I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 242 Ordinary ingredients also have excellent taste

Chapter 242 Ordinary ingredients also have excellent taste

A'Du, the leader of the Quartz Alliance's Four Heavenly Kings, is known as the most promising champion of the Quartz Alliance. As for why the Quartz Alliance did not have a champion in the early stage, Heath is not very clear. He can only say that the Quartz Alliance is now Only then did he think about launching a champion according to the habits of other leagues, and A'Du was the one with the highest voice.

But Adu's Pokémon.
In addition to the very iconic dragon-type Pokémon like Kuailong, many of A'Du's Pokémon are flying-type, which also gave A'Du a nickname among the people, that is, the flying-type king of the Kanto Alliance. , it is said that the owner of the flying gymnasium in the Fangyuan area is still Adu's little fan girl.

"Heath, you came here so soon?" Originally, Heath planned to walk over in silence, and then go to the kitchen to cook in silence. After all, he and A'Du didn't know each other, although Heath knew who A'Du was, and even knew A'Du is still the investigator of the Alliance, but he met him from the animation. In reality, Riches can't get in touch with people like A'Du.

So far, the biggest name Heath has come into contact with is probably Sirona who concealed her identity. Of course, this is only for humans. If it is all the guests, probably no guest will be more famous than the beast.

"Aunt Junsha, what's the matter?" But Old Junsha spoke, and it was not good for Heath to pretend not to hear, so he simply walked over, and then looked at Old Junsha politely and asked.

"This is the Adu Heavenly King of the Kanto Alliance. He came to eat today. Can you cook me a dish? I'll have a drink with Adu first." Old Junsha looked at Heath with a smile and asked, And Heavenly King A'Du cast a curious look. A'Du still knows Jun Shaye's culinary skills. It seems that this young man has some skills to let Jun Shaye hand over the kitchen to this young man with such peace of mind.

"Of course there is no problem with this, but may I ask Aunt Junsha, what do you and Du Tianwang plan to eat?" Heath was stunned for a moment, but then nodded, if he could cook for A'Du, it would be very cool, because Heath can get some good rewards. When he entertained Sirona before, Heath got some good things, which made Heath a little curious about what he could get if he entertained A'Du.

"It's fine to make it ordinary, but if possible, it's better to make a side dish. I'll have a drink with King Adu." Old Junsha said with a smile, Heath looked at King Adu again, Adu The king of heaven smiled very gently. He had no prestige or sense of oppression towards ordinary people, just like a stranger he met on the street.

"I don't have any requirements." King A'Du smiled heartily, and Heath nodded. Since this is the case, then he can make whatever he wants.

Heath plans to make four dishes and one soup, and then include a side dish in the four dishes, which can be regarded as meeting Lao Junsha's request, but the choice of side dishes is very interesting. Heath had considered whether to make it A serving of alcoholic peanuts, after all, when it comes to drinking, Heath thinks peanuts are really a very good choice.

But after thinking of the pig ears and pig tails in his brine pot, Heath decided to give Lao Junsha and King Adu some delicious lo-mei. The taste of lo-mei is also very good, and Heath himself likes it very much.

As for the other dishes, Heath hesitated and chose a tomato scrambled egg, a spicy chicken, and a stir-fried cabbage.

For soup, Heath made a simple pea tip soup, but the best thing about this soup is not the soup, but the fresh vegetables in it, that is, the pea tip.

Pea tip, this is a very magical vegetable, it is a little different from ordinary vegetables, pea tip has strict requirements on the time of picking, generally speaking, the tenderness of the pea tip wins, the tenderer the pea tip The taste will be better. Start the pot and boil the water. After the water boils, put the fresh and tender pea tips into the water. The cooking time should not be too long. After that, you can turn off the fire. At this time, the pea tips are the most tender.

One bite of the tender and delicious pea tips can make people's taste buds active. The unique vegetable fragrance of pea tips can become delicious without the need for other flavors. It is very delicious, and the fresh and tender pea tips are also very tender and smooth, which makes people have an urge to eat more and more. After the meal, have a bowl of pea tip soup, not to mention the feeling of comfort.

There is nothing special to pay attention to in tomato scrambled eggs. Just pay attention to peeling the tomatoes. After peeling, the taste of tomato scrambled eggs will be better, and the appetite will not be affected by the occasional tomato skin.

As for the spicy chicken, Heath still followed his old method and made a delicious, spicy and tender spicy chicken. The tender chicken was paired with the seasonings of the spicy chicken. Heath was confident that he could let King Adu eat it It's hard to swallow your tongue all at once.

There was nothing special about the stir-fried cabbage. After a while, Heath brought these dishes in front of Lao Junsha and King Adu.

"Please use it slowly." Heath looked at Lao Junsha with a smile, and Lao Junsha smiled and took out a large piece of edible quartz and handed it to Heath, which surprised Heath.

"This is your meal money. I know you've been researching edible quartz recently. Although it's not very expensive, don't hold it against it." Looking at the [-]kg of edible quartz that had been processed in his hand, Heath ordered happily nod.

I've been a chef for a long time, and I don't need to weigh these ingredients, and I can basically guess that there is nothing wrong with them.

[You entertained the king of heaven, Adu, and you got a bottle of flying-type Pokémon hair cream]

[Flying Pokémon Hair Cream: After applying it on flying Pokémon, it can make flying Pokémon more attractive. It is the favorite item of flying Pokémon. I don’t really like flying Pokémon. people will not own this item]

The corner of Heath's mouth twitched. He suspected that the gold finger was holding something, but he had no proof.

But thinking of the purpose of this thing, Heath still put it away silently. It is hard to say that it will come in handy in the future. After all, there are still quite a lot of flying-type Pokémon, so Heath still put away this bottle full of hair cream. up.

Heath didn't bother A'Du and old Junsha to eat. Back in the cafeteria, Heath started busy making the food Junsha and the others wanted to eat in the afternoon. This was Heath's accommodation fee.

(End of this chapter)

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