I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 229 The Junshas who came to investigate

Chapter 229 The Junshas who came to investigate

After finishing washing up today, Heath drove the dining car to the vegetable market. After buying some ingredients he needed here, Heath set up the autopilot, and then started feeding his Pokémon. Making today's breakfast.

Hiss asked the duck with scallions to make it, and he also made very simple crab roe soup dumplings. Now the crab roe soup dumplings are not a problem at all for duck with scallions, and it can even be described as very simple.

What Heath wanted to try was whether the breakfast made with scallion duck could be included in the daily breakfast, but to Heath's surprise, this breakfast was actually recorded by Golden Finger.

"It's not bad, except that the shape is a bit weird." Heath took a bite of the crab roe soup dumpling in his hand, and now his dining car has parked in the old place where it parks every day, waiting for the arrival of the guests, and the duck with scallions Heath also tasted the crab roe soup.

The taste is okay, but the appearance is a little strange, other than that, there is no big problem.

"Hello, this is Mr. Heath, isn't it?" Just as Heath was thinking about whether he should take the opportunity to teach Scallion Duck to make some other flavors of steamed buns, he saw two people walking in front of his dining car, and Heath looked up. At first glance, it was two Miss Junsha.

"Huh? Yes, I'm Heath, what's the matter?" Heath looked at the two Miss Junsha in front of him suspiciously, not quite understanding why Junsha came to find him.

These two Junsha Heaths have met before, in the cafeteria, and Heath has given them meals, but seeing the two Miss Junsha's official business, Heath also knows that the two Miss Junsha I am afraid that I have something to do when I come to look for myself, or I have something serious to ask, otherwise I would not be like this.

"Hello, please cooperate with our investigation." Junsha, the leader, took out her Junsha ID card, and after showing Heath a look, she took out a photo. middle-aged men and women.

"Excuse me, have you met these two?" Junsha looked at Heath seriously, and Heath shook his head. He has a lot of customers every day, but if he meets often, he should still have some impressions. But these two have no impression at all.

Junsha looked at each other, and then took out another photo and put it in front of Heath. Heath took a closer look, and this time he knew each other.

"What about this one?" Junsha continued to ask, this time Heath nodded.

"I know this, Kerenya, is a guest in my dining car. Yesterday, he said that he was working here because of the school's social practice class." Heath said with certainty, This is what happened yesterday, no matter how bad Heath's memory is, he will not forget this kind of thing.

"Okay, then do you remember when Kerenya has been working with you?" Junsha, the leader, continued to ask. On Junsha's chest, the red dot of the law enforcement recorder was flickering.

"Yeah" Heath rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought. Yesterday Heath only remembered that Karenya had practiced with him until the afternoon, and then Kerenya told himself that it was around three o'clock in the afternoon, and that he was still there. The social practice report is signed with the name and time
"I don't really remember, I can only remember that it seemed to be in the afternoon, and then it seemed to be more than three o'clock in the afternoon?" Heath said uncertainly, this kind of thing is not too memorable for Heath In addition to the fact that Heath has been thinking about edible quartz, there is even less content that can be remembered now.

The two Junshas took out another photo and handed it to Heath to take a look. It was the social practice report that Heath signed and gave his evaluation yesterday. There was still a time for Heath's signature on it. Junshas asked about it Whether Heath wrote this, Heath immediately admitted that it was indeed written by him.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The Junshas nodded, and then they planned to turn around and leave.

"Well, can I ask what happened?" Heath asked curiously. He had never seen such a thing before, and he always felt that it had something to do with Kerenya.

"A fire broke out in Kerenya's home at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, and none of Kerenya's adoptive parents survived." Junsha and the others glanced at each other, seeing that Heath was also a member of Junsha's apartment, and this time The news of the news has been on the hot search, so I still talked to Heath.

But then Heath was stunned for a moment, and the Junshas left without paying too much attention, but Heath suddenly remembered something, that is, after Kerenya left yesterday afternoon, Heath had glanced at the phone , the time of that meeting was after two o'clock.
But Heath didn't remember what happened yesterday very clearly, but the social practice time signed on the social practice form was indeed three o'clock in the afternoon, which Heath had seen.

But why is memory biased?Did Heath himself misread the time, or what?

Heath pressed his head in a daze. He always felt that something was wrong, and there were very few monitoring in the Quartz Alliance, which also made it very difficult to investigate how long Kerenya had been in from the monitoring. things.

"It can't be what I think." Heath frowned. He just took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and didn't pay much attention to it. It's hard to say that Heath misread the time. It is true that memory may be biased, but if Heath remembers correctly, it was after two o'clock in the afternoon when Kerenya left, so does it mean that Kerenya may
Inexplicably, Heath remembered the weird book rewards he had received when he entertained Kerenya before. At that time, Heath thought that these rewards were all because Kerenya’s parents were a Only academics, or university professors, librarians, or whatever.

But thinking about it now, Heath always felt that there might be something wrong in the middle of it. If Kerenya deliberately mentioned it there and asked Heath to create an alibi for him, then What is Kerenya's purpose?
Combined with what Junsha said just now about the fire at home at three o'clock in the afternoon, Heath couldn't help but have some horrific guesses
"Brother Heath, good morning." With a familiar voice, Heath suddenly raised his head, and then saw Kerenya wearing a black dress with a white cloth strip on his arm. The most common mourning dress in the country.

"...Good morning, Kerenya." Heath took a deep look at Kerenya in front of him, and he didn't know how to say it better.

(End of this chapter)

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