I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 234 Summer and Shaved Ice Are a Perfect Match

Chapter 234 Summer and Shaved Ice Are a Perfect Match
However, Heath looked at the cloudless sky above his head, and had to admit that today's weather is indeed very hot, even in the morning, so many people couldn't help wiping their sweat, no wonder Heath just said The mobile phone will receive a high temperature yellow warning, but this kind of heat should not be a problem for Fengwang, right?

"Then do you want a new cup of Milu?" Heath joked with a smile, but it was obvious that Feng Wang didn't know what it meant, but calmly let Heath do what he wanted. Responsible for eating.

Heath also became serious. Frankly speaking, there are only a few types of food that can be eaten on a hot day, and there are even fewer if they meet the requirements of Fengwang. After Heath hesitated, he decided What I want to do today is shaved ice, a must-have summer snack.

Think about it, what could be more alluring than shaved ice in summer?Especially when the sun is in the sky, the whole body is sunburnt, the sweat on the head is constantly flowing, even if you hide in the shade, the warmth of the back being scorched by the sun is still transmitted from time to time, and at this time, you can Sitting in a cool place, blowing some cold wind, and then took out a piece of shaved ice, and stuffed it into the mouth spoon by spoon, it seems that with the entrance of these shaved ice, the hot summer has become quiet and wonderful .

Heath doesn’t have ice cubes, but it’s not complicated to make. Heath went in to find the Snorlax with a bucket of water, and then stopped the Snowman Snorlax who was practicing singing, and then came to the bucket of water Once the freezing light is fired, a bucket of ice is ready in the next second.

"Trainer, what are you going to do?" Soraya lay on the snowman's big belly, looking at Heath in a daze. It is too comfortable to lie on the snowman's belly in the hot weather. Roja didn't want to move anymore.

Heath glanced at the fox cake, said angrily that he was cooking, and then walked out of the lounge. He swore that after Zoroya evolved, Heath would become the most cruel and sentimental capitalist, every day Squeeze Zoroya's labor force, what nine nine six, just zero zero seven!
Walking out with the ice bucket in his arms, Heath took out a piece of ice and put it into a special shaved ice maker. This thing is also a kitchen utensil that comes with the mobile kitchen. One of the best rewards he has received so far, and the other Heath thinks the best is the sensitive potion given last time.

A bowl full of shaved ice, and then pour jam and various fruits cut with scallions on it, and finally sprinkle some syrup, so that a cold and sweet shaved ice is ready.

"Look at it, it's so-so." Feng Wang picked up the spoon, and then scooped up a spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth. The strong and moving sensation instantly froze Feng Wang's mouth. The weather was very hot today. At such a time, after eating a bowl of cold shaved ice, Feng Wang couldn't help but let out a pleasant breath.

And Heath also keenly noticed that many passers-by on the street cast envious eyes. Heath smiled, took out the blackboard, and wrote on it [Hot weather benefits, shaved ice limited time special sale, a piece of [-] Union currency] text.

Eight yuan seems to be quite cheap, but Heath also earns a lot. After all, these costs are very little for Heath. There is no cost for shaved ice. If there is any cost, it is the cost of drinking water. Other than that, it is jam and fruit, but the cost of these things is already very low, so Heath doesn't really care.

The launch of the shaved ice immediately gained the welcome of many people. In fact, Heath is not the only one who makes shaved ice. However, the shaved ice of Heath’s family looks very big, and the portion is very large. If the price is similar, everyone will definitely like it. Heath's shaved ice is preferred. After all, when it comes to actual consumption, people still care about money.

And spending a lot of money on the Internet, emptying your shopping cart, watching those numbers disappear without feeling anything, when you take money out of your wallet in reality, you still have that distressing feeling, so at this time, many When people use cash to spend in reality, they will feel a sense of saving.

"How does it taste?" Heath brought a piece of shaved ice to the customer who just came to buy it, and then asked with a smile as he looked at Feng Wang who had finished eating the shaved ice.

"Hmph, the taste is still terrible! Really, how can the taste be so bad, it's not delicious at all!" Feng Wang nodded subconsciously, then seemed to think of something, and arrogantly put his hands on his hips, with a dissatisfied expression on his face looked at Heath.

Heath smiled and looked at Fengwang with his chin up, not to mention that Fengwang, a little human lolita, is quite cute. As the saying goes, there was a giant snake knight Xu Xian in ancient times, and then there was a ghost knight Ning Caichen. Heath looked at The lovely Phoenix King in front of him felt that there must be someone who would not mind being a Knight of the Phoenix King.

However, under Feng Wang's cute appearance, Heath felt that it would not be outrageous to say that the maximum death penalty would start in three years.

"However. It's still very refreshing. I'll forgive you today~" Feng Wang snorted, then put down the [-] yuan Union Coin, and then jumped away. Heath looked a little bit like laughing, This Phoenix King really has the character of a little girl.

Sending off the arrogant Phoenix King, Heath happily continued to entertain the guests who came later. I have to say that shaved ice is really welcomed by many people in summer. Heath himself also likes shaved ice very much, but considering For his own Pokémon, Heath also made a copy for them.

After finishing, Heath glanced at the rearview mirror, Mimi Q was still observing in the dark, the sun was shining on the sewer outlet, Heath couldn't help but scratched his head, then made a piece of shaved ice, and walked out with it , and as Hiss approached, Mimi Q's ears shook suddenly, and then shrank back.

Heath didn't care, but put the shaved ice in the empty opening of the drain.

"The weather is so hot, why don't you eat it? But it's better not to eat it in the sewer, otherwise you won't be able to taste the taste of summer." Heath said softly. He had contact with stray Pokémon and knew all about it. The character of the wandering Pokémon, too close is not enough, it is better to keep some distance, so that the wandering Pokémon will be more acceptable in their hearts.

After putting out the shaved ice, Heath left directly. When Heath returned to the dining car, he glanced at the rearview mirror. Mimi Q slowly got out of the sewer drain, and it stretched out its arms to hug it. The shaved ice shivered all over, and then slowly shrank into a dark corner with the shaved ice in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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