I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 269 Gan's Goubuli Steamed Bun

Chapter 269
Heath first looked up, there were no customers in front of the dining car, everyone was very busy, after all, they had to go to work, and if they didn't go to work, the money would not be enough, and Evergreen City and the Quartz Alliance, after all, The population is much smaller, so there are not many pedestrians on the streets now.

Heath breathed a sigh of relief, then poured out half of the snow from the jar, and then began to knead the snow into the shape of Goubuli buns, but Heath was a little tangled when kneading, and the Goubuli Baozi Hiss knew what was going on, but could this Xue understand what she wanted to do?Won't kneading the Goubuli steamed stuffed bun end up with a stuffed steamed stuffed bun?Then it becomes a steamed bun.

[The food you are about to make is:]

Suddenly Goldfinger jumped out of a prompt box, and Heath quickly thought about the name of Goubuli Baozi, and then the name of Goubuli Baozi appeared behind the word box, and Heath also felt that the name of Goubuli Baozi on his hand Snow has undergone some subtle changes.

Heath let go of his hand, and then Heath found that the snow had become two parts, one was dough and the other was all kinds of white things like ingredients that couldn't be seen clearly.

"I still have to make it myself?" Heath was a little dumbfounded, but he wrapped the Goubuli bun and made it into the shape of a bun. Just when Heath was debating whether to put the snow bun in the steamer , This snow bun had some changes right in front of Heath.

The skin of the bun slowly changed color, and finally it became like a normal bun, with heat emitting from it. Heath was a little surprised, he stretched out his hand and poked it, it was soft, with the heat of the steamed bun just out of the cage, Heath He smacked his lips, the snow that can fill his stomach in his memory is really a rare thing.

Then Heath picked up the steaming steamed bun, and then opened it from the middle, a stream of soup flowed out, Heath hurried to the side of the small bowl to catch the soup, but some dripped to the ground, It exudes a nice fragrance.

Heath looked at the bun, and the fillings inside were already attractive and colored, but what made Heath frown was that the stuffing seemed to be composed of many kinds of ingredients. , is not the kind of clear particles, which makes it difficult for Heath to distinguish the internal components.

But Heath also had his own way. He picked up the Goubuli bun and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it in small bites, carefully savoring the taste inside.

"Well, this taste should have bamboo shoots, pork, and mushrooms." Heath's taste buds are very sensitive, and Heath is also an excellent cook, and he has a high degree of recognition of ingredients, so he tasted a few mouthfuls Afterwards, Heath tasted some of the ingredients of the steamed stuffed bun, but if only relying on these, Heath felt that it was still difficult to make such a delicious Goubuli steamed stuffed bun. What was missing?
"Trainer, are you... eh? What is this smell? It smells so good." Soroya sneaked out of the room, and then Sorolla's eyes looked at the few drops of oil on the ground. It exudes a very nice fragrance.

Soraya instantly forgot what she was going to say, she swallowed, and felt that her body had some uncontrollable desire to go to the fat place.

"No! My body! I'm Sorolla! How can I do something like licking the floor!" Sorolla wailed crazily in his heart, but the good smell made Sorolla couldn't stop, so Roja walked over stiffly, then lowered his head, and let out a "chiliu".

"?" Heath looked blankly at Zoroya below. This guy was just licking the floor?
But looking at the expression of happiness and pain on Sorolla's face, Heath was thoughtful, and then looked at the small bowl in front of him. There was soup in the Goubuli steamed stuffed bun, but there was not much soup, Heath He only received a small amount, and when he thought of this, Heath picked up the small bowl and licked it. A strong fragrance instantly penetrated into Heath's nostrils, and at the same time, the delicacy in the soup was also in Heath's mouth. Taste buds are blooming.

This feeling is like eating hot fried chicken, the layer of meringue on the outside, and the refreshing taste of duck skin dipped in sweet bean sauce when eating roast duck. Heath can't describe what it tastes like, but he can I feel that this soup has a little sweetness?

Strangely, Heath frowned. Generally speaking, the taste of sweetness rarely appears in dishes, unless it is some local cuisine that likes to eat sweet, otherwise less sugar is used, even if Heath makes it himself White sugar is used for pickled vegetables and fried meat, but it will not taste sweet.

And this return is very strange.

Thinking of this, Heath decided to try the soup again. He felt that the mystery of the Goubuli buns might be in the soup, but when Heath reached out to take it, he found that what he got was not a small porcelain bowl, but a small bowl. It's furry Soraya.

"? What are you doing?" Heath glanced at Zoroya, this bastard actually licked his own soup!
"Hey hey I...my body is out of my control." Zoroya smiled awkwardly, Heath took a deep breath, he had an urge to get angry.

"But this thing is weird! It's a bit bitter before, but it's a bit sweet afterward!" Zoroya quickly started to argue, but Heath was stunned for a moment, still a bit bitter?

Heath looked at the small bowl, and the soup in it was gone, but foxes belong to the canine family, so the tongue should be quite sensitive, so what Zoroya said is true?The soup of this Goubuli steamed stuffed bun tastes a bit bitter?
Bitterness and sweetness, this is a taste that seems to be in conflict but is actually not very conflicting. In many cases, if you want to highlight the sweetness, you need to be bitter before sweet, and the sweetness after the bitterness will make people more impressive.

"Try it." Thinking of this, Heath broke off some Goubuli buns and handed them to Zoroya.

"I don't want to eat it! You ate half of it, it tastes so good." Soroya turned his head arrogantly, and then ate the buns in Heath's hand. The corners of Heath's mouth twitched when he saw it. Did you agree not to eat it?
"How does it taste?" Heath looked at Sorolla seriously, and Sorolla licked his lips.

"It's a little bit bitter, but it's not very obvious, and the aftertaste is not very obvious, and the other flavors are also super good." Sorolla licked his mouth, and then gave a comment.

Heath was thoughtful, Goubuli steamed stuffed buns have a bitter taste and sweetness, but the sweetness is most reflected in the soup, so how is this done?

(End of this chapter)

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