I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 500 Special Mission Opening Qualification

"Grandpa Ma Zhide, don't talk nonsense. I hope to tell you about my travel experience after I finish my trip." Heath looked around, but there were no guests coming. Heath's barbecue stall was newly opened. , so relatively speaking, there are fewer customers. Most of the guests will choose to eat at the barbecue stand they know nearby. Heath doesn’t care about it. It’s better to say that, at least Heath can accompany Ma Zhide old man.

"Heath, I am old, and I have nothing to worry about in this life. If you really travel back in the future, I will listen to you if I am still alive. If I die, then you go to my tombstone and follow me." It’s okay to talk about it.” Mr. Ma Zhide didn’t care about his own life and death, and said it in a joke, but Heath couldn’t help but sighed.

This is completely different from the old man Ma Zhide in Heath's memory, but Heath also knows that since Ah Pun left, the old man Ma Zhide's body has collapsed. Sometimes for the elderly, the spirit is really very important. , Sometimes an old man can walk the birds every day and tease his grandson when he is accompanied by his wife, but when his wife leaves, he may collapse quickly and leave in less than a year or two.

The spirit still has a profound impact on a person's health problems, which sometimes cannot be explained in modern medicine, and the patient's will to survive will also affect the success or failure of the operation.

"Is that your fire dinosaur?" Mr. Ma Zhide couldn't help asking when he saw the fire dinosaur that was exercising.

"Well, Grandpa Ma Zhide, this is the Fire Dinosaur I tamed, and it is currently traveling with me." Heath nodded with a smile, and Grandpa Ma Zhide took a second look. Such a strong Fire Dinosaur is really rare. The Aje was still a normal size when he was a fire dinosaur, and compared with the fire dinosaur in front of him, he seemed to be stunted.

"Do you know the elements of the evolution of fire-breathing dragons from fire dinosaurs?" Mr. Ma Zhide turned his head to look at Heath and asked.It's not Eevee. If you want to evolve Fire Eevee, you need the help of specific stones.

Seeing Heath's blank expression, Ma Zhide knew that Heath definitely didn't know this.

"Although it is said that fire dinosaurs can complete evolution by accumulating their own strength, if you want the fire-breathing dragon after the evolution of fire dinosaurs to be stronger, then the current accumulation is also very important. If conditions permit, let fire dinosaurs absorb it. The energy in the flame stone, in this way, can help it improve its abilities." Mr. Ma Zhide said a few more words, which may be because seeing the fire dinosaur reminded him of the Ajeong he had cultivated.

Heath nodded, as if he had heard this sentence before.

However, fire stones are quite expensive, even the most common ones cost a high price, but if it is for the rapid growth of fire dinosaurs, Heath feels that such a little effort is worth it.

"Heath, is there anything suitable for an old man like me? Then please make me a piece of what Ah Pen likes to eat. I want to bring it to him to taste." Ma Zhide said with a smile, and Heath immediately agreed. Well, this question is not very difficult, it is very simple, Heath only needs to look at the top of Ma Zhide's head to know his taste.

But after taking a look, Heath was stunned for a moment, because Mr. Ma Zhide didn't have any favorite tastes or dislike tastes on his head at all, and all the items were empty, which made Heath a little confused, but then Heath said After realizing it, could it be that Mr. Ma Zhide has no interest in eating now, but just as a means to fill his stomach?

"Grandpa Ma Zhide wait a moment." There must be no way to make what old man Ma Zhide needs at the barbecue stand, so Heath can only go back to the dining car to get it, and Heath plans to make a porridge for him. For the elderly who are not very good, things like porridge are relatively friendly. If you make ribs or something, it is easy for the elderly to bite down.

As for the food that A-Phan ate, Heath also knew that Heath had made those soft and rotten food for A-Pen back then. After all, the teeth of the Charizard were worse than that of Mr. Ma Zhide.

After a while, Heath was ready. When Heath went out, he happened to see three young people sitting and eating barbecue. Zoroark warmly entertained him. Heath couldn't help but smile. It seems that Zoroak is very active now, maybe he wants to resume his salary as soon as possible?
But it is also a good thing to have Zoroak to help entertain.

After handing the prepared food to the old man Ma Zhide, the old man paid the money tremblingly, then chatted with Heath about the cultivation of the fire-breathing dragon, and then left slowly.

【You entertained Ma Zhide, you got Charizard Candy】

[You have entertained the fire-breathing dragon (soul), and you have obtained the qualification to open special missions]

[You have started a special mission: Eyes of Rebirth]

[The Eye of Rebirth: In the real world, entertain three guests in the form of souls, and you will get the reward of the Eye of Rebirth]

Heath froze for a moment, Mr. Ma Zhide had only left for a while, but so many reminders came in a flash, and the amount of information was so shocking.

Just now, I not only entertained Mr. Ma Zhide, but also a fire-breathing dragon?And Heath always felt that this fire-breathing dragon might be the twilight Ajeong that Heath had seen before. This is a strange feeling, but the feeling is also very strong. Si didn't think there would be another Pokémon.

But what the hell is this eye of rebirth?Heath had some doubts, but he could understand the chef's eyes, and this kind of eyes always reminded Heath of a certain "Legend of Eyes" and "The Story of Heijue Rescue Mother" in his previous life. After all, there are many eyes in it, and just now At first, Heath thought it was a hot-blooded boy manga, but after reading it, he realized that it was a manga in which Destiny's Son was destined to save the world.

"Fortunately, what is the eye of rebirth? If it is the eye of reincarnation, wouldn't I have to carry rice? How many floors do I have to carry for a bag of rice? But it's quite exciting to think about it, Silla is full!" Heath's rare second grade a bit.

"Boss, thirty meat skewers, one serving of this stuffed bean curd? Another bottle of cold beer, and one serving of fried rice." Another customer came to the barbecue stand, and Heath quickly put down his thoughts for a while, then turned around and greeted him warmly. with the guests.

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