I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 296 Strange Ingredients

Chapter 296 Strange Ingredients

"Oh, it's been a long time, Heath, it's really a blessing to see you in the morning." Mr. Yaning stood in front of Heath with a tired face and a pair of dark circles under his eyes. Looking at Mr. Yaning in surprise, why haven't I seen him for such a period of time, Mr. Yaning is as old as dozens of years old?
"Mr. Yaning. Be moderate." Heath looked at Mr. Yaning with a tangled face. He remembered that Mr. Yaning had encountered a man's disaster before. As the saying goes, a man takes the initiative before marriage and a man is passive after marriage. Mr. Yaning Because his wife still wanted a child, she made Mr. Yaning work hard.

But I didn't expect to work so hard until now.

"What are you thinking? My wife is already pregnant, I just feel like ah." Mr. Yaning sighed again, and the corners of Heath's mouth twitched. The sighing Heath almost broke the pancake batter.

"I just think that taking care of children is really not an easy task." After Mr. Yaning finished what he had just said, Heath froze for a moment, taking care of children?
Could it be that you super evergreens finally stopped pretending?Just get rid of the ten-month restriction, and then start living the ideal life of giving birth immediately after one month of pregnancy?

"I signed up for a new dad tutoring class during this time, and when I was changing the diaper, I was sprayed." Mr. Yaning didn't notice the strange expression in Heath's eyes. He was still talking, but he was caught by Heath. Steve stopped him, he didn't want to hear the rest of it at all.

Diapers and the word spray were enough to conjure up some unappetizing images for Heath.

"Mr. Yaning, I remember that you should already have a child? Why do you still want to sign up?" Heath looked at Mr. Yaning helplessly. He had an early stall here, and there were guests behind him. Did others eat well?
Didn't you see that the girl behind Mr. Yang Ning's eyes became less friendly?
"Of course I did, but I was very busy at that time, so my wife took care of the children." Mr. Yaning scratched his head with a smile, then took the pancake fruit that Heath handed over, and exchanged greetings after paying A few words, and then left quickly.

Everyone has to go to work, and you will be scolded for blocking others from buying breakfast.

Heath's return has brought him a large number of repeat customers. Maybe this is the so-called Xiaobie Sheng's newlyweds. The business is much better than before, but Heath has no intention of staying for a few more days. He still has to complete the Golden Finger By the way, learn about the special snacks in other places.

What's more, Heath is still very young, and there is no need to consider the issue of settlement for the time being. Even if the entire Kanto Alliance is turned around, Heath is only about [-] years old, and he is not in a hurry.

The morning rush hour in the morning subsided slowly after working hours, and Heath finally had time to clean up the tables, chairs and garbage on the ground outside. Although Changqing City is a big city, people in big cities They also litter and spit everywhere. Fortunately, there are no garbage bags here in Heath, but there are more garbage bags, and Heath has to clean them every day.

"Tsk tsk, why is this place so messy?" A familiar voice asked Heath to pick up the garbage bag on the ground and put it into his big pocket, then raised his head and saw that it was Feng Wang.

"Good morning, do you want something to eat?" Heath was a little happy. Could it be that his task can be completed?It's just that I don't know if King Feng's satisfaction counts as part of the mission.

"Hmph, stupid people cough cough, I brought a super troublesome thing here today!" Feng Wang said proudly, and then she took out a bag and put it on Heath's dining car, Heath was puzzled He walked over to open the bag and took a look.

It seems to be a kind of flower, very white, with a very special smell. Heath couldn't help but frown. This thing smells like a mixture of durian, heather and snail powder. Si couldn't help covering his nose.

"Are you going to eat this?" Heath looked at Feng Wang with a strange expression. The smell of this thing was unbearable, and he didn't know what Feng Wang was thinking.

"Of course it's impossible! Please take a look at the bottom!" Feng Wang's eyes widened, and Heath noticed that there were some strangely shaped white cylindrical insects under the white flowers.

Some of these things looked like weevils, but after taking them out, Heath discovered that these little things didn't smell any bad, but instead had a faint fragrance, a very light floral fragrance, with A touch of jasmine.

"You want to eat these?" Heath looked at the worms in his hand, there were no more, no less, just ten.

"Hmm~ You won't do it, right~" Feng Wang said proudly, Heath smiled, what joke?Even if Heath really doesn't know how to do it, he still has cheats. You just need to take a look at it with the food identifier, but Heath doesn't think it's necessary to use it. After all, it's not unusual to be a bug.

In the previous life, China’s Yun Province had an insect feast with regional characteristics. There were all kinds of insects, which could be made into various foods. The weird appearance, the insect feast tastes good, but people who are allergic to high protein cannot eat it. After all, insects can be regarded as high-protein chicken.

"Okay, wait a minute." Heath was very calm. When he traveled to Yun Province, he drank honey bee wine.

It's a bee, not a madman, and that's important.

Honey bee wine, as the name suggests, is actually soaking bee insects such as wasps in wine to make bubble wine. It is said that after drinking it, it has the effect of dispelling rheumatism and some curative effects, but Heath is not a doctor, so he doesn't know much about it. But the taste is really weird. After drinking it, you will feel a tingling sensation all over your body, as if an electric current is rushing up from the spine ghost.

In addition, Heath prefers fried spiders. The belly of fried spiders has a delicate taste, and it is soft when bitten down, just like eating fried soft apples. The taste is very strange, and of course there are roasted Scorpions, bee scorpions, etc.

As for the insects in front of him, Heath knew what they could be used for at a glance. Fried insects can also be regarded as delicacies. After frying, sprinkle some chili powder, it is a dish, and the taste is still very good, but Heath He didn't eat it. After all, it looked a little awkward, but he still liked fried grasshoppers.

"You can do it?" Feng Wang had a shocked expression on his face. People in the Pokémon world don't have the habit of eating insects.

"Of course, just wait for a while." Heath nodded proudly.

 In fact, the taste is really good, but it is a bit difficult to overcome the psychological resistance

(End of this chapter)

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