I open a restaurant in Pokémon world

Chapter 524 The Failed Lettuce

Chapter 524 The Failed Lettuce
"Hello~ Boss~ We are here again~" When Heath was entertaining the guests, he heard the voices of two men. The man is warmly greeting Heath.

"It's Mr. Dagang, are you still the same today?" Heath recognized the other party's identity after a glance at the other party. After all, the other party left a deep impression on Heath.

And the other, whose name Heath remembered seemed to be
What is it?Heath didn't have much of an impression. After all, the guests Heath entertained yesterday can be described as a lot, quite a lot. Naturally, it is impossible to remember the names of every guest.

Mr. Dagang is also remembered by Hiss because of some of his particularities.

Mr. Dagang, this is a very special guest at Heath’s barbecue booth. The guest’s favorite thing to do is to drink. Besides, his second favorite thing is to eat barbecue and drink. Anyway, Heath during this time When I saw Mr. Dagang, the other party was drinking, and yesterday was the same. He drank a lot of wine at Heath's place, and Heath was taken aback for a while.

Heath has always wondered whether Mr. Dagang's drinking capacity is a little scary. After all, the other party's drinking capacity is too scary, and he can easily drink hundreds of bottles after eating a barbecue.

Frankly speaking, Heath thinks that Mr. Dagang probably belongs to the kind of situation with extraordinary talents. Even if this kind of person does not work, it is very easy to be a big eater anchor.

"Haha~ yes, bring me some barbecue with wine~anything~" Mr. Dagang said with a smile, the smell of wine in his mouth was a bit strong, Heath gave Mr. Dagang a strange look, Did Mr. Dagang just go to the barbecue stall next to him for dinner?After all, when Heath saw a barbecue stand that gave guests who came to eat a barbecue a free beer, he knew that Mr. Dagang would definitely go there first.

It's just that Heath didn't expect Mr. Dagang to come back so soon, which made Heath a little surprised. Originally, Heath thought that Mr. Dagang would simply continue drinking his wine over there.

But Heath is just a restaurant owner after all, not a couple in love, so naturally he wouldn't ask such weird words as 'why did you go there'.

Although I used to set up a stall in Zhenxin Town, I occasionally saw customers who were very close to me go to eat in other shops, and I still felt an inexplicable sense of discomfort.

"Okay, I do have a good recommendation for snacks, but I don't know if you can accept it, Mr. Dagang." Heath said with a smile. He thought of some of his gains in Zhenxin Town, and when he talked about In terms of food and drinks, although the appetizers are quite unique, people who like them really like them, the ones that they like very much, and the words of Mr. Dagang.
Heath glanced at the reminder on the opponent's head, and he thought that Mr. Dagang and his companions would like to eat this unique food very much.

"Oh? What is it?" Mr. Dagang really became interested. Heath baked the food they wanted for other guests, and at the same time took out the unique food and showed it to Mr. Dagang.

This is a piece of green onion, but it is wrapped with a layer of marinated fat sausage, which looks very special. In fact, this is also a delicacy that Heath brought from Zhenxin Town, green onion sausage.

Although heavy-flavored scallions and fatty sausages are a very strange combination, there are actually not a few people who like to eat this way. The unique taste after the combination of the two is a favorite of many people. Food and drink is also a good choice, combined with the taste of Mr. Scallion, Heath also intends to recommend it to Mr. Dagang.

The method of scallion sausage is also very simple. After the fatty sausage is marinated, put it on the onion. You can consider using ordinary shallots, but overall the taste is good, and it is also a good choice to smear some chili powder and barbecue powder after grilling.

"Ah, what you mean is that the outer layer is pig large intestine?" Mr. Dagang was a little surprised. He knew that pig large intestine was used as feed, wasn't it?Occasionally, it can be used alone to make other things, but sometimes it will be directly treated as kitchen waste.

Mr. Dagang is a little unbelievable. Can the food that is treated as kitchen waste these days be eaten?

"Yes, the taste is very good." Heath nodded. Many people are more resistant to eating fat intestines for the first time. After all, many people are more resistant to the special taste of fat intestines, but Heath has seen Mr. Dagang's taste preferences Afterwards, Heath felt that the other party might really start a new hobby by eating fat intestines once.

Mr. Dagang took a serious look at Heath, and then added a bunch, Heath didn't mind, and then prepared other side dishes according to what Mr. Dagang said.

Mr. Dagang especially likes to eat peanuts, deep-fried peanuts, sprinkled with a little salt, fried crispy, that is an excellent appetizer, but watching Mr. Dagang take a bite of scallion sausage in Heath Afterwards, Mr. Dagang became pleasantly surprised, and the onion sausage launched by Heath was also welcomed by Mr. Dagang.

"Zoroark, how do you feel about the guests who just ate the lettuce?" Heath dragged Zoroark and asked, two tables of guests just ordered a lettuce, but until now, Heath's task It wasn't finished either, which made Heath a little anxious.

"Eh? Aren't they... just eating normally?" Zoroak glanced at the two tables of guests suspiciously, and they didn't show any strange expressions.

Heath frowned. The lettuce was indeed eaten by the guests, which can be regarded as fulfilling his hospitality conditions, but why didn't Heath's task be completed after these guests ate it?
There are two possibilities. The first is that lettuce is not a special delicacy in Ziyuan Town at all, so naturally the task cannot be completed. Heath thinks this possibility is not impossible. After all, lettuce is very common, just like ordinary vegetables. , I can't see anything strange.

And the second possibility is that Heath has not mastered the real method of making lettuce, or the method that can be recognized by Goldfinger is not what Heath is doing now.

"Tsk, so where is the problem?" Heath irritatedly sliced ​​open the eggplant in his hand, and sprinkled minced garlic on it.

Although irritable, but the guests still have to entertain.

(End of this chapter)

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