I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 231 The Embarrassed Musashi

Chapter 231 The Embarrassed Musashi
"Well, Heath. Today...can you make something warmer and sweeter?" Miss Musashi stood in front of Heath with embarrassment all over her face, Heath was stunned After a moment, he couldn't help laughing.

"It's ok, something sweet and warm, isn't it?" Seeing Miss Musashi's shy expression, Heath couldn't help but smile, and then asked with a smile, Musashi bit his lower lip and nodded, A pair of bright eyes were full of shy water, she gently tiptoed, her calf became more slender, and with the black stockings Miss Musashi was wearing today, the charm of Musashi exploded at this moment.

Even the office worker passing by in a hurry couldn't help but look back several times, making Heath very worried whether the office worker would bump into a telephone pole or hit a wall or something.

Heath nodded with a smile, then took out two eggs from the refrigerator, put them aside, and then took out a piece of brown sugar from the cabinet, and placed them on the counter. The Onion Duck looked curiously, but After watching the onion duck for a while, it became busy again, and customers came to buy food.

Now Duck with Scallion is responsible for the sales of Crab Dumplings in Soup. It has to be said that Crab Dumplings in Soup has been unanimously welcomed by everyone because of its excellent taste. Now it has faintly surpassed Pancake Fruit and has become a kind of pasta breakfast that everyone likes. , Heath himself quite likes to eat.

Even in the forum of the Quartz Alliance, there are several discussions about the chef of the crab roe soup with scallion duck. People are surprised why a scallion duck will stand up as a chef. This is really a strange thing.

As for Ms. Musashi, Heath has also seen the embarrassment of Ms. Musashi. As we all know, girls have a few days a month when they are irritable and then bleed. I hope to eat something warm and sweet, and this period of time is also a time for countless boys to have a headache.

"Drink more hot water."

"Go to hell! Straight man!"

Well, this is probably the case, but in fact, drinking more hot water is indeed a very good way to solve the problems of dysmenorrhea caused by the menstrual period. Of course, if the pain is severe, you can also try to take some painkillers, such as ibuprofen What.

And although this world is the world of Pokémon, there is no doubt that girls are also girls. The aunt who is expected to come every month will still come. This is an unavoidable thing, so seeing Miss Musashi's embarrassing Heath knew that Musashi must be in this special menstrual period.

And Heath instantly thought of something that was considered early but not too early, that is, brown sugar eggs. The combination is a surprising surprise, even a surprise beyond imagination. Brown sugar eggs taste very good, and it is also a food that warms the stomach and is sweet at the same time.

The brown sugar eggs are not difficult to make. Cook the brown sugar, and then wait for the water to boil and then directly knock the eggs into it. However, in order to keep the eggs in good condition, it is best to choose one by one. The shape of the first one is fixed, then put the second one in, and finally pour the boiled eggs into the bowl together with the brown sugar water, so that a bowl of brown sugar eggs that warms the stomach and is sweet and delicious is ready.

"Miss Musashi, please use your brown sugar eggs slowly." Heath took the money with a smile, and after giving the change to Musashi, he smiled and watched Musashi carry his brown sugar eggs to sit on the chair, sipping his mouth full of satisfaction drinking brown sugar water.

"Hey? Miss Musashi, have you come to eat at Boss Heath's too?" With a surprised voice, Heath saw Saya walking over with a look of surprise on his face, and then looked at him with shock written all over his face. Miss Musashi sitting on a chair.

"Huh? Saya, you're here too. Are you coming to eat too? The food made by Heath is delicious." Musashi looked at Saya in surprise. Looking at this scene thoughtfully, he didn't expect Musashi to know Saya, but it seems that they haven't known each other for a long time. After all, Saya was a famous Miss Joy before she ran away from home.

"Of course I know. Boss Heath's food here is very delicious. What are you eating?" Saya greeted Heath with a smile, and then looked curiously at the bowl in Musashi's hand, Asked suspiciously.

After getting the answer, Saya also decisively ordered a bowl of brown sugar eggs. Heath didn't hesitate, and directly prepared today's brown sugar eggs for Saya, and then brought the brown sugar eggs in front of Saya.

After bringing it over, Heath hurried back, because there were a lot of guests today, and Heath had to deal with the edible quartz. Edible quartz cannot be interrupted, so this is a rather torturous thing. Heath felt quite tired after doing this, but in order to successfully complete his task, Heath still made this unique edible quartz seriously.

"Let me tell you, in Pokémon's medical care, there is a very important link, that is to choose the corresponding treatment method according to the attributes of the corresponding Pokémon, otherwise, if you use the wrong one, it will kill the Pokémon Dream!" But listening to the conversation between Saya and Musashi, Heath felt that he understood why Musashi and Saya became friends, presumably because Musashi hadn't given up his dream of becoming a Pokémon doctor in his heart.

Heath remembered that he had seen it in an anime. In one episode, Musashi really almost left the Rockets and chose to stay with a doctor, but of course he didn’t leave later, and Kojiro seemed to be right at that time. My companion had some inexplicable feelings.

But who can say that kind of thing?
Heath spread out the pancake calmly, just like the pancake in his hand. He knew it well when he looked at it, but how would a guest who ate for the first time know the taste of this thing before eating it? Good or bad?

After all, you can only try it yourself. The same is true for the relationship between Musashi and Kojiro. Whether Kojiro has feelings for Musashi or not is just a good friend relationship, and Kojiro himself understands.

Just as Heath was handing the pancakes to the guests, he noticed a familiar Pokémon out of the corner of his eye.

(End of this chapter)

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