After chatting with Ms. Saya for a few words that were not very nutritious, Heath said goodbye to Ms. Saya, and then took Zoroyak to the supermarket to buy the seasonings and ingredients he needed. The materials for making fermented bean curd also needed Buy some, those materials are not quite enough.

The dipping dish of fermented bean curd is very popular among guests. This special taste has led many guests to join the fermented bean curd fan club after eating it once. Some even proposed to buy it, but Heath refused.

This is not to say that Heath is worried about others stealing his formula, but that Heath doesn’t make much fermented bean curd himself. If it weren’t for Dialga’s seasoning jar, Heath wouldn’t be able to make so much fermented bean curd. Today, you can try to sell fermented bean curd.

"Trainer" Zoroark looked at Heath with a strange expression, and Heath hummed while walking, which was a response to Zoroark's words.

"Well, I want to ask what the cauliflower you are talking about is it? Is it something to eat?" Zoroak was a little curious. Zoroark didn't understand what Heath and Miss Saya said just now. It can even be said that I don’t understand it at all, just like listening to the heavenly scriptures, but it seems that I have seen similar descriptions in novels, which makes Zoroark very curious, what is that cauliflower? Are you here to eat?

".I advise you not to understand." Heath looked at Zoroark in surprise, and shook his head after a while. He didn't really want to recall the kind of stuff that made people feel uncomfortable after reading it. You must know that in the previous life When Heath heard about it for the first time, he also searched for it, and almost spat it out.

I have to say that skin disease may not be the most lethal disease in the world, but in terms of visual impact, Heath thinks that skin disease can be regarded as the type on the list.

Moreover, skin diseases will actually have some impact on the lives of patients. Heath suffered from pityriasis rosea once when he was in college. There were oval-shaped pityriasis rosea from his arms to his neck, which looked very scary. For a period of time, I could only wear long sleeves, and then I was afraid of facing strange eyes from others, so I simply recovered within a week.

Heath once heard a high school classmate who was studying medicine say that when he went to the hospital as a regular trainee, he came into contact with a woman who had a skin disease. She was very beautiful, but during the examination, that classmate almost vomited. When he came out, the teacher who led the team asked him to feel the touch, which would be very useful in diagnosing diseases in the future. As a result, that classmate washed his hands countless times that day, and almost turned himself into a clean freak.

Many medical staff have high requirements for hygiene, which may also be due to this aspect. If they work in the infectious disease department, they are even more cleanliness.

"Why?" Zoroark asked all kinds of questions like a curious baby. Heath felt that people who had taken care of children would definitely be able to get along better with these Pokémon.

After all, these Pokémon are like a bear child most of the time, but their destructive power is much stronger than that of a bear child.

"Here's your phone, check it yourself." Heath rolled his eyes. Sometimes it's not for nothing to listen to people's advice to eat enough, but since Zoroark's curiosity is so strong, Heath doesn't mind letting him The other party checked for himself.

After all, persuading people often has no effect. It is better to let them hit the south wall by themselves, so that the lesson can be deepened.

Zoroark took the phone and started to check, and then Zoroark's eyes gradually changed from curiosity to panic, then to disgust, and even had an urge to vomit, Heath quickly put his He took the phone back, closed his eyes and turned off the pictures, and then put the phone back in his pocket.

However, after such a search, Heath suspects that his mobile phone will start to push him various hospitals or information and medicines for treating diseases. The big data of the Pokémon world is much better than that of the previous life. In the world where dragons exist, these technologies have also been strongly developed.

After searching for some incredible pictures, Zoroark's entire fox was going to be depressed. Heath looked at Zoroark with a smile and didn't speak. This little guy was like a curious baby all day long, asking Those who ask that, now let Zoroak know what the consequences of being too curious are.

Then Heath took the loveless Zoroark to the supermarket to buy a lot of seasonings and some meat of decent quality. After all, all kinds of meat are consumed most by barbecue stalls. When passing by the wine area, Heath couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Heath had obtained a strange crystal from Nightmare God Darkrai before, which could make wine, but Heath had never sold that wine, and he planned to save it first, and then keep it for future use.

What's more, if it's a barbecue stand, Heath thinks that beer is a good choice, and there is no liquor in this world, which makes Heath feel a little pity.

Barbecue with beer, gout right away
No, barbecue and beer are a perfect match. Many people like this combination, and the sales of beer were also very good yesterday, so Heath plans to buy some beer this time, otherwise, the inventory in the dining car will not be enough. up.

It’s just that there are too many types of beer in the Pokémon World. The first is the berry series beer launched by Lemon Tree Company. Each berry corresponds to a beer flavor. Some miraculous effects, but Heath doesn't like this beer very much, the taste is very strange, it is not Heath's first choice.

The second type is the draft beer Heath bought. It is a very traditional beer without any additional additions. The taste is also very good and the foam is small, but if you want to make a lot of foam, there is no problem.

This beer is Heath's go-to choice for those who like to drink fizz and those who don't, and this beer fits the bill.

Then there are dark beer, white beer and other kinds of beer. Heath bought some dark beer, and draft beer is still Heath's first choice, but the shelf life of this stuff is not too long, so he must drink it up as soon as possible.

After buying the condiments, beer and meat needed today, Heath asked the supermarket to provide delivery service. After all, Heath still purchased a large amount, so the supermarket asked Haoli to lead a team to deliver the goods.

"Next is the vegetable market." Heath yawned.

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