sides of the road that you can occasionally see are now gradually decreasing. Heath feels like he is going out of the city now, and then It's like going to some dark mountain road.

On a quiet night, with the bright moonlight shining around, Heath could occasionally hear the sound of some insects chirping, and the cool night breeze blowing by, made Heath feel refreshed.

Breathing air in a city is really not the same as breathing air in a place far away from the city, at least in Heath's view, although the air in the city feels the same after breathing for a long time, but waiting for others I really went to a place far away from the city, to the mountains, to the outdoors, and when I breathed the air again, I immediately understood what clean air is.

"But this nursing home is too far away, isn't it? Is this kind of life really convenient?" Heath patted the head of Onion Duck. The Onion Duck was practicing flipping pots next to Heath, and the wings slowly grew. Fluffy, Heath touched his chin, planning to make a sleeve or something for Onion Duck, otherwise, if he had to shave every time, it would not be very good for Onion Duck.

After driving on this dark road for a while, Heath finally saw a small hill next to it, where there was a winding path, and the place with lights above it should be the location of the nursing home.

"This kind of place is not friendly to the elderly, is it?" Heath's expression was a little weird. It turned out to be on a small hill. Many elderly people have leg problems and have difficulty moving. Is it really okay to build on a hill?
With such doubts in mind, Heath drove the dining car towards the location of the nursing home, but when he came to the entrance of the road on the small hill, Heath was surprised to find that there was a sentry here, and accompanied by a dog barking, a A majestic wind speed dog rushed out, looking at Heath warily.

"I also said that I can take a good rest tonight, but I didn't expect someone to come." An old man bent over and walked out, looking at Heath with unkind eyes.

 Stiff neck today, pain for most of the day, rubbed medicine, smeared ointment, it got better at night.
(End of this chapter)

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