Chapter 248 Bold Ideas

Chinese people generally pay attention to a good color, fragrance and taste in cooking, and sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty are also used the most, but it has to be said that sweetness is actually a very important part of the taste buds, but the use of sweetness is also very particular. It’s not that you can just do it casually.

Sweet cuisines are actually not absent in Chinese cuisines. In Shanghai, sweetness is a relatively important component, but if you don’t eat it since childhood, it is often difficult to accept it for the first time. flavors.

However, Heath’s stir-fried pork with pickled vegetables does not have this concern. The reason why fried pork with pickled vegetables needs to add a little white sugar is to make the fried pork with pickled vegetables taste sour with a little bit of sweetness, thereby adding The taste level of this dish is a very important element, but you also need to pay attention to the degree of sweetness. It is best to be able to eat if there is no sweetness, but there is no way to taste too obvious sweetness, so it is considered superior .

In addition to adding a little white sugar, pickled vegetables and fried meat need to be seasoned with a little salt. Of course, it is not suitable for too much, too much is not good, and the portion should be less. The most original taste of fried meat with pickled vegetables is actually the taste of pickled vegetables.

As Hiss stir-fried, the whole dining car began to emit a tempting aroma. The onion duck swallowed more than once, and the other Pokémon did not go there well, but the fire dinosaur shrank to the side. Shrinking, the Onion Duck didn't understand why the fire dinosaur hid at the beginning, until the Onion Duck felt his head was cold and cold, and then realized that the saliva of the Snorby had flowed out and dripped on its head superior.

Soroya glanced at the head of the onion duck, and he couldn't have the head of the onion duck, and then silently moved a little further away from the Kirby. The big man is good at everything, and has a gentle and gentle personality. It's like holding a big ice cube, but the biggest problem is that the big man will drool when he smells something delicious.

As for Mengmeng, it sat on the ground solemnly. If it hadn't been betrayed by the swaying tail, Mengmeng would still look very serious and serious.

After a piece of fragrant pickled vegetables and fried meat is ready, Heath starts to make the noodles needed for the noodles, which is even simpler. It can even be said that at home, you only need to take out the noodles, cook the noodles and drain them. Dry the water, then add a variety of seasonings, and finally put the finishing touch of pickled vegetables and fried meat, so that a pickled vegetables and fried pork noodles are ready.

However, it is said that it is ready, but in fact, it still needs to be mixed evenly by yourself. The taste is the best. After preparing a bowl of noodles for his Pokémon and Mengmeng, Heath He started mixing his own noodles, and only after the mixing was even, Heath began to eat the noodles.

The hot noodles seem to still have the moisture of the noodle soup, but the sour and slightly sweet taste of the fried pork with pickled vegetables makes the taste of this noodles very good, and the sour taste is also easy to appetize with rice. Heath took it again He took a clove of garlic, and then began to enjoy his breakfast, but if he ate garlic, Heath would have to rinse his mouth later.

If you are eating alone at home, you don’t have to be so particular about it, but Heath is going to do business, and at this time Heath can’t open his mouth and smell garlic, that’s disrespectful to the guests, so every time Heath eats I rinse my mouth after meals to freshen my breath.

【You entertained Dream, you got a random clue】

[Every seventy-two days, a green meteor will flash across the sky of the Quartz Alliance]

It was another unknown thing, Heath swallowed the noodles in his mouth, and there were green shooting stars every seventy-two days?Green shooting star?
Heath instantly thought of Rayquaza. After all, in the ozone layer of the Pokémon world, the legendary Pokémon like Rayquaza lived. The other party was also green and very fast. Heath felt that the green Liekongzai deserves the name Meteor, but it seems that it is not impossible if it is a green Sky Comet Dragon.
Heath shook his head violently. This is the world of Pokémon. How could there be monsters from Monster Hunt?

Heath felt that this must be his own fantasy, but it also had something to do with Heath not playing games for a long time. Although there are many games in the Pokémon world, there is no Monster Hunter among them, which made Heath a little disappointed .

After eating a good breakfast, Heath's dining car also stopped at the destination. Heath and Scallion Duck started to wash the dishes, while Kabimon and Soroya went to practice singing. Ya assigned a task to practice singing with Kabimon. Of course, the reward was [-] union coins per week. Soroya was very happy and agreed, which made Heath feel relaxed for a long time.

And Mengmeng disappeared in an instant after eating breakfast, and didn't even pay for the meal, but probably in Mengmeng's heart, it didn't understand why it had to pay for the meal.

Heath has no opinion on this, after all, the clue given by Mengmeng is still very good, the green meteor is very likely to be Rayquaza, and after asking Sister Jing, Heath learned that the distance from the last time the green meteor appeared Meteor, seventy-two days have passed, which also means that today is the time for the green meteor to appear again.

However, Rayquaza usually flies in the air very quickly, and rarely stops, or flies to the human world, so if he wants to attract Rayquaza, Heath feels that he needs some courage.

Thinking of this, Heath looked at the food identifier in his hand. This thing can identify ingredients, and most importantly, it can make the beast feel that it is being spied on. The last time Heath did this, he was narrow-minded. Feng Wang has thrown a lot of rocks, but this time...
Thinking of Lie Kongzao's strength and that astonishing speed, Heath inexplicably thought of the three generals in One Piece who clocked in and went to and from get off work when he was watching anime in his previous life.

Thinking about it this way, a green ray sky sat on the face of the yellow monkey, and said to Heath, "Young man, have you ever been kicked in the ass by the light?" ', I thought it was quite scary.

"But it should. Probably. Maybe there's nothing wrong with it? After all, it's Liekongzao, so he shouldn't rush down and beat me up, right?" Heath asked with uncertainty, but thought about the various benefits that can be obtained by entertaining the beasts. With this rare reward, Heath felt that he could get up again.

The weather was fine and there were more people, and Heath felt that he was doing well again.

But as soon as he came to the place where the dining car opened every day, Heath saw an old acquaintance, Karenya whom he had just met last time.

(End of this chapter)

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