I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 244 That’s why light novels can become light novels if they write casually with a particular

Chapter 244 That’s why light novels can become light novels if they write casually with a particularly long name, right?
"Trainer, what happened just now?" Zoroya looked at Heath and asked curiously. The crowd had slowly dispersed, but the evening wind also brought a faint sobbing sound to Heath's ears. , Heath slowly started the dining car, and then glanced at the bird in the crowd.

It feels like the proud Bidiao is the one who saves people, and it can be seen that this is not a difficult task for Bidiao. These specially trained Pokémon are capable of this kind of work.

"A story triggered by despair. But I don't know what the ending will be like." Heath scratched his head, the man was indeed saved, but then what?And then what will be the result, Heath doesn't know, the house price here is very expensive, so it can be imagined that the mortgage is also very expensive, if there is no suitable stable job, this man will probably go to extremes, adult Nothing is easy in the human world.

"Eh?" Zoroya seemed to understand, and Heath didn't explain much. It was too troublesome to let Soroya understand these principles, and Heath could only wish this poor man a happy life. Although tragedy is often the most memorable ending, Heath still hopes that there will be fewer such tragedies, and he prefers the ending of family carnival.

Heath quickly left the place that was surrounded by a large group of people just now, and then came to the bookstore of the Quartz Alliance. The bookstore was very lively. Heath took Sorolla to buy some books related to vocal music, and Sorolla Acting coquettishly again, Heath insisted on letting Heath go to the novel area. Heath thought that it would be a new week soon, so he followed Soraya to the novel area.

"Wow, has Mr. Mucha released a new work?" As soon as he arrived in the novel area, Sorolla's eyes lit up instantly, and the whole fox became excited. Heath followed Sorolla a little dumbfounded, Then I looked at the novels around me. There are many types of novels here, but the genre tends to be in the style of light novels, and I don’t see the classic web articles that Heath read in the previous life.

But this is also normal, after all, it is the world of Pokémon, if there are web articles here.
Heath froze for a moment, what kind of style would that be?
Since Arceus created the world, Arceus has disappeared, and the ordinary boy Xiaozhi once encountered nine fast dragons pulling a coffin of death, and thus stepped into the road of trainers. People often classify such trainers as So many classes, Baoshi, Baozun, Baowang Baodi, and then the treasure gas turns into a horse, and finally becomes a title crown?
Heath shuddered. Thinking about it like this is quite scary, but there are also some fantastic fantasy novels in this world, which are about a world without Pokémon. Heath thought that maybe he could write a book in the future. The world I live in does not have "Pokémon" as a novel, but looking at these novels with extremely long names here, Heath's expression becomes a little complicated again.

Heath even thinks that these authors write what they think of, so they can write such a long title?Or is it true that light novels can be titled with any sentence?
Anyway, the books here are all with very long names, and I don't know if it is so convenient to attract customers' attention.

Then Heath saw a novel titled Thief.

"About me thinking about my life during my time as a sage, I was hit by a truck and traveled to another world, and then I found out that my grandfather is the strongest magician in the world, and my grandmother is the strongest goddess in the world, but I am stronger than them This Matter, well, it's really long, I won't watch it without you next time.

But then Heath also found some weird books, such as a book called "One Hundred Poses I Tried with My Tsundere Champion Girlfriend", the so-called Tsundere Champion Girlfriend on it looks like It's Kaluni's magic version, but Heath admitted that this book really made him have an urge to open it and read it. What is a hundred postures to try?

Is the pose you're talking about correct?Moreover, the full illustration and color show written on it made Heath feel excited.

But considering his glorious image in Sorolla's heart, Heath still put the book down silently, and then followed Sorolla, watching Sorolla carefully choose the novel he wanted to buy.

After a while, Soroya bought the books he wanted to buy, and then Heath took these books to the special checkout area. There is no manual cashier at the checkout here, and he manually scans the code. Heath thinks this is quite Well, at least you don't have to worry about the tragic experience of meeting an acquaintance and then dying.

"Heath?" With a familiar voice, Heath froze all over, then twitched his crow's mouth in his heart, then turned his head pretending to be blank, and then saw Miss Saya.

"Miss Saya? Are you here to buy books too?" Heath looked at Ms. Saya with a smile, but the bag in his hand was more tightly covered. Soroya bought five books, but some of them had the covers It's really unbearable to watch. If Heath is seen by others, he thinks that he can probably leave the Quartz Alliance overnight with the dining car on his shoulders.

What's more, he met Saya, a guest who had met several times. If he was seen, Heath felt that he would really explode with shame.

"Yeah, I also came to buy books, and I realized that if you want to become a trainer, you have a lot to learn. So, Heath, are you here to buy cooking books?" Saya smiled happily, and Heath smiled Hehehe coped with it, he felt that Saya probably wouldn't say anything about wanting to see what the cooking book he bought was, after all, it belonged to personal privacy.

"That's great, Boss Heath is so good at cooking, yet he is still so serious and eager to learn! Sure enough, I should work harder!" Shaye clenched his fists to encourage himself, Heath smiled awkwardly, he He just wanted Saya to leave quickly and go to the empty machine next to him to buy books. In front of Saya, Heath was too embarrassed to take out the book.

"Soroya! Hurry up and help me set up a phantom, so that these books look normal, like cooking books." Heath quickly said to Soroa in his heart, and Soroa faced the problem of his books. The matter was very serious, and after a while, a positive answer came from Heath's head.

Heath tentatively took out a book, and then heaved a sigh of relief. This is a book with "Kantu Recipe", at least it looks like this. Heath smiled and scanned the code, and then continued Take out other books, the title of the purchased book will not be displayed on the screen, which is good news.

(End of this chapter)

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