I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 267 Amazing Evolution Speed

Chapter 267 Amazing Evolution Speed
However, although the rewards for this task are very good and very attractive, Heath still admits that this task is difficult to do. After all, divine beasts are not something that can be encountered just by thinking about them. Bit, others have not encountered.

And Mr. Fujiyama has customized a set of exercise plans for the fire-breathing dragon, but the exercise plan for the fire-breathing dragon is not yet available. According to Mr. Fujiyama, he needs to decide how to give the fire-breathing dragon according to the specific physical fitness of the fire-breathing dragon. Exercise program, it's a tough job.

Heath felt that Mr. Fujiyama was worthy of being an excellent muscle trainer. This kind of personal trainer sounded very high-end and magnificent. In his previous life, Heath thought that it would not be too much to charge a thousand for an exclusive customization, right?
"Heath, speaking of which, how long do you plan to stay in Evergreen City?" Mr. Fujiyama ate a mouthful of boiled chicken breast, then looked at Heath and asked.

Boiled chicken breast has no taste, but Mr. Fujiyama eats it with relish, and Heath thinks it is not surprising that Mr. Fujiyama can succeed.

"Three days, Mr. Fujiyama, I will go to Zhenxin Town in three days." Heath said calmly. The Quartz Alliance offers a stark contrast.

Heath thinks that if the Quartz Alliance is like a clockwork rabbit police officer, then Evergreen City is probably a sloth civil servant. Heath thinks this kind of life is quite good, and sometimes a lazy life is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Three days, that manga exhibition will be held in Evergreen City tomorrow, you can go and have fun then." Mr. Fujiyama said with a smile, Heath was stunned for a moment, manga exhibition?

"Manga Exhibition?!" Immediately afterwards, Sorolla slammed the door open, and then showed excited eyes.

Then Zoroya rushed out suddenly, and hid wretchedly under Heath's counter, listening to Mr. Fujiyama's words.

Under Mr. Fujiyama's explanation, Heath finally figured out what happened. The manga exhibition was originally going to be held in Dark Gray City, but the place where the manga exhibition was held in Dark Gray City was caught fire. The comic exhibition decided to move to Changqing City to hold it.

"I heard that the fire at this comic exhibition was made by the Rockets! It's really disgusting. I heard that the boss of the Rockets especially likes to watch the bunny-eared girl COS characters, and then keeps a bunch of stockings worn by women at home. , so I deliberately set fire to the comic exhibition!" Mr. Fujiyama heard some gossip from somewhere, and the corner of Heath's mouth twitched, anyway, any bad things that happened in the Quartz Alliance were all done by the Rockets.

And if Sakagi is really an old pervert, then shouldn't he just put on a suit and go to the comic exhibition to take pictures or something?What good does burning the comic exhibition do for old color critics?

"What? The Rockets still do this kind of thing?" With a mature and unbelievable voice, Heath turned his head and glanced. Mr. Sakagi came out at some time. He was running in the morning and was wearing short sleeves. There was also a towel slung over his shoulders.

Big beads of sweat came out of Mr. Sakagi's head, and then dripped down. Mr. Sakagi's figure is actually very good. He is a very charming gym owner, but it is a pity that he is the boss of the Rockets. Otherwise, Sakagi should be a very good Gym Leader.

The corner of Heath's mouth twitched. Does Mr. Sakagi have some amazing passive skills?For example, 100% hear others speak ill of you behind your back?

"That's right, that's what the host said when I was exercising today and listening to "Meow Meow Chao Wen Tian Xia"." Mr. Fujiyama said seriously, Sakagi smiled, and the expression on his face softened a lot few.

Heath wanted to cover his face a little bit, this is the boss of the Rockets, the boss of the Rockets that Mr. Fujiyama you mentioned likes girls with bunny ears!
"Then the boss of the Rockets is really unique. Heath, do you have any delicious breakfast?" Mr. Sakagi wiped the sweat from his forehead, then looked at Heath and asked, his smile was still so soft , which made Heath have to admire Sakagi's energy-raising skills.

Heath felt that Mr. Sakagi's disguise skills were very good. When he was pretending, even if the boss of the Rockets was scolded bloody, Sakagi could still say "that's right" with a smile. No wonder this guy can hide so long.

According to the lava team and water fleet in the Fangyuan area, they would have been uprooted by the alliance long ago.

"Mr. Sakagi is still the same, what would you like to eat?" Heath looked at Sakagi with a smile and asked, Sakagi's taste is quite easy to understand.

"Then give me some pancakes. I still like to eat your pancakes." Sakagi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then gave an answer. Heath nodded, then turned around and started Make pancakes for Mr. Sakagi that he wants to eat.

Mr. Fujiyama and Mr. Sakagi were chatting over there, but Rishis also heard some interesting things from their conversation.

For example, after Little Adams' Pokémon Tian Zhuzhu evolved into Tian Lengmei at an astonishing speed, this made many people think that old Adams gave birth to an excellent son. After all, it is easy for Tian Zhuzhu to evolve into Tian Wu Ni, but I think To evolve from Sweet Dancer to Sweet Lengmei, you need to master the move of stamping.

It's just strange that old Adams is not very happy. Every time someone praises little Adams as an excellent Pokémon trainer, he will be slapped by old Adams, and he will even walk away without giving others any sympathy. This made many people lament that Old Adams was really a strict father, and he was still dissatisfied even though his son was so good.

Heath's expression was a bit weird. Of course he remembered Little Adams, the previous owner of Charmander, but Little Adams had something special.
As for why old Adams doesn't like others to mention his son, Heath feels that he seems to have guessed the truth. After all, if young Adams is really an excellent trainer, old Adams must be very happy, but
It can only be said that Little Adams has found a suitable Pokémon, but I don’t know what the mood is after Tian Lengmei, but from the amazing evolution speed of Tian Lengmei, it is estimated that Tian Lengmei has also awakened What a strange habit, which made Heath a little speechless.

Sure enough, not only trainers choose Pokémon, but Pokémon also choose trainers.

(End of this chapter)

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