I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 274 The Little Thing Under the Car

Chapter 274 The Little Thing Under the Car

"Brother Xis, can you recommend it to me?" Azaki struggled for a long time, and finally chose the simplest method. Heath nodded. He looked up at Azaki's favorite taste, and then said It is recommended that Saki eat a rice bowl with pickled vegetables and minced meat. After all, Saki likes to eat sour things.

Ah Saki paid the money very quickly, and then sat on the chair prepared by Heath with her mobile phone. The breeze blew through A Saki's hair, and the girl couldn't help raising her hand to stroke her long hair and put it behind her ears.

Heath didn't notice Azaki's movements. He was concentrating on making the pickled vegetable rice bowl that Azaki needed. Every time he was cooking, Heath felt like he was playing a chef simulation game. It's very interesting to watch the various ingredients slowly change in the wok, but after cooking for a long time, I don't have much interest in eating, after all, the smell of oily smoke is already full.

"Scallion~" When Heath was cooking seriously, Heath felt that his waist was poked, Heath turned around suspiciously, and then saw the green onion duck poking himself secretly, after realizing that Heath was looking at him , Scallion Duck pointed in one direction.

Heath turned his head and glanced suspiciously. Onion Duck pointed to the small door of the dining car. Heath pushed the door open and saw the outside of the dining car. In the bushes behind Heath's stall, a meowing head He leaned out and was staring at Heath with a pair of big eyes.

Heath couldn't help laughing, it was Miaomiao and Abo Snake who had been messing around for a long time. I didn't expect to meet these little guys just after I came back. I really miss him after not seeing Heath for a few days their.

However, Heath didn't immediately go down to chat with Miaomiao and Abo Snake, but waved his hand, and then concentrated on making her pickled meat minced rice for Azaki, and then put the pickled meat The rice bowl was served to A Saki, and then came to the bushes, Miao Miao jumped out happily, and jumped into Heath's arms, Heath smiled and rubbed Miao Miao's little head.

"Little guys, how are you doing?" Heath smiled and rubbed Meow Miao's head, and the heads of a pair of little Radhas also got out, and the Arbor Snake finally swam out slowly, Heath was overjoyed , I hugged Abo Snake over easily, rubbed Abo Snake's head happily, Abo Snake spat out snake letter helplessly, this guy came again, Abo Snake felt that his head was rubbed into a square .

Heath put down Arbor Snake contentedly. During this period of time, when he went to the Quartz Alliance, what Heath was most reluctant to part with was Arbor Snake's head. It was so cool to rub it.

But as soon as Abo Snake got down, he straightened up suddenly, and then stared at Heath suddenly. Heath froze for a moment, big snake stared?But is Abo Snake using it on himself?

But soon Heath discovered that Abo Snake was not staring at himself with the big snake, but at the big snake behind him. Heath turned his head and took a look, but Abo Snake had already assumed an attacking posture Immediately afterwards, Heath discovered that a group of soft and mysterious creatures fell from the bottom of his dining car, and shrank tremblingly behind the tires of Heath's dining car.

Heath was stunned for a moment, and then Heath followed the daylight and found that this Pokémon had yellow skin, which was very dirty, like a rag that hadn't been washed for more than ten years, and Heath immediately remembered who it was Yes, after all, only it can look like this.

"Mysterious Q?" Heath asked. As soon as Heath asked, Mysterious Q suddenly shrank, and then his body shrank even smaller. He was trying hard to cover his body with the wheels, but he was a little hesitant. Regardless of his tail, Heath could even see the cloth behind Mimi Q.

Heath wanted to laugh a little, but Heath also had some doubts in his heart, how did this little guy Mimi Q follow him here?Heath has no impression at all, but it seems that it should be lying on the bottom of his dining car and followed him from the Quartz Alliance, right?
This road is not particularly smooth, but I didn't expect Mimi Q to follow me all the way, which made Heath feel a little confused for a while, Mimi Q is too dangerous, if it is not careful Dropped and landed in the wild, can it survive?
At this moment, Heath felt a little bit moved. Frankly speaking, Heath didn't really want to subdue Mimi Q before, but now, looking at this Mimi Q who followed him all the way at the risk, Heath admitted that he was very moved. Such a persistent enigma Q is rare.

"MimiQ, would you like to be my partner?" Heath knelt down, stretched out his hand towards MimiQ, and smiled gently.

But to Heath's surprise, Mimi Q shrunk, and then it poked its head out, shook its head, and made a strange sound from its mouth.

"Eh? This guy said it has an owner, but it just got separated from the owner." Zoroya poked his head out, and Heath froze for a moment, owner?

However, Heath heard that some Pokémon would indeed treat their trainers as their own masters, so Heath didn't care too much, but what Heath didn't expect was that Mimi Q had a trainer. So what does it do with itself?Heath was a little puzzled.

"This guy said, it wants to ask you to find its owner, and it said that its owner lives in a city far away." Soroya yawned again, and it shook its paw, just now playing a game with it Playing on the computer is a bit painful, so it's good to take it easy now.

Heath rubbed his nose, it would not be a problem to help Mimi Q find its trainer, but he needed some clues, and Heath didn't know who the Mimi Q trainer was, where it was, and in the vast treasure trove. Finding people in Kemeng World is a troublesome thing.

Heath was stunned for a moment, he remembered his Hoopa golden circle, maybe it was useful, Heath took out Hoopa's golden circle when he thought of this, thinking about the trainer of the mysterious Q in his heart, but But I can't catch anything. It seems that there is no specific name.

However, after asking about Mimi Q, Heath found that Mimi Q only remembered that its owner was a man, and other than that, he only remembered that its owner was very gentle when touching it, and his eyes were very kind. Heath has some Helpless, if you search like this, you can't find anyone at all.

"If you are like this, how can I find it?" Heath looked at the silly MimiQ, and sighed helplessly. This little guy is hopeless.

Heath scratched his head, he thought of his magical conch, although this thing does not work from time to time, but if you ask it, it can help Mimi Q, and this little guy has followed.

(End of this chapter)

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