I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 254 Dialga's Pressure Cooker

Chapter 254 Dialga's Pressure Cooker
"How does it taste?" Heath looked at Old Junsha and asked with a smile. Old Junsha looked at Heath suspiciously. A little curious, but Lao Junsha didn't mean to ask.

"The taste is not bad. Speaking of which, when you were a chef, everyone ate a lot." Lao Junsha looked at Heath with a smile. There is no taste, but other flavors are integrated in it, which also makes the edible quartz delicious. However, if it is not for the difficulty of making, Lao Junsha thinks that this cross-bridge rice noodle is not worth the price of [-] .

Heath smiled. When he went to the cafeteria to cook, he noticed that the amount of ingredients purchased in the cafeteria was a bit more. As a person who has stayed in the Quartz Alliance for a while, Heath can still detect this change of.

"Where are you planning to go next?" Old Junsha wiped her mouth, then watched Heath put away the bowls and chopsticks, and was seriously washing the dishes over there, while the duck with green onions was standing next to Heath. Washing the second dish is also the task that Heath entrusted to Scallion Duck. After all, if the chef opens the restaurant by himself, sometimes he also has to do some work as a waiter or help the chef.

For example, in some small street restaurants in the previous life, the chef there often also served as the owner, and even served as the waiter. At this time, the chef needs to entertain the guests, collect the cash, and also needs to wash the dishes and serve the dishes.

After all, small restaurants don’t have that much money to hire people. Although it’s tiring to do it by yourself, the advantage is to save money. Heath was like this when he was cooking at the stall before, and he was used to this kind of life.

"In my case, I might go to Zhenxin Town." Heath said with certainty that he must go to Zhenxin Town. After all, whether it is Xiaozhi or Dr. Damu, Heath is very curious, and Heath is also curious Curious whether the red that Xiaozhi mentioned before is the same name or the real red.

There are duplicate names in this world. When he was in Changqing City, Heath met another Xiaozhi, whose name was also Xiaozhi, but he was a middle-aged uncle who worked as a guide in the gymnasium in Changqing City. Work, responsible for explaining the rules and challenge requirements of the gymnasium to every trainer who comes to challenge, and the wife of Xiaozhi is also called Xiaoguang, which makes Heath a little dumbfounded.

So Heath felt that even if there were several scarlets in this world, it was not a strange thing, and Heath could still accept it.

"Is it really Xinzhen? When talking about Zhenxin Town, I have to mention Dr. Damu. Dr. Damu used to be a super trainer, but it's a pity that he went to be a researcher later." Old Junsha smiled, Heath nodded. He naturally knew about this. Dr. Oki actually has the strength of a champion in theory.

"Then I won't bother you, but if you plan to leave, remember to come and tell me so that I can arrange work in the cafeteria." Lao Junsha left with a smile, but before leaving, Lao Junsha and Heath As a reminder, Heath nodded seriously, this must be something to say, otherwise if Heath drove away and the old Junsha didn't react, then Junsha and the others would be hungry.

After Lao Junsha left, Heath couldn't wait to open the cabinet, and then took out the brand new pressure cooker from the cabinet. This pressure cooker is no different from ordinary pressure cookers. The biggest difference is that the pressure cooker has five button, from one to five, it seems that this is the double speed of the time of the pressure cooker.

"But why is this thing a little hot?" Heath was a little dazed, he could feel the temperature on the outside of the pressure cooker.

"Let me see, these ingredients are needed to make a delicious radish rib soup." On Sinnoh's Tianguan Mountain, a man with silver-blue long hair was standing on the ice and snow in leather shoes, earnestly cutting Carrot, he was in a good mood, humming an inexplicable tune, revealing the taste of ancient times.

"Then put these into my beloved pressure cooker." The man proudly put the chopped radishes and ribs into the pressure cooker, added water, and after pressing the five button, he began to wait intently Serve with this delicious meal.

Dialga has no hobbies. For a long time, Dialga has always been a very boring type. Until one time when Dialga went to the world to see what human beings were doing, he accidentally ate After arriving for a snack, Dialga became very interested in cooking.

However, after studying for a period of time, Diyaluka found that cooking is very interesting, but some dishes require a long time to make, so Diyaluka thought of a brand new method, which is to use the power of his own time, Go speed it up.

But later Dialga found that it was too troublesome, and he had to speed up carefully every time, so he simply made a pressure cooker and two other kitchen utensils to facilitate his quick cooking, and today Dialga is planning to use Make a radish rib soup in a pressure cooker, then eat it with rice, and finally fry some side dishes, so that a delicious dinner is ready.

Just as Dialga sang a song and began to chop side dishes while humming, he noticed something missing out of the corner of his eye.

Dialka turned around in a daze, and then saw the pressure cooker that had been placed on the stove before disappearing for some unknown reason. Dialka's eyes widened suddenly, where is my cooker? !
Heath opened the lid of the pot in doubt, and then found that there was actually a radish rib soup cooking in the pressure cooker, and it seemed that it was still cooked, Heath was taken aback for a while.

"Ah, here. Does the pot also come with a serving of radish and ribs soup?" Heath looked at the radish and ribs soup in front of him dumbfounded, then picked up a spoon, scooped a small spoon and put it into his small bowl, then wished Siss took a sip slowly. The soup tasted good, but Siss didn't quite understand why this radish rib soup seemed to contain a lot of pepper or sesame oil, which made it taste a bit numb.

The radish was very soft and rotten, and the pork ribs had a strong meaty aroma when they took a bite. Heath nodded.

"Forget it, just treat it as a supper, and the Snorby will like it very much." Heath yawned. He usually doesn't eat at night, unless it is for barbecue, and it is a good choice to give this pot of soup to Snorkel.

(End of this chapter)

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