I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 278 Mental Hospital

Chapter 278 Mental Hospital
Lying on the long-lost small bed, Heath had a good night's sleep. Although strictly speaking, this little bed was not as comfortable as the bed in Heath's own dining car, Heath felt that the bed that he had slept in for a long time was more comfortable, so Heath Nor did he plan to replace his own bed.

And this night, Heath didn't have any nightmares, and even Heath felt that he didn't even have a dream. It felt like he fell asleep and opened his eyes again, and it was the next day.

"Although the quality of sleep without dreams seems to be better, it always feels a little weird. After all, there are no dreams, and this is probably the feeling after death." The next morning, Heath yawned He got up from the bed, then skillfully grabbed Zoroya's neck and walked out of the living room, but this time Heath didn't see the fire dinosaur, which made Heath stunned for a moment, feeling a little unaccustomed to it for a long time.

"But yes, it's a dormitory after all." Heath smiled, and the fire dinosaurs were still hanging on Heath's waist. Heath put them in the poke ball and didn't take them out.

Heath pushed open the window and glanced outside. The sky in Changqing City is not bright yet, but Heath is not in a hurry, it is closed today, so Heath plans to go to the vegetable market later to have a look, and then it will be almost I went to a mental hospital. As for the specific location, Sister Feng has already told Heath, and the location is not very far.

Originally, Heath thought that places like mental hospitals are generally set up in some wilderness, preferably with a basement or something, and then conduct some horrible experiments, and finally attract a hard-working reporter with a DV player to visit to death. better.

It's a pity that this psychiatric hospital is very normal. It's located near the municipal hospital in Changqing City. Although it's not the center of the city, it's a relatively lively place, and the name is very common.
Heath was stunned for a moment, he took out his mobile phone and took a look. The name of this mental hospital is Juchiyan Mental Hospital. This name made Heath want to complain, but it’s okay, as long as it’s not Arkham Asylum, Heath Still acceptable.

Heath pushed open the door of the dormitory, and quickly walked back to his dining car. Heath's washing tools were placed in the dining car, and by the way, there were also Pokémon's washing tools, which were all placed in the dining car. , so for the current Heath, living in the dormitory is not as convenient as living in the dining car, but living in the dormitory will give Heath a sense of peace of mind, which is hard to describe, but Heath always feels that this is probably The feeling of home, there is a home, so there is a place for the soul to rely on, Heath likes this feeling very much.

"Trainer, trainer, when are we going to go to the comic exhibition!" Sorolla was very excited today, and he didn't even sleep in, which surprised Heath. After all, Sorolla usually sleeps to death. .

"Wait to complete the task, and then you can go." Heath glanced at the phone. His arrangement today is very special. First, he will go to the mental hospital to make food for the mental patients, and then he will go to the prison to give the mental patients Cooking a decapitated meal for a prisoner made Heath feel inexplicably complicated.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Sorolla asked expectantly, Heath's mouth twitched, this guy is really a typical unprofitable guy, usually asking Sorolla to help but refusing and refusing Lazy, I didn't expect that under the temptation of Manzhan, Sorolla would even want to take the initiative to help. This is really a strange thing.

Heath thought about it, and it seems that there is really nothing that needs Sorolla's help. After all, Heath and Onion Duck can do the cooking work. As for Soroya, Heath thinks that she can only be cute now , but today's two occasions are not suitable for showing cuteness. Will going to a mental hospital to show cuteness will arouse some strange desires in the other party?Heath felt that it was better not to make trouble for himself.

After a simple wash, Heath drove the dining car to the vegetable market in Changqing City, where he bought some ingredients he needed, but in the vegetable market, Heath met an unexpected but expected old customer .

"Mr. Sakagi?" Heath looked at Mr. Sakagi in surprise. He really didn't expect to meet Mr. Sakagi in the vegetable market in Changqing City, but this does not mean that Sakagi can't cook. After all, Heath remembered Mr. Sakagi In fact, he is a very good cook, but Heath remembered that Mr. Sakagi rarely appeared in the vegetable market so early.

"Good morning, Heath, are you here to buy vegetables?" Mr. Sakagi greeted Heath with a smile. Heath noticed that he was holding a newspaper in his hand. There is a referendum on the placement of cameras in the main cities of the alliance.

"Well, why did Mr. Sakagi come so early today?" Onion Duck followed Heath, and happily waved his wings with Sakagi. It knew that this man and his trainer were similar to friends.

Mr. Sakagi smiled, and pointed to the time on the newspaper. Heath glanced at it, and then instantly realized why Mr. Sakagi got up so early, probably to grab the wild mushrooms in the morning market.

In the world of Pokémon, wild mushrooms are also very delicious ingredients, but after all, Evergreen City cannot compare with the Quartz Alliance. In the Quartz Alliance, these wild mushrooms are openly supplied, but in Evergreen City, wild mushrooms They just need to be grabbed. After all, most of the good wild mushrooms are sold to foreign businessmen who buy them at high prices, and only a small part of the good wild mushrooms will flow into the market with individual mushroom pickers.

But as the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm, and this is also the case when buying wild mushrooms. If you want to buy good wild mushrooms, you have to get up early, otherwise you can only buy some defective products if you get up late.

Heath smiled and walked into the vegetable market with Sakagi, not to mention that Mr. Sakagi’s identity disguise is really good, he can’t tell that Sakagi is a bad person at all, those vegetable vendors will also enthusiastically treat themselves to the freshest food when they see Mr. Sakagi The best ingredients are brought out for Mr. Sakagi to choose, and Sakagi will not bully others or look down on others. After buying vegetables, he will chat with each other warmly and say thank you.

Heath felt that this was the temperament of a qualified boss of the Rockets. Not every villain was vicious and full of flesh. The real villains often behaved like a good guy.

"Huh? What kind of wild fungus is this?" Sakagi squatted down curiously, and picked out a wild fungus with some strange shapes. This is a wild fungus with a very bright color, and it looks like it is poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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