I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 347 Fried chicken goes well with what sauce?

Chapter 347 Fried chicken goes well with what sauce?
Kuailong nodded immediately, and Heath smiled. It seems that Kuailong is indeed planning to eat something here. Heath thought that Kuailong had diarrhea before, so he might not come now, but no Thought it was still here.

But this is also a good thing. Heath still has a good feeling for Kuailong. Kuailong is a kind of smart Pokémon. Heath likes to communicate with Kuailong, and Kuailong looks very cute and cute. Although the fast dragon in reality doesn't look as cute as in the anime.

"Now there is only Fried Niuhe." Heath told Kuailong that some smart Pokémon can understand human language. Pokémon like Kuailong can understand human language. For Kuailong This kind of thing is not very difficult to understand, and Kuailong is also a very smart kind of Pokémon.

"Roar!" Kuailong suddenly roared, Heath paused for a while with his hand that was about to take the rice noodles, and then looked at Kuailong with a strange face, Kuailong took out a plastic bag from somewhere and handed it to Heath, then pointed to the bag with his paw.

Heath took it suspiciously and glanced at it, and then found that there were seven or eight chicken legs inside, which were the shape of fried chicken legs in a common fast food restaurant, but this chicken leg looked very large, with the feeling of a Texas pistol leg.

I don't know where Kuailong bought it, or is it Dr. Oki's food subsidy for Kuailong?Dr. Oki is very kind to Kuailong, not only with salary, but also benefits, and various subsidies. This is what Dr. Oki told Heath when he came to Heath for dinner.

Heath felt that many former laborers would burst into tears when they heard the news. The difference between this person and Pokémon is really big.

"Are you going to let me make this for you?" Heath looked at Kuailong and asked, Kuailong nodded immediately, looking very happy, Heath looked at the things in his hand thoughtfully, It's not a problem to use these things, but does Kuailong have any requirements for the method of making this chicken?

Heath glanced at the message box above Kuailong's head, and then found that Kuailong's requirement for food is delicious, which can be described as a very simple requirement, but Heath also noticed that Kuailong prefers to eat meat. So how to make these chicken legs this time, Heath had a general idea in his heart.

There are many ways to eat chicken drumsticks, grilled, fried, but most of them are deep-fried, and the deep-fried method is indeed more delicious. Some fast food restaurants can make a very popular dish with special recipes. For products, Heath has eaten some fried chicken, but fried chicken is not good enough to eat alone. It still needs to be eaten with various sauces. Tomato sauce, chili powder and so on are common choices.

Of course, it is said that there are also some strange ways of eating like what kind of mustard sauce you like. Heath is still not sensitive to mustard. Before Heath heard that some people like to use matcha powder to dip fried chicken, I don’t know what the taste will be like. , but it should be better than dipping fried chicken with Banlangen.

But this time Heath is going to make another special kind of sauce, which is bolognese.

It sounds very strange to pair meat sauce with chicken legs, but in fact, there are requirements for the method of meat sauce. Qualified meat sauce with chicken legs can not only enhance the taste of chicken legs, but also make chicken legs more delicious. It can be said that it can be regarded as a type of commercial secret, and although Heath has no research on this kind of meat sauce, Heath is now in the world of Pokémon.

There are some very magical things in this world, such as berries, which are very suitable for making seasonings or other things.

After solving the debt problem, Heath began to try to study the berries of this world. All kinds of berries can be added to meals, and Heath found that some berries are very suitable for cooking. Seasoning, so Heath intends to try to make tree fruit sauce. If this taste is not good, then Heath will prepare regular sauces such as ketchup and salad dressing for Kuailong.

The method of meat sauce can be subdivided into many types according to the degree of grinding of the meat sauce, but Heath plans to make a very delicate meat sauce this time. It's hard to find out that there is meat in this sauce at the first time.

This requires that the meat used to make the meat sauce needs to be cut into diced meat first, and finally pounded into minced meat. Heath has a lot of strength, so it is easy to do this step, and all the minced meat will be pounded into minced meat in no time. After making the meat puree, then adding various seasonings and ground berry powder, and finally pouring in an appropriate amount of water to start boiling, a good smell came out after a while, and Heath At the same time, I took out the chicken legs and marinated them in advance, and then I was ready to start frying the chicken.

Heath was not too anxious. After the meat sauce was ready, he dipped a little bit of it with his chopsticks and tasted it. After confirming that the taste was okay, he started to fry the chicken and put the meat sauce on a plate for later use.

When frying chicken, you need to use a relatively deep oil pan. Of course, it is not impossible for the pot to be large enough, but the traditional rectangular frying pan is the best choice. After all, if the round pot is used to fry these chicken legs, The taste is always a little less than the rectangular fryer.

Rat, Heath still has the kind of pot that fried chicken needs to use, so it is relatively simple to make, but it is more oily, and Heath doesn't have a big idea about fried chicken. In Heath's opinion, fried chicken It is a very simple type, and there is no difficulty in making it. Moreover, there are fast food restaurants similar to Kaifeng Cai in the previous life and other brands in this world. Heath has no idea of ​​competing with these fast food restaurants.

While frying the fried chicken, Heath glanced at Kuailong. This guy was looking at Heath with a smirk. How much, if Kuailong eats like this every day, Heath is very worried that Kuailong will slowly become a fat house, and then it will really be fat.

"Kuailong, your fried chicken, please eat it with this sauce." Heath gave the finished fried chicken to Kuailong, and brought a small bowl of meat sauce to Kuailong, and Kuailong happily took it , and then took out a golden bank card from a small bag hanging around his neck and handed it to Heath, looking very heroic, Heath froze for a moment, then took it in surprise, this bank Kata knew him, and the old Adams in Evergreen City had one.

It seems that Kuailong is still a little rich man.

 This is not nonsense by the author, in fact there is indeed such a way of eating.

(End of this chapter)

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