I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 252 Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles!

Chapter 252 Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles!

But whether this allusion is true or not is still a question. After all, it was a thing in ancient times. However, Guoqiao Rice Noodles is a well-known local dish in Yun Province. Of course, the taste is still very good, but in Heath Come on, there are not many authentic Guoqiao rice noodles.

After Heath went to Yun Province, he ate Crossing Bridge Rice Noodles again. The Crossing Bridge Rice Noodles in that place have completely changed. When you first enter the store, you will see that there are many kinds of Crossing Bridge Rice Noodles, such as Xiucai Crossing Bridge Rice Noodles and Juren Crossing Bridge , the price of Zhuangyuan Guoqiao Rice Noodles varies from low to high. Of course, the dishes are also different. The most expensive piece of Zhuangyuan Guoqiao Rice Noodles costs more than [-] yuan. This is still in the rice noodle shop on the street. If you go to those more stylish restaurants, the price may go up.

Later, Heath also heard about the launch of some delicacies crossing the bridge rice noodles, using various good ingredients, and the price is very high, which made Heath feel that the bridge crossing rice noodles actually lost their original meaning.

Crossing the bridge rice noodle, the main thing is actually rice noodles, which can fill the stomach and eat while it is hot, but some of the crossing bridge rice noodle soups are not very hot. If a raw quail egg is poured down, the soup may be warm. The quail eggs are not yet cooked, and each ingredient is not simply the quality of the accumulated ingredients.

The high quality of ingredients is indeed important, but it does not mean that the more expensive the ingredients, the better the taste.

Just like beef, although Heath has never been abroad, he knows what beef is the top grade Wagyu, but this does not mean that the top Wagyu can be perfectly adapted to all beef dishes. Some dishes require old scalpers Or buffalo, otherwise it just doesn't taste right.

The same is true for cross-bridge rice noodles. In Heath’s view, a good cross-bridge rice noodle does not require too many high-end ingredients, and it is basically enough to work hard on the soup, because other side dishes can’t be helped by themselves. Compete with soup for the most important position.

After the broth was cooked, Heath also began to prepare to make this unique cross-bridge rice noodle, but before he started, Heath fell into another question, if he did this, would he be recognized by Goldfinger? ?

Heath found that Goldfinger's judgment criteria were very strange. Sometimes, the task would only be settled after customers had to order food and pay the corresponding meal money to complete the transaction with Heath, so if Heath finished eating by himself , but if he has not yet been recognized, Heath feels that he may have some breakdowns.

"Forget it, I'll taste it first." Heath didn't struggle for too long. When a chef invents a new dish, he is the first person to try it. Not so good.

Thinking of this, Heath fished out a small bowl of edible quartz, and put it aside for later use, then took a spoonful of soup, the chicken fat sealed the surface of the soup, and the speed of heat loss also slowed down .

Heath nodded in satisfaction, then poured a raw quail egg into it, and then put in various cut meats one by one. These meats are also raw, so they need to be sliced ​​very thin, so that the This ingredient is cooked by this soup, but this does not mean that every piece of meat is raw, some meat is cooked in advance, and put into the soup just for reheating.

Then there are vegetables, and finally, after waiting for a while, pour in edible quartz, a Pokémon World version of bridge rice noodles, and it is considered ready.

Heath picked up the chopsticks a little nervously, and then picked up a chopstick of edible quartz and put it into his mouth. It has a strong taste of chicken soup, and the taste of edible quartz itself is very weak, but with the combination of chicken soup and other ingredients , It also became delicious, Heath finished eating it in a while, he nodded with satisfaction, although the edible quartz still has no taste, but at least Heath has prepared a bridge quartz .

"Then the next step is to find a guest." Heath touched his chin and fell into deep thought. Then Heath noticed the mysterious Q hiding behind the pillar. This little guy began to observe secretly again. Heath had some I wanted to laugh, but then Heath was stunned for a moment, Mimi Q is also a very good guest.

Now Heath is already in the parking lot of the Junshas, ​​and at this time, compared to looking for a Junsha to get ingredients, Heath thinks that it is not bad to find Mimi Q, and just say it, let Mimi Q give you anything something will do.

Thinking of this, Heath smiled and waved at Mimi Q, Mimi Q's body froze, the whole Pokémon was shaking, and it shrank behind the pillar tremblingly.

Heath is not in a hurry. Greeting a stray Pokémon is like greeting a stray cat. Even if Heath has fed it once or twice, it is very difficult to get the approval of every stray cat. Personality is different.

And smarter Pokémon have more personality, and according to Heath's observation, this Mimi Q is relatively shy, or timid, maybe because of some reason, anyway, Mimi Q has become this look.

After a while, when Heath wondered if Mimi Q had run away, a pair of small yellow ears poked out again. Mimi Q carefully looked at Heath, and after noticing that Mimi Q hadn't moved, this Only then did he tentatively move it out slowly.

It really moved out, Heath felt that putting a snail next to Mimi Q might climb faster than Mimi Q, but Heath was not in a hurry, but looked at Mimi Q patiently.

After a while, Mibi Q finally moved out slowly and appeared in front of Zhao Fang completely. However, Zhao Fang also noticed that Mibi Q had been trying to hide behind a nearby pillar, but forced Let yourself stand here.

"Don't be afraid, Mimi Q." Heath comforted the timid little guy gently.

"It's like this. I recently launched a very good dish. I want you to try it. Of course, you only need to give me something you have as a reward. Do you want to try it?" Heath looked at Mimi Q with a smile, and spoke softly.

Heath swore that he had never been so gentle when he was on the phone with his girlfriend in his previous life.

However, Mimi Q suddenly shuddered, and then quickly disappeared into the pipe. Heath was confused until Heath saw Lao Junsha walking down carelessly, and then he understood why Mimi Q ran away.

"Heath, is your cafeteria okay? What's your expression?" Old Junsha looked at Heath blankly.

"Phew, it's nothing, I'm coming up now." Heath took a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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