I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 308 Uses of Meditation

Chapter 308 Uses of Meditation

"The heart is like still water." Heath sat on the bed and used meditation. The next second, Heath felt that he had entered a wonderful state. When Heath reacted and opened his eyes, Heath felt very full of energy , There was a feeling that all the fatigue had disappeared, Heath turned on the phone and took a look, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

Heath smacked his lips. A meditation session would last three and a half hours without interruption. Heath didn't notice the passage of time at all, as if he was asleep, and several hours had passed by the time he opened his eyes.

Heath lowered his head and glanced. Soroya was lying on his pants. The little guy was already asleep. Heath could even see Soroya's eyelids trembling slightly, as if he was dreaming.

"This meditation. It feels a bit like a daze." Heath scratched his head, the onion duck fell asleep, the fire dinosaur was sleeping quietly on the other side, and the Snorkel was still in the poke ball. After all, Heath's The bedrooms are really not that big.

"It's over, I feel like I'm going to lose sleep." Heath looked around, he didn't feel tired at all now, it seems that this meditation can't be used indiscriminately, but Heath still found a way to deal with it, that is to use meditation again to survive through this rough night.

"Get up! Soraya!" Heath grabbed Sorolla's neck and stood up, then left the bedroom with the sleepy-eyed Duck on Onion.

"Trainer, you are so energetic today." Zoroya looked sleepy to death. She didn't quite understand why Heath was so full of energy today, as if he had taken a stimulant.

"Scallion?" Green Onion Duck also looked at Heath curiously, today Heath always looks radiant.

The corner of Heath’s mouth twitched. He had meditated twice in a row last night before he got to the present moment. Now Heath has studied the effects of human meditation. Simply speaking, using meditation is like being in a daze. , will pass a few hours quickly, and then make oneself very full of energy, but it is not very clear whether it will improve special attack and special defense against Hiss.

Heath wouldn't be idle and let Zoroya give him a surprise attack, wouldn't that just make him suffer?

However, meditation can also relieve fatigue, which Heath did not expect. When using meditation, the mind will become peaceful and peaceful, which is a very wonderful feeling.

But Heath thinks it's a pretty good feeling, and maybe sometimes it can play some special effects.

Heath glanced at the quiet dormitory. Sister Feng was still sleeping and there was nothing on the table. This made Heath heave a sigh of relief. He left the dormitory with his things, slowly closed the door, and Then he dragged the suitcase and walked to the place where he parked.

"Heath." There was a familiar voice, and Heath froze. It was Sister Ling, the old Ji, but Jun Shaling was on duty today, and she was standing in the duty room, looking at Heath seriously. Heath was a little uncomfortable. After all, Jun Shaling always looked like she would die if she didn't drive.

"Good morning, Sister Ling." Heath greeted with a smile. Jun Sha Ling who doesn't drive is a good Jun Sha.

"Be careful on the road, remember the traffic rules you learned in the driving school, and remember to ask us for help if you encounter anything, the weather is going to get hot soon, you also need to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and sunscreen, if you want to apply lubrication, you should apply sunscreen For cream, you can use Xishi sunscreen." Jun Shaling took out a stack of papers and kept reading, Heath froze for a moment, then stood there and listened silently.

This thought lasted for a full ten minutes.

"...Finally, come back early, Changqing City will always be your home." Jun Shaling put the paper away, and Heath knew it was written by Sister Feng as soon as she heard the last sentence, after all, Sister Feng's character is like this.

"Okay." Heath nodded movedly. He had always thought that he was a time traveler, that is, a lonely person or something, but after being with Junsha and others, Heath gradually had a family. Although this family has A few more, but Heath also took them seriously as his family.

"This is a gift from me, I hope you like it~" After finishing the business, Jun Shaling smiled and took out a bag, which was in the shape of a box. Heath had good eyes, and he could vaguely see What kind of cup is written inside.

So is this water glass serious or not?Heath doesn't know, but according to Jun Shaling's character
Reminiscent of Jun Shaling, the old Siji's usual character, Heath guessed the content.

Eighty percent is not a serious water glass.

"Sister Feng, good morning!" Heath greeted, and when Jun Shaling turned her head, she ran away, very skillfully.

"Tsk, this guy." Seeing the empty dormitory, Jun Shaling also knew that she had been cheated. Looking at Heath who was running very fast, Jun Shaling smiled.

"Go home early." Jun Shaling muttered softly, then turned her head, raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, and continued her duty.

When Heath returned to the dining car, he happened to see that the fire dinosaur was already exercising. Seeing the dream of lifting the dumbbell with his tail curled up, Heath couldn't understand it.

Heath looked at Mengmeng with a strange expression. He remembered that Mengmeng was a pure psychic attribute Pokémon without super evolution, and there was no possibility that Mewtwo could evolve into fighting and super power attributes, so Mengmeng exercised his muscles. Is there any use?
"Fire Dinosaur, it's time to wash up." Heath took Zoroya and Scallion Duck into the bathroom to start his washing work today, and at the same time released the Snorlax.

Dream rushed in immediately, picked up its toothbrush and mouthwash cup, and started to wash. Heath would look at it a few more times at the beginning, but now Heath didn't want to look at it. Anyway, Dream is like this guy. Heath has already got used to.

When Heath turned his head to wash his face with a towel, Heath was stunned for a moment, because he found that Mengmeng had taken a wig and put it on his head at some point, but this wig still had a Mohawk hairstyle. It's colorful and looks a little funny on top of Dreamy's head.

"What are you wearing a wig for?" Heath looked at Mengmeng with a strange expression, he really couldn't understand.

Dream tilted his head and looked at Heath. After a while, Heath felt that he 'heard' a voice.

"Cool?" It doesn't have a very clear meaning, and I don't know where Dream got it from.

(End of this chapter)

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