I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 311 Lazy Zhenxin Town

Chapter 311 Lazy Zhenxin Town
After getting Jun Shameng’s permission, Heath happily drove his dining car out to find the location for today’s business. Generally speaking, the best place to set up a stall in a small town is near the gymnasium, but it’s really new There is no gymnasium in the town, so Heath can only choose to change the road.

Heath chose a simple Pokémon Center in the end. Unlike in the game, there is still a Pokémon Center in Zhenxin Town in the real world, and there is even Miss Joy. Heath did not go in to see it, but in the middle This Miss Joy saw Heath when she came out to take out the trash.

The surprised Ms. Joy also chatted with Heath, and Heath also chatted with Ms. Joy with a smile, and got a lot of news.

For example, Zhenxin Town has not moved in for a long time. The last time someone moved in was a girl named Chihong.

"Girl?" Heath was stunned for a moment. He really didn't think that the scarlet was a girl, but if it was a girl, it would prove that this world should not be a game world after all. The world will not be like this at all, not even the world in the anime special. In that world, Chi Hong is a boy, a powerful, taciturn boy.

"That's right, girl, although it looks like a boy, but it's actually a girl." Miss Joy was eating pancakes made by Heath, and said with a smile while eating.

Ms. Joy’s Pokémon Center doesn’t have any patients or Pokémon. Most of the trainers in Zhenxin Town are old. Except for the monthly medical check-up, they come every other time. No one comes in here.

Young trainers have already embarked on a journey with their own Pokémon, and they often choose to go to Evergreen City to heal their Pokémon, and there are very few foreign trainers, most of the time they come here I'm looking for Dr. Oki, so Miss Joy is very free.

Joey always felt that he came to Zhenxin Town to retire, and he was still very young next year. No wonder many people in the family said that Zhenxin Town was a peaceful town.

"I've heard from Xiaozhi that a neighbor has moved near their house, but I didn't expect it to be a girl." Heath smiled, maybe it's the same name, but it's normal, he was doing business in the Quartz Alliance before. Heath encountered such a situation.

It would be a middle-aged uncle who came to buy braised chicken and rice, and Heath didn't know that this uncle was also called Xiaozhi when he bought rice and chicken. People's names are too monotonous.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi is a very good kid. I think he will become an excellent trainer." After eating a pancake, Joey and Heath became more familiar, Miss Joey's Pokémon The center is where Heath intends to use it as his main base when he is in Zhenxin Town in the future, so it is still necessary to establish a good relationship.

"I think so too." Heath nodded with a smile. Xiaozhi's growth is like a complete story, from young and childish to stronger and stronger, but unfortunately the time span in the anime seems to be a little The problem is that Xiaozhi has traveled in so many areas and participated in so many events, but his age has not changed at all, which makes Heath wonder whether Xiaozhi is the same as Conan.

After all, Conan has also spent a long time, but he is still a primary school student. It seems that one year will never run out, which is amazing.

"Miss Joy, do you know any special ingredients in Zhenxin Town?" Heath asked curiously, not forgetting his mission.

It’s too late today, the vegetable market in Zhenxin Town is closed, this small place is different from Changqing City, even now in Changqing City, the vegetable market is still open, but this is not the case in Zhenxin Town, this The place seems to be closed after a certain time. When Heath just drove in, he noticed that some shops in Zhenxin Town have very short business hours.

There is a restaurant whose business hours are from ten in the morning to seven in the afternoon, and a small shop selling daily necessities is open from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon, and then they take a rest.

I have to say that the pace of life in Zhenxin Town is very slow. Before Heath thought that the pace of life in Evergreen City was already very slow, he didn’t expect to find that the pace of life in this place was even slower after coming to Zhenxin Town. Some unbelievable levels.

"Eh? Special ingredients? That must be the mushrooms in our real new town~" Ms. Joy was stunned for a moment, and then said confidently. Heath nodded. Fortunately, it was mushrooms, not super real newcomers Otherwise, Heath would have doubted what his golden finger was going to do.

"Can I buy it?" Heath was a little nervous. The specialty ingredient of Changqing City is the fruit of the rock. It is said that after eating it, you can get the power of the rock, but it is hard to find. The specialty stone of the Quartz Alliance is edible quartz. It is easy to buy, but the method of making it is close to being lost.

Heath was very worried that Zhenxin Town would be in the same situation.

"Of course, it's summer. You can buy them casually, but you can only buy them at the ghost market at night. If you are interested, you can go to the vegetable market after eleven o'clock in the evening." Joey The young lady said with a smile, and Heath blinked.

He wondered if he heard it wrong just now, what did he hear?ghost city?

Although the name sounds powerful, it is actually an evening market, so Heath still plans to go to that ghost market at night to buy the ingredients he needs.

After bidding farewell to Ms. Joy who was going back to the Pokémon Center to read, Heath returned to his dining car. Because Zhenxin Town is too small, Heath didn't let duck with scallions make crab roe soup dumplings today.

"The sun in the new town is a bit fierce. Snorkel!" Heath looked at the sunshine outside the dining car. The hot weather is a good thing, at least for Heath. Heath plans to launch shaved ice, so it should be ok Receive some money.

"Eh? Brother Heath?" A familiar voice sounded, Heath raised his head and glanced, and then saw Xiao Zhi standing in front of Heath's dining car with a shocked expression on his face, Heath smiled Laughing, he was still thinking about whether to find Xiao Zhi, but he didn't expect to meet him so soon.

"Good afternoon, Xiaozhi, do you want something to eat?" Heath asked with a smile, and the surprise on Xiaozhi's face turned into surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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