I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 305 Ghost Realm and Saltwater Duck

Chapter 305 Ghost Realm and Saltwater Duck

Although Giratina's requirements are somewhat unique, it is not impossible to do, so Heath quickly figured out what to eat for Giratina. According to Giratina's requirements, Heath planned to make A salted duck tastes salty, but also has meat, not vegetarian, which is very in line with Giratina's requirements for food.

And the salted water duck is not very troublesome to make, and it can even be described as easy. Heath made it for Mr. Yaning once before, and now it just needs to add more salt.

After all, Giratina likes to eat salty things, and the saltier the better, Heath feels that adding more salt can probably meet Giratina's requirements.

"...Am I going back to do it?" Heath looked around, there was nothing in this place, it was empty, there was a table and a chair in front of Giratina.

Cooking in this kind of place is not good, even if Heath returns to Evergreen City, Heath has to buy a duck before he can make a saltwater duck for Giratina.

"Of course it's here, little friend." Giratina said gently, and the next second Heath found himself in another place, which seemed to be a home kitchen, with all kinds of kitchen utensils and seasonings There are all the ingredients, but there is no sugar and chili. Heath thinks this should be Giratina's home.

Heath looked around curiously. The house looked ordinary, but the floor-to-ceiling windows were large. Through the window, Heath could see that the house seemed to be on a hill, and not far below the hill was a city with lights. Heath was a little curious, does Giratina still have its own house in the world?

"This is the world of ghosts, and it is also the reversed world. Only people who come in with a spirit body can come to this place. What ingredients do you need? Just tell me." Giratina's hands don't know when there are more A teapot, it slowly poured some tea, and then took a sip happily.

Heath has a strange expression on his face. The current Giratina looks like a leisurely old man. Heath doesn't know how to describe it. Anyway, it's very strange, and he feels like an old man in Huaxia Park in his previous life.

"A duck is fine, a fat duck." Heath touched his waist, saying that he only realized that the elf ball on his waist was gone now.

But other than that, there is no abnormality in the body, just like in Evergreen City. If Giratina hadn't said that just now, Heath would not have thought that he had become a spirit body, but now it seems that he has indeed become a spirit body body.

Is this what the soul is like?Heath thought about it.

In the next second, a duck appeared in front of Heath's eyes, a duck that had been slaughtered, and all the internal organs were taken out, and this duck was very fat. When Heath pinched it, he could feel that the duck must be It's delicious, and it's a good choice to make roast duck, but it's a pity that Giratina only likes to eat salted duck.

There are many ways to eat duck. Heath personally prefers roast duck, but no matter what he likes, he needs to be moderate. He will get tired of eating roast duck every day.

With the confirmed ingredients, Heath began to deal with the duck on hand. This time, Heath planned to cook salted water duck, which is also a very common home-cooked dish, but there are requirements to make it well. This is the territory of Giratina, and everything Heath wants can be solved.

"It's enough to speed up for thirty minutes, right?" Giratina looked at Heath with a smile, Heath nodded, and then Giratina nodded and said something, Heath was stunned. He was taken aback for a moment, but after opening the pot, Heath realized that it was indeed good.

Heath glanced at Giratina with a strange expression, and didn't know if the future task rewards would directly take away Giratina's things. After all, Giratina's kitchen utensils seemed to have some special abilities, but Thinking that this thing can only be used in the ghost world, Heath calmed down a lot.

So Heath brought the finished salted duck directly to Giratina, and then returned to the kitchen, thinking about another question.

Heath still remembers just listening to Jun Saxi's words before, and then confirming the existence of another world in this world, Heath got a reward, but why did they come here this time, but there is no reward yet?

"Master Giratina, can I go out and have a look? I'm still very curious about this world." Heath asked cautiously, Giratina was eating his salty duck, watching Giratina's Heath felt that he should be very satisfied with the expression, but he couldn't see the eyes, only the nose and mouth.

"Okay, of course, I'll eat slowly, you can go shopping by yourself, and I will take you back directly when the time comes." Giratina nodded with satisfaction, this salted water duck was very in line with its psychological expectations.

Heath nodded happily. He felt that as long as he went to the city below, he would be able to get other rewards.

[You have finished I am no longer a human being, you have obtained a chance to draw random moves]

【Do you use it now? 】

Seeing the prompt in front of him, Heath froze for a moment, then shook his head. He felt that he might get some ghost-attributed moves in the ghost world, and Heath didn't want to use ghost-attributed moves.

Heath opened the door and got out, and then suddenly found that he was on a mountain, and it was a snow-capped mountain. The howling cold wind came from all directions, but Heath didn't feel the cold.

"How to go down the mountain is also a problem." Heath looked at the city below. If he walked the mountain road, Heath felt that he would not be halfway there, and the Giratina should be finished.

"Of course it's going down like this." Giratina's voice, before Heath turned his head, Heath felt his ass was kicked, and Heath flew off the cliff in the next second.

The sudden weightlessness made Heath's heart shrank suddenly, and the ground was rapidly approaching. Heath felt that he might fall on the tree and be forked to death.

"This Giratina's temperament is really bad." Heath slandered in his heart, and then Heath found that his body was like a leaf, slowly fluttering, and slowly fell to the ground, and this fall, Hiss fell on the road of this city, and there were fewer people coming and going, which made this big city feel a little lonely.

【Xuefeng City】

Heath saw the street sign next to the road, which stated the name of the city, Heath was stunned for a moment, it turned out to be Xuefeng City?

But what surprised Heath even more is that the people in this world are exactly the same as the real world, but it is strange that the younger the people, the more respected they are.

(End of this chapter)

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