Chapter 336

Dr. Oki went back soon. After all, he came here very early today, but the old man seemed to wake up earlier every day, and Heath used the upgrade blueprint without hesitation as soon as Dr. Oki left. , and then upgraded his dining car dining area.

However, there was no response after pressing the upgrade, but in the next second, Heath noticed a red button suddenly appeared on his dining car, with the word "reasonable" written on it, and the corner of Heath's mouth twitched. It seems that this time It’s time to grab the wool of Shiluf Company again, and I don’t know if the person in charge of Shiluf Company will be confused. It’s strange why the R&D department of my company has such a strong curiosity and R&D psychology for a dining car.

After all, according to the drawings, Heath’s dining car can also upgrade the dining area once, the kitchen once, the snow storage area once, the rest room once, and the garden once. There are five upgrades in total, each of which comes from Shiluf Company. Responsible, good people of Shilufu Company.

"I don't know how to arrange this time." Heath pressed the reasonable button in front of him.

"Eh? Mr. Heath, is that you?" With a familiar voice, Heath froze for a moment, then poked his head out to take a look, and then saw a familiar looking girl standing in front of his dining car, Heath He recognized the identity of this woman at a glance. The director of the research department of Shiluf Company, a woman named Nami, Heath remembered her. He had seen her before, and Heath was still playing with the girl in front of him Had a game of tennis.

"It's Miss Nami, what is this?" Heath had some guesses in his mind.

"I'm here to travel, but it's also a good thing to see you. I have an extension restaurant plug-in, which I researched for your dining car in my spare time. Do you want to try it?" Miss Nami said with a smile Heath froze for a moment, and sure enough, it was exactly what he thought, and Nami was directly responsible for this matter.

However, Heath felt that this reasonable button was already outrageous. Could it be that Goldfinger had already prepared to let the exclusive tool man come to contact Heath when Heath upgraded somewhere?
Heath didn't care too much about this, he only cared about when his dining car would be upgraded, and soon Heath saw the little thing in Nami's hand, which looked like a beckoning cat, but This beckoning cat has a meowing face. In the Pokémon world, beckoning cats are usually ordinary cats, but this is the first time Heath has seen this meowing face.

"This is?" Although he knew that what Nami took out should be the plug-in this time, Heath couldn't connect a lucky cat with the plug-in no matter how he looked at it.

"Dangdangdang~ This is the plug-in I developed for you. The purpose of this thing is very simple. You just need to put it anywhere in your dining car." Nami smiled and showed the Lucky Cat to Heath. , let Heath find a place to put it down, Heath hesitated, and then put it on his counter, after all, it is a lucky cat.

"Then when you use it for the first time, you need to record palm prints and fingerprints. You put your hands on Meow Miao's head." Nami said seriously, and Heath also put her hands on Meow Meow honestly as Nami asked. Then Meow Meow's head began to glow, and Heath had an inexplicable feeling.

"Then you pat Meow Meow's head twice, and the dining area will be released, and another two pats, and the dining area will be retracted!" Nami was even more proud, and Heath stretched out his palm and patted in front of his eyes curiously. In the next second, Heath felt his dining car vibrate, and then the dining car began to deform, and a room of more than [-] square meters appeared in front of it, which was perfectly integrated with the kitchen of the dining car.

Heath was stunned for a moment, this dining area is too perverted, isn't it?However, the kitchen is still the size of a dining car. Heath felt that if he wanted to make the kitchen of the dining car bigger, he might have to upgrade the kitchen. But looking at the dining area with a roof in front of him, Heath was very satisfied.

At least when the guests come to eat in the future, they don't have to worry about the weather. This place has a ceiling and windows, which is still very good.

However, the dining area is empty, and the whole room has the feeling of a rough house, with no floor tiles, and the ceiling looks like cement.

There is no electric light, and there are no tables and chairs at all. Heath feels a little disgusted by this kind of place for eating.

"Miss Nami, what should we do with the decoration?" Heath was a little confused. Without the decoration, it would be worse, and what about the tables and chairs?What about the lights?Won't it be damaged when put away?

"This one~" Miss Nami showed a smile that Heath always thought was familiar. This smile seemed familiar, but it seemed that she had never seen it before.

"I've introduced some decoration styles for the elders for you. Would you like to take a look?" Nami smiled like a little fox, Heath twitched his mouth, and then took a look at the tablet that Nami handed over.

There are European-looking styles, traditional restaurant styles, sci-fi styles, horror styles, cute styles, and various decoration styles. The tables, chairs and floors are also fully equipped, but each decoration style There is a string of numbers under it, and Heath feels a little dizzy looking at it.

He understands now that although he said he had the opportunity to upgrade the dining area, after the dining area has been upgraded, if he wants to allow guests to come in and eat, he still needs to let it be decorated first, and the woman Nami is here waiting for Xi. Well, these decoration styles look very good, but the problem is that the price is also high.

A decoration style that looks relatively ordinary, like a hotel dining area, is also very expensive for a complete set, and Heath's deposit is not enough at all.

However, what Heath is most excited about is the decoration style called Pokémon Restaurant. The tables and chairs inside are cleverly using Pokémon patterns, but they are not too eye-catching. The decoration style of the entire restaurant also gives Heath a kind of The warm feeling at home, but the price.
Together with all the supporting furniture, floor tiles, and circuit arrangements, it will cost a total of [-] alliance coins, which is a very high price.

"Why is it so expensive?" Heath was moved, but he was indeed a poor man.

"Because these furniture are made of the best materials, there is no need to worry about any harmful gases and ingredients, and the decoration time is also very short, just one afternoon." Nami smiled even more happily.

(End of this chapter)

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