I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 349 Is Kuailong's Speed ​​Fast?

Chapter 349 Is Kuailong's Speed ​​Fast?
Ms. Nami's philosophy is "speed", so she took out a small thing with a smile, then pulled Heath and walked out, and asked Heath to put away the Pokémon that was still in the dining car, but Heath Sis had already put away his Pokémon from the dining car, so there are actually no Pokémon in the dining car now, which saved Heath for a while.

Heath looked curiously at the thing in Nami's hand. It was a red and white capsule-shaped object, about the size of a normal adult man's little finger. It looked ordinary and nothing special.

"Miss Nami, you said that we are going to Green Ridge City as soon as possible, so how do you plan to get there? By plane? I think the nearest flight will leave the airport in Dark Gray City in [-] minutes." Heath Seeing Nami reminded her, but Nami waved her hand without paying attention, with a completely indifferent expression, her hand was quickly clicking on something on the phone, as if she was sending a text message.

Heath has some doubts. Unless you take the flying Pokémon from Zhenxin Town to Dark Gray City, it will take a while to go there. And if you book a ticket now, will it be too late?You must know that in the Pokémon world, the plane generally requires boarding ten minutes in advance, and whether there are still vacancies is also a problem.

After a while, Nami put down the phone with a smile, and then tapped the little thing in her hand. The next second, Heath found that his dining car and the kitchen utensils that he hadn't put away in time became smaller in an instant , and then absorbed into this small capsule in Nami's hand, Heath was taken aback for a moment, with this technology, let alone a technology exhibition, Heath felt that he didn't have to go there, just relying on this The technology is enough to make Hiluf the leading company in this science and technology exhibition.

I just don’t know why Hiluf still intends to use its dining car as an exhibit at this science and technology exhibition, or is there any strict usage requirements for this seemingly powerful little capsule?For example, it can only be used on Heath's dining car?
After all, Heath knew that Hiruff Company was able to develop this kind of dining car and these magical extensions. In fact, it has little to do with Hiruf Company. Weird restrictions are perfectly normal.

"Of course it's a faster private plane~ Ada, can I trouble you to take us to Luling City? Dr. Oki has already agreed." Miss Nami smiled and patted Kuailong who had finished eating the chicken legs, and then After asking a question, Kuailong glanced back at Nami, then nodded. This woman remembered now, and she and her trainer are friends who have known each other for a long time. Dr. Oki probably would not refuse the other party's request.

Heath froze for a moment, should he go by fast dragon?

Heath took a look at Dr. Oki's fast dragon. Dr. Oki's fast dragon is very large, a circle larger than the average fast dragon. This is a matter of cultivation. Dr. Oki is actually very good at cultivating Pokémon. Yes, Heath thinks that Dr. Oki is not only an excellent Pokémon doctor, but also an excellent Pokémon breeder. The Pokémon that Xiaozhi entrusted with Dr. Oki in the later period, even after a long time , and still has a good fighting power.

In this way, Xiaozhi is really a lucky guy. Dr. Oki helped to cultivate Pokémon for free, which can be said to save a lot of money. In many cases, the limit on the number of Pokémon that trainers can carry is actually Nurturing issues.

According to a previous research report by a very famous Dr. Pokémon, a trainer can tame multiple Pokémon, but if you want to give Pokémon full exercise, then the best way is to carry six Pokémon at a time. Meng, if it exceeds, it will affect the training of Pokémon, thereby affecting the strength. This has become a customary rule in the Pokémon League. Therefore, when many trainers go out, they often only carry six Pokémon with them. Those with more than six will be sent to the box, and those who have money may go to a special breeding house to help them breed Pokémon.

Dr. Oki's Pokémon cultivation is very expensive, and it can be regarded as the first tier.

It can be seen that Dr. Oki has a good way of cultivating Pokémon, but looking at the fast dragon in front of him, Heath looked at himself and Nami. Fortunately, he and Nami are both thin , it should still be able to sit down, but is it faster to take the Kuailong than to take the plane?
"Miss Nami, is the speed of Kuailong really good?" Heath had some doubts. He had heard that Kuailong was very fast and could circle the earth in a short time, but in fact Kuailong The speed race value of Kuailong is not very high. Although the name is Kuailong, in fact Kuailong's speed value is only 80. Compared with Duolong Baruto, who is also famous for speed, it is still weaker.

Duolong Baruto's speed race value is more than [-], which also leads to many times when players choose Pokémon, they will give priority to Duolong Baruto.

"It's very fast, Ada's speed is very fast. In fact, the flight mode of Kuailong is different from the battle mode. In the flight mode, there will be a special organ in Kuailong's body, which can allow Kuailong to fly at super speed. Flying at a fast speed, you can find the corresponding answer in "On the Flight Mode of the Fast Dragon" published by Dr. Oki twelve years ago." Nami said with a smile, and Heath nodded without saying anything. Anyway, whether the speed is fast or not will be known later.

"But?" Nami looked at Heath with a sympathetic look, Heath was a little dazed, but Nami didn't speak, just patted Ah Da's shoulder with a smile, and then Ah Da threw Nami away to his back, and then stood in front of Heath.

As soon as Heath showed a kind smile, he found that his collar was grabbed by Kuailong, and then Kuailong shot up into the sky and disappeared quickly in Zhenxin Town. Before Heath could react, he went down In a second, Heath noticed that the Pokémon Center in Zhenxin Town was rapidly shrinking, and soon became a black spot.

A strong sense of fear and dizziness came up. Heath actually has some fear of heights. Although Heath thinks that fear of heights is about to become a common problem among people, in fact Heath really has a fear of heights. , Now Hiss is not well, but before Heath fainted, Heath felt that the speed of Kuailong accelerated again, and the Zhenxin Town below was almost retreating quickly, and then Heath saw A vast sea.

 After all, the settings in games and anime are not good if they are more realistic, so I can only think of a reason for myself, please don't pay too much attention to it, just treat it as a setting.

(End of this chapter)

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