Chapter 327 Competitors?

It's really strange that a girl who is allergic to milk would give herself a bottle of milk, but it was also given by Goldfinger, probably because the girl named Spark has a farm at home, right?

Anyway, Heath thinks so, but Huo Hua's appetite is really good. Heath grilled a total of thirty-six skewers of scallion sausages, all of which were eaten by the girl. Heath was taken aback for a while, and agreed. Do all girls have bird stomachs?Why does this girl have such a big appetite?

"It's so delicious! Boss, your craftsmanship is absolutely amazing!" Huo Hua contentedly touched her bulging belly, she really couldn't hold it any longer.

Heath accepted Sparks' compliment with a smile. After all, his craftsmanship is indeed very good. Heath himself also agrees with this very much. Heath's craftsmanship has always been very good, which is not surprising. If he can get Some rewards, maybe the craftsmanship will be further improved, and it will not be strange to make glowing meals by then.

Huo Hua left happily. Although she paid a large sum of money, Hu Hua was very satisfied with what she ate, and Heath was also very satisfied. The pig intestines given by Huo Hua were a little more, and Heath could eat and eat by himself, but looking at He secretly watched his scallion duck, Heath still smiled and took a few scallion sausages for his Pokémon.

"Scallion?" Scallion Duck yelled happily after taking the onion sausage, but then the Scallion Duck looked down, and Heath looked over in doubt. There were some of Heath's kitchen utensils, all of which were iron pans or something. , There are big and small, but the scallion duck took out its own scallions, and then poked one of the small pots with the scallions.

In the next second, the small pot shook violently, and then there was a nice sound, but it seemed to be screaming from inside. Heath opened the lid of the pot in doubt, and then saw the mysterious Q shivering inside. .

"Mysterious Q? Why did you come in?" Heath was a little puzzled. He remembered that Mysterious Q should have been hiding under his dining car before. This is a timid little guy, but now he is...
Shrunk in his own pot?

Mystery Q made a strange cry, Heath couldn't understand it, so he had to go to the living room and pull out Zoroya who was playing a game. A classic game, Soul Kemeng, is a very difficult game.

"Well, Mysterious Q said that it was pulled down by something last night, and then saw something terrifying." Although Sorolla was reluctant, but under the threat of Heath's salary, he did it honestly. with translation.

Heath touched his chin, what is that terrifying thing?It's impossible to see Teacher Jiaye crawling out of the house, right?However, there are still very few ghost movies in this world, which seems to be due to the existence of ghost Pokémon.

But after asking many times, Heath found that there was no result, and Mimi Q couldn't tell what that thing was. He just said that it scared Pokémon, and Mimi Q felt like being targeted by the god of death.

After Heath asked a few more times, he didn't get any new clues, so he could only let Mimi Q follow Zoroya to rest, and Heath had to continue to wait here to entertain guests.

However, after Sparks left, Heath's dining car became quiet. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see any customers. walked in front of him.

"Hurry up! If it's later, we'll have to line up!" A boy anxiously urged his companion, who was already trotting, but still couldn't keep up with his companion.

"I see! I heard that everyone went to eat at that restaurant today, so let's go too!" His companion was not angry, but quickened his pace, and ran away from Heath's dining car in a short while After going out, Heath looked at the two children with a puzzled expression, what happened?
"Heath, you've met an opponent." Miss Joy walked out of the room with a smile. She still held a mobile phone in her hand, as if she was looking at her mobile phone just now.

"Miss Joy? What do you mean?" Heath didn't understand very well, but after Miss Joy handed him the phone, Heath even understood what happened.

In the Kanto area, there are several very famous chain stores, among which there is a chain restaurant named [Miracle's Dream Restaurant], which is also very well-known in the catering industry, but this store generally only opens In big cities, like Changqing City, there is no branch of this store. It is said that the closest store is in Dark Gray City. As for the reason why Changqing City does not open, it seems that the founder does not like Changqing City. Southern sky.

It can be said that it is very willful to give up a branch in a city because of one's willfulness, but this kind of thing has changed after the new heir came out.

Miracle's Dream Restaurant has decided to cover a store in every town in the Kanto area, and today is the day Miracle's Dream Restaurant opens in Zhenxin Town.

Little Zhenxin Town has never experienced such things, so after the opening of this restaurant, many people came to this restaurant with a curious attitude. No wonder Miss Joy said that Heath had met an opponent.

"Actually, I'm also quite curious. Miss Joey, don't you want to eat?" Heath looked at Joey and asked. The restaurant is quite famous. I often see the name of this store.

But in contrast, this store is also known as a luxury gourmet store, and Heath is really curious about how extravagant it can be.

"No, I have to watch until Ah Xiao comes to change shifts." Miss Joy shook her head with a smile, and Heath nodded. There is no other way.

Heath cleaned up his tables and chairs, and then drove the dining car towards the miraculous dream restaurant. After a while, Heath found the restaurant. It was in the middle of Zhenxin Town, where many people gathered Here, the bustle does not look like a real new town.

Heath has never seen so many people gather in Zhenxin Town. Sometimes when walking in Zhenxin Town, he will find himself alone, or a few passers-by, and it is rare to see more than ten people together. Go, unless it's school time.

"Is this the aristocratic restaurant?" When Heath was parking, he heard some passers-by sighing there. Heath became more curious, and he got out of the dining car with the scallion duck and his own car. Pokémon, save these little guys making trouble in the dining car, only Mimi Q, Heath didn't bother it, it was already asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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