I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 265 The News From Sister Feng

Chapter 265 The News From Sister Feng

"How long will you stay in Changqing City this time?" Jun Shafeng sat directly opposite Heath, and then put a key in front of Heath, which was put by Heath himself. After all, it would be very troublesome for him to carry such a key and lose it, so Heath stubbornly put it on the living room table of the dormitory together with the mobile phone.

"Well, about a day? But Sister Feng, my dining car has been upgraded by Shiluf Company, and it is ready to live in." Heath looked at the key and scratched his head. After all, he was already a man, old and It's weird living with girls.

Jun Shafeng folded her hands and didn't speak, just looked at Heath like this, the corners of Heath's mouth twitched, and looked at the prisoner again, Heath couldn't bear the pressure from Jun Shafeng, so he could only pick up the key .

"Three days, three days before you continue to travel." Jun Shafeng watched Heath pick up the key, and then smiled with satisfaction. A smile hung on the corner of her mouth, and then continued to put forward her own conditions.

Heath scratched his head, three days is not impossible, anyway, it is not a problem for Heath to stay in Evergreen City for a week, but according to the current rhythm, Heath still has to embark on a journey, three days It's not bad to go to Zhenxin Town in a few days.

"Okay, that's three days." Heath picked up the chopsticks and started to eat his own meal, but before eating, he saw Jun Shafeng took out the new mobile phone that Heath bought her last time, Heath froze for a moment, and looked at Jun Shafeng strangely.

"I like the gift you gave me, but you don't have much money, so you should save it." Jun Shafeng said calmly, and then began to eat her own meal. Heath smiled and nodded , Sister Feng is still Sister Feng, she will not do anything like 'I won't accept your gift'.

Heath ate this meal very comfortably, which was very strange. Obviously Junsha’s cafeteria seats were very hard, but Heath sat here and ate with a weird calmness and peace, as if his heart was at peace. Hope This, he understood, was probably what it felt like to be home.

Jun Shaling and the other Miss Junsha came to chat with Heath with a smile on their faces. Heath's meal was often interrupted. Later, Sister Feng couldn't stand it anymore and coughed, and everyone calmed down a bit. .

"By the way, your parents, do you still remember?" Jun Shafeng asked suddenly. She had finished her breakfast and was wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Heath was stunned for a second when he heard the words, and then shook his head silently. Although he said he was a time traveler, he actually came through the body. Heath came over after that unlucky brat died, and was caught He was burned by the fire, but was rescued by Junsha, and came back to life by accident.

But Heath doesn't have this kind of memory. The diagnosis given by Miss Joy is that the brain automatically blocks that memory because of too much pain.

Anyway, the mysterious field of the brain, even in the world of Pokémon, is a forbidden area for scientific exploration. This passage saved Heath a lot of trouble, but when he grew up, Heath found that he seemed to be taking his own His body was transported over here, because now he is exactly the same as the graduation photo of his third year of high school.

"According to our investigation. Hey, anyway. We found a house owned by your parents. They used fake cough cough anyway. The house is now yours. Didn't you pay off the debt?" Jun Sha Feng scratched his head, and said in great pain, Heath looked a little wanting to laugh, Sister Feng probably didn't want to tell herself that his parents were speed robbers, but she still found a house, which is really a surprise .

Then Heath got a bag, which contained the real estate deed and some other things, keys or something.

"This house is in Ziyuan Town. Because you haven't paid the utility bills for a long time, the utility department came to investigate and found out that your parents bought it. You only need to pay the more than [-] utility bills you owe. Just hand it over." Jun Shafeng is much more normal now, it seems that she has found an excuse to hide it.

Heath nodded, more than [-], not too much, after all, it has been overdue for a very long time.

Jun Shafeng glanced at Heath again, and Heath looked puzzled. He scratched his face, could it be that he didn't wash his face in the morning?It shouldn't be, he washed his face in the morning and it was super clean.

"Ziyuan Town is pretty good. What are you going to do in the future?" Jun Shafeng was silent for a while, and then asked, Junsha and the others had slowly left the cafeteria, and it was almost time to go out on missions.

Heath looked at Junshafeng in surprise, but he felt the thoughts of his sister. Although Junshafeng has no blood relationship with Heath, in fact Junshafeng and all the Junshas here are Heath As a younger brother, except for the old Si Ji, Jun Shaling, who always likes to make some color jokes with Heath.

"Of course I went to have a look, and then sold the house back to Changqing City. I'm not used to living in Ziyuan Town." Heath smiled, and Jun Shafeng's eyes lit up. She hid her inner joy and calmed down. She nodded, then put on Junsha hat and went out.

Heath looked at the document bag in his hand, Ziyuan Town is actually a very good city, because that place has the largest Pokémon tomb in the Kanto area, the Pokémon Tower, so the housing prices in Ziyuan Town are still quite expensive, Because many rich people will choose to live in Ziyuan Town after the death of their beloved Pokémon, and spend the rest of their lives with their Pokémon.

Although there are not many such people, but at least the Kanto area is so big, there are always one or two, so the house in Ziyuan Town is really nice, Heath just wants to see if there is anything in that room that needs him Go get it back, the parents of Speed ​​Thief probably have some treasure map, right?

Heath yawned, and then helped the aunt who was washing the dishes clean up the dishes, and then returned to the dining car with his own Pokémon. He planned to set up a stall today. Well, it's still exciting to think about it.

"Huh, it's been so long since I've seen you all, well, it doesn't seem like a long time when you think about it?" Heath stretched his waist. It seems that he hasn't been there for a long time since he went to the Quartz Alliance, but this is also very good, as the saying goes, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed Well, of course, a big farewell is not a new marriage, but a big farewell to an old king.

"Let's go, Scallion Duck, let's take our dining car to entertain those old customers today." Heath smiled and drove the dining car towards the place where he set up a stall every day, Scallion Duck yelled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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