I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 240 How to Eat Edible Quartz

Chapter 240 How to Eat Edible Quartz
Heath returned to the headquarters of the Quartz Alliance in the dining car. He didn't go anywhere else, but went directly to the parking lot of Junsha's dormitory building, because his edible quartz was ready.

Looking at the soft jellyfish-like thing in front of him, if it wasn't for the fact that Heath made it himself, it would be hard for Heath to imagine that this thing is actually a mineral, but as for how to make this edible Quartz, Heath also has ideas in his heart.

This thing is very similar to jellyfish, and it is said that the taste is a bit similar, so Heath felt that as long as he cooked it according to the method of cold jellyfish, there would be no problem. Thinking of this, Heath decisively started today's attempt.

Cold jellyfish is a very simple food, but the taste is still very good, Heath himself likes it very much, but for cold jellyfish, the most important part is the choice of sauce, and it can even be said that the choice of sauce determines the The taste of cold jellyfish, if you want a good cold jellyfish to taste better, the sauce is the most important.

And what Heath made this time is the most common sauce, soy sauce and vinegar, with a few fresh lemons to add taste, and finally sprinkle some oily chili made by Heath himself, and some other seasonings, so that A serving of cold jellyfish is ready.

Heath was not in a hurry to take it out for sale, but tasted it himself first.

With one bite, the edible quartz has a cool, soft and crisp taste. Combined with the bland taste of the edible quartz, Heath felt like he was eating a jellyfish, but the jellyfish was very cold. , and there is no taste, the taste on it all comes from the sauces made by Heath.

"How should I put it? Although the taste is very strange, the taste is still not good." Heath frowned. The most important point is that the task has not been completed. It is possible to complete that task.

Heath hesitated for a moment, but still planned to go to the nursing home that he went to yesterday, visit Chef Dakong again, and ask how to make the jellyfish taste better. After all, with previous experience, it is easier for Heath to succeed.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, you can see farther. Although Heath can try it himself, it is still too much work.

Thinking of this, Heath immediately drove towards the location of the nursing home. After driving for a while, Heath saw the nursing home from yesterday again. The Kuailong flying in the sky looked older, but The pressure is also stronger.

"I just came to see my mother! Why do you stop me!" When Heath drove the dining car to the gate of the nursing home, he heard a man's angry voice. Heath stopped the car curiously, and then He saw a nice-looking car parked at the entrance of the nursing home, and at the entrance of the nursing home, a man in a suit was staring aggressively at the old man opposite.

"Your mother doesn't want to see you. She said she never gave birth to any son." The old man closed his ears calmly. Behind him stood the wind speed dog, baring his teeth and looking at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Fuck her! I am her son, this is a paternity test, this is a proof of mother-child relationship! Are you old bastards trying to usurp our house? Let that old bastard get out! Sign me a will!" The middle-aged man was still yelling, and another woman got out of the car, who seemed to be the man's wife, and the two of them almost sprayed their saliva on the old man.

The disgust in the old man's eyes grew stronger. He waved his hand, and the wind speed dog rushed towards the two middle-aged men. Then the middle-aged men panicked, ran back to the car cursing, and ran away. Yes, but even so, the middle-aged man kept insulting the old man, and said what legal means he would take to solve this problem.

"Hey, isn't this Heath, you're here again?" The old man looked over with unfriendly eyes, and after finding out that it was Heath's dining car, he opened the door with a smile and let Heath drive in.

"Old man, who was that just now?" Heath stopped the car, he was not in a hurry, and the old man also liked to take him to drink tea and chat, Heath simply chatted with the old man more, after all, the older What is needed is a companion, someone who can talk, and many elderly people are like this.

There was a saying in China in the previous life that couples are always companions. This also proves that when they get older, many elderly people need a wife more than a husband and wife relationship.

"Hey, don't mention that unlucky thing, it's a little bastard, the kind that makes me feel sick even if I say it." The old man waved his hand with an unlucky expression, and then poured a cup of hot tea for Heath with a smile.

But although the old man didn't say anything, Heath also had some guesses in his heart. He had seen it when he was collecting information about this nursing home on the Internet. Someone here once complained that this nursing home had deceived his parents, and then It caused their economy to suffer losses, but judging from the situation just now, it seems that this is not the case.

"Grandpa, do you want something to eat? It's almost lunch time, right?" Heath looked at the old man and asked, there are still some ingredients in his dining car, it's not too difficult to make a meal for the old man .

However, the old man became surprised when he saw Heath. He took a sip of his cigarette, and then took a sip of hot tea. Then he put the cigarette down slowly, pressed it out and stuffed it into his pocket again. .

"Have you never seen Da Kong? The food in our nursing home is made by Da Kong. If Da Kong hears what you say, he will feel that you are challenging his authority as the chef." The old man said with a smile, Heath He froze for a moment, he really didn't expect this.

"Hurry up, there's another little beast here, if they see you, it's hard to say that you will have some troubles, these guys are just like mosquitoes, very annoying." The old man glanced outside the door, and then urged He asked Heath to get in the car, and Heath could only follow the old man's wishes and drive towards the nursing home on the mountain.

After only a short drive, a sharp female voice was heard.

"Why can that guy go up just now?" With a hysterical voice, Heath was a little annoyed. He poked his head out to the woman who pointed at him at the gate below, and made an international friendly gesture, which resulted in even more Loud insults and reprimands.

Heath's mood improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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